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Budgeting Workshop Feb 21 at LIttle Walnut Creek Library

Budgeting Workshop at Little Walnut Creek Library
with Business & Community Leaders of Texas

✨ What is your money personality and how does it affect your daily finances? Learn how to track your expenses and create a spending plan to start an emergency fund or prepare for large purchases. Facilitated by Business Community Lenders of Texas.

Pre-registration required. Please email maccwellness@austintexas.gov
¿Cuál es su personalidad monetaria y cómo afecta a sus finanzas diarias? Aprenda a hacer un seguimiento de sus gastos y a crear un plan de gastos para tener un fondo de emergencia o prepararse para grandes compras. Se requiere pre-registro. Facilitado por Business Community Lenders of Texas.
Se requiere pre-registro. Por favor manda un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov. 

⏰ Wednesday, February 21 @ 6:00-7:30pm
🏡 Little Walnust Creek Library
📌 835 West Rundberg Lane, Austin TX 78758

📝 Pre-registration required: email maccwellness@austintexas.gov

Little Walnut Creek Library
835 West Rundberg Lane
Austin, TX 78758
United States

Lorie Martinez