Queja formal: Propósito y alcance, labor policial en la comunidad y otras violaciones a políticas
El querellante alega que el Departamento de Policía de Austin usa un dispositivo de tiempo de guerra contra manifestantes. Pide que el Departamento de Policía elimine este dispositivo. La Oficina de Fiscalización recomienda que esta alegación reciba una clasificación A.
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OF CHILL OFFICE OF NOTICE OF FORMAL POLICE OVERSIGHT COMPLAINT FOUNDED ICMS #: 2020-0923 June 9, 2020 Complaint: The Office of Police Oversight received an email complaint from stating as follows: "Police Oversight Committee, I'm appalled that the APD is utilizing a wartime device against civilian protestors exercising their right to assemble. Why is it appropriate for the police, those who are supposedly here to serve and protect us, to inflict lifelong damage and disabilities. Frankly I find it disgusting that a city that applauds itself as diverse, safe, liberal and weird encourages wanton police violence. I implore you to remove this device from use by the police force, there is no appropriate use for this device in this country. Sincerely, Austin resident" The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.