Queja formal: Responsabilidad hacia la comunidad, propósito y alcance
El querellante alega que un oficial colocó su vehículo de una manera que la persona no podía moverse ni estar fuera de peligro. La OPO recomienda que esta queja reciba una clasificación B.
Queja formal: Responsabilidad hacia la comunidad, propósito y alcance171.52 KBContenido del documento
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ICMS #: 2021-0477
May 17, 2021
Complaint: The complainant alleges a police officer in a black and white SUV (license #
trapped her under the bars of a railroad crossing on
by being SO
close behind her she couldn't back up, and the officer would not move his car to help her get out
of harm's way. She stated she almost had to get SO close as to hit the officer's car before he
decided to move back SO she could get off the railroad tracks. She stated that the officer
should've done something to help her get out of harm's way. Instead, she stated she felt the
officer purposely didn't want to move out of ill motive.
This notice of formal complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to
determine if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service Rules, and
Municipal Civil Service Rules.
Recommended Administrative Policies to Review (to include but not limited to):
All persons deserve protection by fair and impartial law enforcement and should be able to expect
similar police response to their behavior wherever it occurs. Employees will serve the public
through direction, counseling, assistance, and protection of life and property. Employees will be
held accountable for the manner in which they exercise the authority of their office or position.
Employees will respect the rights of individuals and perform their services with honesty, sincerity,
courage, and sound judgment.
Recommended Classification: The OPO is permitted to make a preliminary recommendation on
the classification of administrative cases.
The OPO recommends this complaint receive a B classification.
The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to
communications will be provided upon request.