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Cooking Demo Vegan Jan 17 2024 6-7:30pm

Cooking Demo: Vegan
With Common Threads

✨ A vegan diet excludes meat, dairy, and all foods derived from animals. You will learn how to make a quick and healthy meal using products found at your local grocery store. Tastings are included! 

On the menu: Sweet Potato, corn and black bean tacos.

Pre-registration required by Friday, January 12th. For pre-registration, please email maccwellness@austintexas.gov
Una dieta vegana excluye la carne, los lácteos y todos los alimentos derivados de animales. Aprenderá a preparar una comida rápida y saludable con productos que se encuentran en su supermercado local. ¡Las degustaciones están incluidas!
El menu incluye camote, elote y tacos de frijol negro.
Se requiere pre-registro. Para pre-registro por favor envie un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov

⏰ Wednesday, January 17th 6:00-7:30pm
🏡 Austin Central Library
📌710 West Cesar Chavez Street, Austin TX 78701

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Austin Central Library
710 W Cesar Chavez St
Austin, TX 78701
United States

Lorie Martinez