Outside of City Hall

Managing the City Budget

One of the key responsibilities of the Austin City Manager is planning and implementing the City’s annual budget.

Austin is a vital and thriving community. Our collective success generates billions in tax revenue – but this operating income must be carefully managed to fund essential services, invest in future growth and provide a safe and stable infrastructure for all Austinites.  Once projects and initiatives are funded, they must be implemented in a timely and efficient manner, then checked afterward to ensure they are productive and beneficial to the public.

The busiest time of the budget process is late summer to early fall, when the city manager’s office works closely with the Council and the departments to enact a balanced budget by the beginning of the fiscal year.

Annual Operating Budget

The City of Austin's annual budget consists of two primary components: the Operating Budget and the Capital Budget.

The operating budget is funded primarily through local property and sales taxes along with several other sources. The budget covers one fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.

The Capital Budget funds major improvements to City facilities and infrastructure. The money for these improvements comes from bonds, grants, cash and some smaller sources of funding. Learn more about the difference between the two budget components here.

Every year the budget process begins in mid-April with a budget outreach effort. Residents can learn more about the budget process by watching our Budget Basics video and delving into details reviewing department-level forecast presentations and publications.

For more information about budget development and budget documents, visit City Budget.

Capital Planning Budget

The City of Austin regularly undertakes projects to improve public facilities and infrastructure for the benefit of citizens. Collectively, these projects are referred to as the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Projects in the CIP may include the construction and renovation of city facilities, such as recreation centers and libraries; repaving of streets; replacement of water and wastewater lines; and provision of power to residents. 


The five-year Capital Improvement Plan is produced annually and can be found in the City's Annual Budget.