Boards and Commissions enable the public to participate in Austin's government processes.  Members’ diverse perspectives and experiences help City leaders in shaping and influencing public policy for our communities. The Office of Civil Rights supports the following Commissions to fulfill their duties:

Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities

See section Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-108

The Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities is established to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the City, achieve maximum personal independence, become gainfully employed, and use and enjoy fully all public and private facilities available within the community.

Commission for Women

See section Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-125

The Commission for Women is established to concerning the needs and problems of women in the Austin area and shall recommend programs designed to alleviate any inequities that may confront women in social, economic, and vocational pursuits. The Commission acts as the central clearinghouse and coordinating agency for activities and information relating to the status of women in the Austin community.

Commission on Veterans Affairs

See section Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-127

The Commission on Veteran Affairs represents the military veteran constituency of the Austin community. The purpose of the board is to evaluate and recommend programs, policies, and practices designed to alleviate Veterans' difficulties in meeting basic needs, obtaining housing, employment and comprehensive mental health assistance, act as a clearinghouse for information through collaboration between service providers.

Human Rights Commission

See section Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-148

The Human Rights Commission promotes and advises city council to assure effective compliance with non-discrimination policies and recommend to the city manager measures to improve equal protection of all persons and groups against discrimination to include community support for the legislation.