Aviso de queja relacionada con 2022-0849
El querellante alega que los oficiales de la policía de Austin no fueron serviciales y fueron agresivos al interactuar con los querellantes.
Aviso de queja relacionada con 2022-0849194.69 KBContenido del documento
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September 30, 2022
ICMS #: 2022-0849
On September 26, 2022, the OPO received an email complaint.
The complainant alleges: I've had a terrible experience with the Austin police department.
I've made several reports to the FBI and Department of Justice. My experience began when
my former landlords reported me to the police for trespassing when I returned for my
belongings which I was told were still on site and I was unable to get the police to escort
me. The day before I was sorting through what they had given me to make sure every item
was taken out of my apartment. They became unreasonable and did not allow me to
complete the task.
When I was brought to jail I complained about a problem I'd been having that may be a
red flag for human trafficking. They did nothing about this and used an email to get a court
order to send me to a hospital to be diagnosed with illnesses that I have no history of and
would not have been able to progress SO far that I lost touch with reality. I've lost access to
two platforms I worked on and have suffered other financial losses.
The officers that brought me to the hospital were unreasonably aggressive.
The person that reported my emails has a history of invading my privacy, bullying me,
trying to cause then diagnose me with a mental illness, and possibly working with the
community to psychologically abuse me as she has done with others, and I now know that
has to be true otherwise this would not have happened. I have evidence that the APD would
not allow me to present and labeled them as delusions.
An officer in the jail said I would be able to leave in 14 hours when I arrived. I was there
for at least a week. The experience was psychologically abusing. I am trying to repair the
damage that you have done and trying my best to work with your system but you're trying
to make me a perpetrator when really I'm the victim and the community I was evicted from
is committing a hate crime. The situation has been going on for
This notice of complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to
determine if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service
Rules, and Municipal Civil Service Rules.