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Designed by Charles Page, the historic rustic-style Zilker Clubhouse is among the most cherished sites in Zilker Metropolitan Park, which is a National Register Historic District. The Clubhouse was constructed in 1934 by workers from the Civil Work Administration during the New Deal era. It is a one-story structure built of limestone and features unique ornamental ironwork such as door handles, hinges, and lanterns. The building and the surrounding 30 acres of land were used initially by the Boy Scouts for activities and scout meetings. Constructed on the highest point in the park, the Clubhouse faces southeast and its terrace provides a sweeping view of Austin's skyline and Ladybird Lake.
Project Description
The Zilker Clubhouse requires extensive restoration to address a number of deteriorated conditions and systems, as well as ADA accessibility challenges. Currently, the building requires a new roof, window and door restoration, masonry cleaning and repainting, restoration of ironwork, multiple ADA modifications, replacement of exterior lighting, and parking and wayfinding improvements. The building may also require extensive systems upgrades to be determined by a feasibility analysis. The analysis will explore the possibility of the installation of an HVAC system. Nearby Lookout Point requires masonry repair and restoration of the wood pergola and will be included within the scope of the design project, although the funding for its restoration will come in a future phase.
The Zilker Clubhouse is located in the far western section of the park, known as Zilker Nature Preserve, west of Mopac. The facility and grounds will continue to be available to the public to rent for events during the project’s design phase, however, the building will close to public rentals for a period of time during construction. This information will be communicated as it becomes available.
- Improve deteriorated conditions of the Clubhouse facility while preserving the historic character and the unique architectural details;
- Address accessibility and compliance code updates and systems upgrades (including a feasibility study regarding the installation of an HVAC system);
- Evaluate and enhance site use, wayfinding, interpretive information and parking;
- Meet sustainability goals by implementing sustainable building practices necessary to conserve energy, water and other natural resources, promote human health and safety, and enhance a high-quality, enduring structure.
This project will benefit the community by retaining the site as an affordable rental venue, while enhancing the flexibility of the site to hold many types of group events.
Anticipated Schedule
Please note that as in any construction project, schedules are projected as accurately as possible. All dates are subject to change due to the nature of construction and the weather.
- Summer 2020: Conducted focus-group stakeholder engagement meetings and emailed surveys to past users of the site; Developed and documented the Schematic Design (complete, details below)
- Fall 2020: Held open House for interested public to review the Schematic Design (complete, details below)
- Spring 2021: Design Development Phase (complete)
- Fall 2021: Construction Documents and Permitting and updates (ongoing)
- Early 2025: Reissue for bid
- Summer 2025: Construction begins
- Summer 2026: Construction ends
Community Engagement
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Virtual Open House
Nov. 10, 2020
The Open House informed the community and interested stakeholders of the planned preservation work and functional improvements.
View survey results (survey open from June 1 to July 7, 2020)
The survey was shared with those who have reserved the space or acted as a vendor in this space.
Funding and Resources
The funding for the Rehabilitation of the Zilker Clubhouse is made possible through Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funding to support projects and initiatives that meet allowable uses as defined under Chapter 351 of the Texas Tax Code. HOT revenue is an essential tool for the promotion of tourism and supports the growth of the tourism, convention, and hotel industry. The Parks and Recreation Department is an important partner in this effort as public parks, museums, and cultural centers are among the top tourist attractions in the City.
Contact Information
For more information, please email
For requests to reserve the Zilker Clubhouse for an event, please email: