The City of Austin's graffiti initiative, Make Art Not Marks, increases awareness and education about graffiti in our community, including how to report and remove illegal graffiti. It also provides opportunities for local artists to nurture the creative culture that thrives in Austin.

The difference between art and graffiti is permission.

Graffiti is a mark— including an inscription, slogan, drawing, painting, symbol, logo, name, character, or figure — made in any manner on public or private property that is visible to the public. Creating graffiti without the consent of the property owner is a crime in the City of Austin, and taggers are subject to various penalties under state law.

Prevent Graffiti in Austin

Taking steps to prevent graffiti is as important as reporting it to us.

Install Murals

Studies show installing an art mural in high-tagged areas works effectively as a deterrent for future vandalism.

  1. If you would like to install a mural in your neighborhood, please consider submitting an application to the City's Neighborhood Partnering Program.
  2. From time to time, the City's Art in Public Places program commissions permanent and temporary murals from local artists.
  3. Additionally, the City is developing an ArtBox program to cover our traffic signal boxes with murals.

If you are interested in these programs, email

Use Environmental Design

The Austin Police Department has identified several means to prevent crime through environmental design:

  • Installing street lights
  • Installing motion-censor cameras
  • Making a clear line of sight by cutting back shrubbery and other impediments
  • Plant trees to cover the wall

Request a free CPTED assessment from the Austin Police Department through your district representative.


People interested in volunteering to remove graffiti can contact Keep Austin Beautiful at 512-391-0617 or by visiting the KAB website: KeepAustinBeautiful.Org.

Email to request a City presentation at your neighborhood or community group.

Report Graffiti

Learn how to report graffiti in progress.