Aviso de queja relacionada con 2022-0079
El querellante alega que un oficial de la policía de Austin no informó de manera adecuada sobre un incidente de colisión de vehículos presentado por el querellante. Además, el querellante alega que el proceso de reporte de incidentes en línea del Departamento de Policía de Austin para incidentes que no son emergencia ha hecho más difícil reportar el incidente en línea.
Aviso de queja relacionada con 2022-0079191.12 KBContenido del documento
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February 11, 2022
ICMS #: 2022-0079
On February 1, 2022 the OPO received an online complaint.
The complainant alleges: I am the Victim of a Hit and Run, On
, We were taking
cut off when an idiot plowed into the back of us. He fled the seen, I followed
procedure and tried to place my report through the Ireportaustin.com but the website did not have
the model of my vehicle which is a Chevrolet Traverse, SO speaking with 311 I was told that I
would have to place my request for a case number there, which I did, I have waited since
for a response and got nothing until
in which I had missed a private# call and then
a second , I did not have a chance to listen to my voicemail until after that 2nd call was made by
then that officer or whoever was on the other end of the line spoke SO fast that I had to listen to my
voice mail twice at that point he said that he was closing my case and I would have to start all over
again, first of all No one informed me that the call would come from a private or blocked number,
had I been informed I would have picked up the 2nd call, secondly how can you cancel my request
after I have been waiting this long, and to top it off the "website" does not have a Traverse as a
This notice of complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to determine
if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service Rules, and Municipal
Civil Service Rules.