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Greater Good Charities and Austin Animal Center will offer free high quality, high volume spay and neuter to local pet community of Travis County.

Where: Travis County Expo Center, 7311 Decker Lane, Austin, Texas
When: Sept. 24-28, 2024

Registration and drop-off will begin on-site at 7:30 a.m. and will continue until 10 a.m., or until capacity is met.

  • All patients will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants must be residents of Travis County.
  • For your safety and the safety of others, please follow all posted placards at the clinic site and remain in your car the entire time.
  • All pets must be at least 2 lbs and 2 months old.
  • Cats must be in secure carriers or traps with a usable door. Only one cat is allowed per carrier.
  • Please alert staff at the time of drop-off if the pet is known to be currently nursing.
  • We will provide pick-up information at the time of drop-off and written discharge instructions when your pet is discharged.
  • If your pet has been vaccinated in the last year, please bring proof of vaccine.


Frequently asked questions:

Do you have to reside in Travis County? Will there be a verification/proof of residency?

Yes. Since we are a tax funded, municipal shelter our regular jurisdiction applies. Please bring an ID or piece of mail with your name and current address to verify residency.

How many animals are you allowed to bring?

There is no limit on animals per car.  The line will be cut once capacity is reached each morning. 


Are feral cats ok to bring in if the cats are in a permitted cat trap and covered?

We encourage people to trap and bring free roaming cats to be sterilized.  They must be in a humane trap and covered.  The cats will be scanned for a microchip before surgery is performed.  If you are attached to your trap cover please let the check in team know so they can swap for a different cover, as they tend to get lost with our laundry.


Is the clinic for all five days?

Yes, the clinic surgery days will be on September 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th. 

Still have questions? Contact animal.media@austintexas.gov!

Travis County Expo Center
7311 Decker Lane
Austin, TX 78724
United States