Notice of complaint related to 2022-0934
Complainant alleges Austin police officers inaccurately arrested the victim instead of the aggressor.
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October 14, 2022
ICMS #: 2022-0934
On October 13, 2022, the OPO received an email complaint.
The complainant alleges:
alrededor de las
frente a mi casa un hombre
agredió físicamente a mi Sobrina, ella se defendió y los Oficiales de APD
arrestaron a mi Sobrina y al agresor que pegó primero lo dejaron libre.
Dejando 3 niños esperando a su madre de 11, 7 y 1 año de edad que toma leche materna.
El agresor
está solicitando Visa U gracias a la alarma decisión de los policías de APD
que no tomó en cuenta declaración de testigos , tampoco revisó el golpe a mi Sobrina.
Mal trabajo
English translation:
in front of my house a man physically assaulted my niece, she
defended herself and APD Officers
arrested my niece and
the assailant who struck first was set free. Leaving 3 children waiting for their mother aged
11, 7 and 1 who drinks breast milk. the aggressor is applying for a U Visa thanks to
the alarm decision of the APD police officers who did not take into account witness
statements, nor did they review the blow to my niece.
Bad job
This notice of complaint is a request for Internal Affairs to initiate an investigation to
determine if the employee conduct is within compliance of APD policy, Civil Service
Rules, and Municipal Civil Service Rules.