In 2017, the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) completed an assessment of park system signage with recommendations for improvement, including the need for a programmatic approach to managing signage. In 2018, PARD harnessed internal graphic design resources to develop a concept-level update to PARD’s Signage and Wayfinding Manual with a focus on welcoming messaging and a refreshed look, but additional resources were still needed for the full development of a manual. In 2019, PARD’s Sign Standards Committee was formed to support the development of the PARD Signage and Wayfinding Program, meeting bi-weekly over the last three years. The PARD Sign Standards Committee includes representation from PARD’s Sign Shop within the Facility Services Division, PARD Architectural Development Division, PARD Site Development Division, PARD Planning Division, and the PARD Marketing and Communications Unit. In March 2021, a part-time temporary employee was hired to assist in program coordination. Austin City Council approved 1 full-time Program Development Coordinator position in the FY23 budget.