The Diversity and Veteran Initiatives Division of the City of Austin Human Resources department develops and implements a comprehensive, integrated, and strategic focus on diversity and inclusion as a key component of all human resources recruitment, Diversity and Veteran programs, and other community engagement activities.
Diversity.Equity.Inclusion.Belonging. They’re more than words for us. They’re at the forefront of how we build our teams, cultivate our leaders, and create a workforce proud to serve our community. At the City of Austin, we pride ourselves on building and attracting the future workforce. Ranked as number nine on the 2017 Forbes list of America’s Best Employers, the City of Austin has a Council-Manager form of government and employs 13.8K employees.
City Vision
Austin is a beacon of sustainability, social equity, and economic opportunity; where diversity and creativity are celebrated; where community needs and values are recognized; where leadership comes from its community members; and where the necessities of life are affordable and accessible to all.
Our Strategic Outcomes
Together we strive to create a complete community where every Austinite has choices at every stage of life that allow us to experience and contribute to all of the following outcomes:
- Economic Opportunity & Affordability
- Mobility
- Safety
- Health & Environment
- Culture & Lifelong Learning
- Government that Works for All
The Austin metro area population is more than 2 million people. Geographically, Austin consists of approximately 326 square miles.
Austin is nationally recognized as a great place to live due in part to its diverse population, as well as its promotion of a year-round outdoor active lifestyle. Austin’s quality of life has become its biggest economic development engine, and the City’s diverse demographic structure serves to support and enrich its quality of life. Austin is fortunate to offer a host of broad-ranged educational opportunities as host to six universities, a robust community college system, and numerous other institutions of higher learning.

Annual Events
National Intern Day
Created in 2017 by WayUp as a way to celebrate and honor interns all over. Every fourth Thursday in July, City of Austin's Diversity and Veterans Initiatives Division holds a celebration for our own interns! By providing networking opportunities, headshots, and a chance to connect with other interns, the hope is that we are able to make them feel welcomed and appreciated.
Annual Veterans Appreciation Day
Created as City of Austin employees over 1600 military veterans and as a way to honor their service, the Diversity and Veterans Initiatives Division holds a luncheon. We know that there is nothing that could ever amount to the sacrifice that many have made, but we do this to convey that we recognize all that they have done for our country.

Employee-based organizations play a huge role in the work environment for the city. These resources give employees the opportunity to network in diverse settings and connect with like-minded individuals who value inclusive culture.
Asian American Employment Network - To improve the working environment of the City of Austin Asian American employees; to promote communication and mutual understanding among all employees and the community; and to insure that all Asian American employees are treated with equity and dignity.
Austin African American Heritage Network - To promote cultural and social awareness and provide a communication network for African American employees within the City of Austin, which allows for the interchange of experiences, ideas and interests that may enhance their career and personal development through seminars, classes, group discussions and pertinent publications.
Austin Hispanic Latino Heritage Network - An employee association dedicated to serving our Hispanic community and developing Hispanic employees.
Stonewall Equality Employee Network - SEEN fosters an inclusive and respectful organizational culture for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) community, which includes gender and sexual minorities and our allies, at the City of Austin. We advocate on behalf of LGBTQ+ employees and partner with City leadership to develop ways to attract, support, and retain LGBTQ+ employees through visibility and education.
Woman To Woman Employee Network The Woman to Woman affinity group offers City of Austin employees with a forum to empower women-identifying and feminine- presenting nonbinary people and provide the W2W community a space for mentoring, networking, and support.
City of Austin Young Professionals Employee Network A group of individuals who are in the beginning or early stages of their professional careers at The City of Austin. This group strives to support, advocate, empathize, and meet with their members on a regular basis to ensure a fulfilling career.

News & Highlights
February is Black History Month: An annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history.
Staff book Recomendations - Books can be found at Austin Public Library