This project will replace the low water crossing on McNeil Drive with a bridge. The bridge will provide residents with safe access to their neighborhood during floods.


The low water crossing on McNeil Drive passes over "Tributary 9" of Walnut Creek. The low water crossing has been closed 22 times between 2014 and 2018. Computer models show three feet of water over the road in a relatively small storm, known as a 2-year storm. This type of storm has a 50% chance of occurring in any given year. In a 100-year storm, or one that has a one percent change of occurring in any given year, the road will be overtopped by more than four and half feet of water.


The low water crossing is on McNeil Drive, just west of MoPac. Please see map below.

map showing low water crossing


We are planning to replace the two existing 36-inch culverts with three 10-foot by 6-foot box culverts. This will allow more water to flow through the culverts. This will reduce the frequency of road closures due to flooding and improve neighborhood access during storms. There will be no changes to the traffic lanes with this plan.

Timeline and Cost

Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:

  • Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
  • Design and Permitting – when the details are worked out, construction plans are drawn up and the permit to perform the work is obtained.
  • Bidding and Permitting – when a contractor is hired
  • Construction – when the project is built.

We completed the preliminary engineering phase in the spring of 2019 and are currently acquiring permits. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026. The estimated cost is $800,000.



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