Aviso de queja relacionada con 2023-0141
El querellante a lega que los oficiales de la policía de Austin no investigaron completamente una llamada de violencia doméstica, lo que resultó en el arresto del querellante.
Aviso de queja relacionada con 2023-0141(En inglés)187.14 KBContenido del documento
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February 17, 2023
ICMS #: 2023-0141
On February 15, 2023, the OPO received an online complaint.
The complainant alleges: The officers who came
basically profiled me, and
attacked my girlfriend and step kids forcing them to turn on me. My gf and I had an
argument, and the main officer involved, repeatedly kept telling my gf that he knows
something happened. And then when my girlfriend didn't say what he wanted, he went to
my step daughter who then felt pressured by the officers. She told me that they made her
feel like she had to tell them something happened. I was in handcuffs outside in the cold
with no shoes or jacket, for over an hour. I was ridiculed by the officers just because I was
praying. I was called names, and not even allowed to speak to my girlfriend. I did nothing
wrong. No one was hurt. And they took no pictures or anything, but yet I allegedly
assaulted my step daughter.
This notice of complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to
determine if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service
Rules, and Municipal Civil Service Rules.