The Parks and Recreation Department’s existing maintenance barn is undersized and in extremely poor condition for Zilker Metropolitan Park maintenance staff’s current needs. The existing facility is also located within the Barton Creek Watershed in very close proximity to Barton Springs Pool. The renovation is pursuing LEED Silver Certification. This project is on hold. City Council District 8


Construction project activity has been on hold due to the General Contractor filing bankruptcy. The project will resume when the City seeks and procures a new General Contractor to complete the project. Construction is currently anticipated to resume in the Summer of 2025.


Image of map of Zilker Park highlighting project site on Columbus Rd. west of Andrew Zilker Rd.

The maintenance barn staff is responsible for maintaining all Zilker Metropolitan Park, including the pool, grounds, and buildings. The new maintenance facility will be relocated out of the Barton Creek Watershed and into the Eanes Creek Watershed in a less-trafficked area of Zilker Park. The need for the new facility was first explored by PARD in 2008 to 2009 and included the performance of an intensive cultural resources survey with shovel testing and backhoe trenching of the western part of Zilker Park under Texas Antiquities Permit 6512; the site was found to be acceptable. The Public Works Department was engaged to manage the project in 2015. After several years of coordination with the Development Services Department, a site development permit for the project was released in spring 2020.

Project Description

The proposed Zilker Maintenance Facility project footprint is 0.8 acres and includes the following: a maintenance building with offices and restroom, two pole barns, a parking lot, a mower cleaning station, a fuel station, a lift station, fencing, and lighting. Outside the footprint, additional features include an electrical service line, a water line, a wastewater line, a water quality area, and a biofiltration pond for stormwater quality. Weston Solutions are the Design consultant for the project. Sayers Construction is serving as the general contractor. The project is pursuing LEED Silver Certification.

Zilker Maintenance facility project

Environmental Goals

The Zilker Maintenance Facility project is pursuing LEED Silver certification. The planned sustainability initiatives are expected to reduce operation and maintenance costs and restore the natural ecosystem. Major site-related sustainability measures include protecting and restoring the site’s habitat with native non-invasive adapted, drought-tolerant landscaping, preserving open space, and managing rainwater through the development of a protected biofiltration pond.

Trees removed to accommodate the construction of the facility will be replaced at rates indicated by the Environmental Criteria Manual. No heritage trees will be removed.

The new maintenance building will reduce water use through the installation of new low-flow and low-flush fixtures and will ensure good indoor air quality for occupants by using low-emitting materials, including paint, adhesives/sealants/coatings, and flooring systems. The metal roof will be a high-reflectance material, and the parking lot pavement will be concrete with a “Heat Island Reduction” material instead of using asphalt. The exterior security light fixtures will be highly efficient LED lights. The project will significantly reduce its energy use and have a recycling collection program. Several additional initiatives are being considered that may help the project achieve higher levels of LEED certification, including installing solar panels and electric vehicle charging stations. 

Zilker Maintenance facility layout

The project design process was to protect, conserve, and restore the landscape and the ecosystem services it provides. These ecosystem services are essential benefits that the landscape provides to the surrounding community, such as managing stormwater, cleaning the air, sequestering carbon, regulating climate, enhancing human health and wellbeing, and providing habitat for pollinators and other native fauna.

The specific strategies pursued as part of the project’s SITES certification include managing 100% of stormwater on-site, improving soil health, installing native and adapted landscaping, protecting heritage trees, providing spaces that support human health and wellness onsite, and using sustainable materials and construction processes.

Anticipated Schedule

  • Summer 2021: Construction Started (On Hold)
  • Summer 2025: Anticipated construction re-start
  • Spring 2026: Anticipated construction completion

Please note that as in any construction project, schedules are projected as accurately as possible, but all dates are subject to change due to the nature of construction and weather.

Community Engagement

Previous community engagement opportunities regarding this project include:

  • January 10, 2019
    • Presentation on 90% Construction Document Design
    • Discussed site plan process currently submitted for review. Zilker Maintenance Barn staff in attendance and representatives from Barton Springs Conservancy. Good feedback was received on Green Infrastructure desires.
  • April 3, 2018
    • 30% design Presentation
    • Presented to stakeholders during the Barton Springs Bathhouse Kick-off meeting
  • May 17, 2017
    • Meeting with Zilker Park stakeholders on Design Concepts

Funding and Resources                 

This project is being funded through a combination of 2012 and 2018 bond funding.

Contact Information

For additional information contact George Maldonado, Project Manager, Parks and Recreation Department by email or by phone at (512) 974-9525, or David Nicks, Project Manager AIA, with the Capital Delivery Services Department.