Queja formal: Propósito y alcance, labor policial en la comunidad y otras violaciones a políticas
La querellante alega que caminaba acerca de una protesta cuando vio gas lacrimógeno siendo rociada y giró hacia el otro lado. Cuando caminada, fue golpeada en la parte posterior del brazo resultando en heridas. La Oficina de Fiscalización de la Policía recomienda que esta alegación reciba una clasificación A.
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OF CITY SUSTEM OFFICE OF NOTICE OF FORMAL POLICE OVERSIGHT COMPLAINT FOUNDED 1839 ICMS #: 2020-0943 June 9, 2020 Complaint: The Office of Police Oversight received a phone complaint from complainant, stating that this incident occurred sometime between The complainant states that she was visiting Austin from Michigan and was walking near the protest, on other side of street from , and saw mace being sprayed and turned back to walk towards car. She states that, as she was walking, she got hit in the back of the arm and her arm is now infected. She states that she went to the ER and she has a huge arm mass that the doctor said will probably never go away. She states that she is not sure if it was a rubber bullet or a bean bag and is assuming it was rubber bullet. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.