Queja formal: Documentación de identidad de género en Versadex
El querellante alega que después de reportar un incidente de agresión sexual, los oficiales de la policía de Austin no manejaron correctamente la evidencia ni suministraron un espacio seguro y confidencial para hacer preguntas al querellante sobre el incidente. La OPO recomienda que esta alegación reciba una clasificación B.
Queja formal: Documentación de identidad de género en Versadex227.83 KBContenido del documento
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ICMS #: 2021-1264
January 7, 2022
Complaint: The complainant alleges: Made a report of sexual assault to both APD and UTPD.
First went to
for one assault (APD ignored me) and was later told there was no record of
the report made, I've been looking into Title IX to see what legal action I have there. After going
to APD for a second assault that happened weeks later I felt my evidence was improperly taken
and tested. I believe I've been lied to about the results. When the officers questioned me it was not
in a secure location and was asked questions about a sexual assault in front of strangers passing
by. I was asked inappropriate questions that led to further harm or secondary blame of a victim. I
believe the police are hiding the factual evidence and protecting themselves and those in power
who may be responsible.
This notice of formal complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to
determine if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service Rules, and
Municipal Civil Service Rules.
Recommended Administrative Policies to Review (to include but not limited to):
When officers are made aware of persons who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or
gender non-conforming and need to document that encounter in police reports, field observation
cards, field release citations, or warnings they will use the following guidelines.
Recommended Classification: The OPO is permitted to make a preliminary recommendation on
the classification of administrative cases.
The OPO recommends this complaint receive a B classification.
The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to
communications will be provided upon request.