Austin Public  Offers Hepatitis immunizations for people who are uninsured, under-insured, or Medicaid recipients.

What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis means inflammation (itis) of the liver (hepa) This inflammation can be caused by viruses, drugs, alcohol, toxins, and certain medications.

At this time, there are six known viruses that cause hepatitis and liver damage: A, B, C, D, E and G. These viruses, which may all cause very similar symptoms, are very different. They differ in how they are transmitted and treated, as well as how severely and persistently they may impact the body. Hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common hepatitis viruses.

Hepatitis Immunizations

The Immunizations Program offers vaccination clinics for people who are uninsured, under-insured or Medicaid recipients. All recommended childhood and adult immunizations are provided to qualifying children and adults, including Hepatitis A and B. The cost is $10 per visit. Call (512) 972-5520 to make an appointment.

Perinatal Hepatitis B Program

By state law, Hepatitis B is a reportable disease. Pregnant women must be tested for the virus at their first prenatal visit and at delivery. The Perinatal Hepatitis B Program provides Hepatitis B vaccine and blood tests for infants born to mothers who carry the virus. Blood testing and Hepatitis B vaccines for susceptible sexual and non-sexual household contacts of pregnant women who have the virus are also provided. For more information, call (512) 972-5218.

Hepatitis C Prevention

The Hepatitis C infection is the most common chronic blood-borne viral infection in the U.S. It is four times more prevalent than the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Free Hepatitis C testing and counseling for those at risk is provided. Call (512) 972-5580 for an appointment.

Hepatitis C Support Groups

Information on Hepatitis A

Resource Information for Hepatitis

HIPAA Compliance

Austin Public Health will comply with all federal and state laws that pertain to any aspect of the clinical practices or business procedures of the Department. In particular, privacy and security rules relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), along with related state laws, are integral to matters of privacy, medical records, the confidentiality of communications, and other topics addressed throughout these policies and procedures.