Operations support is comprised of multiple divisions maintaining and supporting all processes throughout the department.
Air Shops
Provides breathing air for firefighting by filling and delivering air cylinders as well as purchasing, maintaining and repairing all aspects of breathing apparatus.
The Communications section is responsible for radio and telephone equipment maintenance throughout the department, as well as the dispatching of alarms. Communications has a staff that works regular business hours, as well as dispatchers who work shifts.
Education Services
Education Services prepares cadets to be entry-level firefighters, as well as develop and coordinate in-service training for current firefighters.
Since firefighters are frequently confronted with situations that require quick decisions based on special skills, judgment and creativity, Education Services puts together a comprehensive training program that ensures that firefighters are prepared for those situations. All entry-level firefighters are trained with state-required curricula for fire/rescue, handling hazardous materials, and emergency medical operations. The typical entry level program is a 24-week course that also includes intense physical training as well as a challenging academic program.
Educations Services also ensures that all current personnel comply with state and federal mandates regarding continuing education requirements. Advanced and specialized technical training, along with professional development, are provided to various members of the department.
Medical Operations
Medical Operations supports AFD's mission to provide high quality patient care throughout our response area.
Professional Standards
Professional Standards handles all policy issues and serves as the department's legal liaison and as the liaison with the Civil Service Commission. It also is involved with the applicant review process when new cadets are hired, administers the firefighter light-duty program, and is the departmental contact for questions involving Open Records Requests.
Safety coordinates efforts to reduce firefighter injuries and illnesses.
Shops at 51st
Purchases, repairs and maintains equipment on apparatus. Researches new tools/equipment and writes specifications for fire apparatus. Makes modifications to apparatus and acts as a liaison with Fleet services for repairs and maintenance of apparatus.