The City of Austin’s Zero Waste Business Rebate is an incentive for businesses to improve their waste reduction and diversion practices. Eligible businesses can receive up to $3,000 for reducing waste beyond the minimum requirements of the Universal Recycling Ordinance. The City of Austin offers rebates for commercial, food-permitted, and multifamily properties and businesses. Please select the rebate options that best fit your property or business type. Applicants are welcome to apply for all rebate options. 


Rebates for food-permitted properties

Encourage food donation

  • Cold food storage like freezers and refrigerators
  • Non-perishable food storage like shelves and bins
  • Equipment for transporting food like coolers and vacuum seal bags

Replace single-use items with reusable and compostable options

  • Reusable or compostable tableware alternatives for on-site service or takeout
  • Storage space or units, such as shelving and bins, for organizing reusable tableware

Start or expand back-of-house organics services

  • 12 months of commercial organic hauling service
  • Indoor collection bins
  • BPI-certified compostable bags

Start or expand front-of-house organics services

  • Customer-facing organic collection bins
  • Educational signs for collection bins
  • BPI-certified compostable bags
Rebates for multifamily properties

Encourage recycling and composting amongst residents

  • Indoor recycling and composting collection bins, such as kitchen compost collectors, to distribute to your residents
  • BPI-certified compostable bags to distribute to your residents

Start a program to encourage reuse of common items at your property

  • Equipment or materials used to set up a program focused on reusing cardboard boxes, household cleaners, clothing or other items in the community
  • Eligible expenses include bins, bin liners, shelving and storage, boxes and/or signage
Rebates for commercial properties

Start or expand organics services

  • 12 months of commercial organic hauling service
  • Indoor collection service bins
  • BPI-certified compostable bags

Replace single-use items with reusable and compostable alternatives

  • Reusable or compostable tableware alternatives for on-site service or takeout
  • Storage space or units, such as shelving and bins, for organizing reusable tableware

Start a collection service for hard-to-recycle items 

  • 12 months of hauling services for hard-to-recycle materials such as Styrofoam, plastic film, batteries or electronic waste
  • Collection bins and equipment for the hard-to-recycle materials

Increase diversion options and reduce costs by sharing outdoor containers and dumpsters

  • Building a new enclosure to house shared organics, recycling and landfill containers
  • Pouring a new concrete slab to accommodate larger carts and/or dumpsters

Apply today!

Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis and there is a limited amount of funding available for each category. The application is open from October 1 to July 1 of each year, or once all funds are allocated. Review the rebate terms and conditions and submit a rebate application.

Who is eligible?

The rebate is available to commercial businesses, non-profits and multifamily properties that meet all of the following criteria:

What is the process?

There are four steps in the rebate process. You must follow all steps in order.

  1. Check eligibility and apply for the rebate

    • Review the rebate terms and conditions and submit a rebate application.
    • Complete an in-person or virtual site visit to confirm eligibility to participate in the program.
    • If applying for composting service, provide the required documentation needed for application approval.
    • Receive a notification of eligibility.
  2. Purchase eligible supplies and/or services

    • Submit payment information and itemized receipts and invoices for pre-approved materials and services.

  3. Receive reimbursement check

    • Please allow eight to 10 weeks from the date the payment information is submitted to receive your rebate check.

  4. Complete exit interview

    • Complete the exit interview with City staff by phone or in person to discuss successes, challenges and lessons learned from your diversion efforts.

Rebate limitations

  • Rebate cannot exceed $3,000 per eligible location.
  • Rebate funding may be used at three properties per owning entity or property management company per fiscal year. Applicants can reapply for the rebate for two fiscal years to receive funding for a maximum of three years.
  • Collection services must be provided through a licensed private hauler.
  • Rebate funds are not guaranteed. Rebates are available to eligible participants on a first-come, first-served basis and there is a limited amount of funding available for each category of eligible expenses. Rebate reservations or rain checks are not accepted.

Other restrictions apply.