Aviso de queja relacionada con 2023-0118
El querellante alega que un oficial de la policía de Austin no respondió correctamente a un choque automovilístico y no enmendó el reporte con las correcciones que solicitó el querellante.
Aviso de queja relacionada con 2023-0118 (En inglés) 198.26 KBContenido del documento
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February 10, 2023
ICMS #: 2023-0118
On February 9, 2023, the OPO received an online complaint.
The complainant alleges: Officer
did not take my
statement or record my spoken statement to his fellow officer into crash report with Case
What is written in the report is the statement
of an alleged "third party witness" making a misleading and ultimately false statement, as
that statement assumed my intent as driver of Unit 1. I never attempted to turn right. I was
headed straight towards
Unit 2 attempted to turn left, but first headed straight in the
wrong lane, against traffic. Additionally, the report has an incorrect ethnicity for my
passenger (he did not ask), is missing the passenger of Unit 2 entirely, and the vehicle
damage ratings are incorrect.
I have photographic evidence, my own and obtained from body worn camera (BWC)
footage I obtained via request showing these missing and incorrect aspects. From the photo
of the crash, it is clear I was not attempting to turn right.
After this issue, I called many times to get my statement added to the record, and after over
I was assured by the officer's sergeant, Sgt.
over the phone
that a supplement was filed. Calling Highway Enforcement Command recently, I found
that the supplement was never filed.
My original complaint, for which I never received a response, had a number of
This is a new complaint reiterating what I have said about the factually incorrect report
filed by Officer
and adding the false statement given to me over the phone by Sgt.
that a supplement was filed.
I am requesting an amendment to the report actually using evidence in addition to the
statements of all those involved, including myself, and not just the Unit 2 occupants and
the "witnesses." The third party "witnesses" went to talk to the drivers of Unit 2 and chatted
with them in a friendly manner before police arrived.
Witness info: The third party "witnesses" are the females in two of the photographs taken
from the BWC footage. They did not have a good view of the accident, despite their claim.
They were in the same vehicle and only the shorter of the two saw anything, according to
their own words in the BWC footage.
This notice of complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to
determine if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service
Rules, and Municipal Civil Service Rules.