Queja formal: Propósito y alcance, labor policial en la comunidad y otras violaciones a políticas
El querellante alega que fue testigo de un incidente en el que el Departamento de Policía de Austin le disparó a una persona y tiene fotos de un oficial del Departamento de Policía de Austin riéndose mientras la persona sangraba al igual que una imagen de un oficial disparando a los paramédicos que asistían a la persona. La Oficina de Fiscalización de la Policía recomienda que esta alegación reciba una clasificación A.
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ICMS #: 2020-1024
June 17, 2020
complainant, emailed the Office of Police Oversight stating the
"I'm a professional photographer who recently moved to Austin from Seattle. I was
standing close to
when he was shot. I have photos of the incident. I've got photos of
) laughing as
bleeds out on the ground, shots of people
to safety, and shots of police (officer
crew) opening fire on the
medics who were trying to get him to the ambulance. A lawyer friend of mine suggested
contacting you about this. I am absolutely appalled and disgusted with the APD"s handling
of this situation. Officer
conduct was shameful and a disgrace to all of the good
officers out there. There is no excuse for a trained officer to be laughing at an innocent
man, twitching and bleeding out from the back of his skull.
Here's my account of the incident:
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