The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is exploring temporary, fenced Dogs Off-Leash Areas (DOLAs). These projects will help PARD to understand the benefits and drawbacks of a DOLA within identified parks. PARD monitors the use of this DOLA and collects community feedback. City Council Districts 5, 8
- Pilot DOLA Survey: Beginning February 4: Share Feedback about the Circle C or Longview Off-Leash Areas.
- Little Zilker DOLA Pilot ended Friday, December 6, 2024. Visitors to all areas of the park are required to have dogs on a leash per city code (section 3-4-1).
By City Code, it is illegal to have dogs off-leash in public unless in a designated off-leash area. Dog Off-Leash Areas (DOLAs) provide safe spaces for dogs to play and run free. Fenced DOLAs can help to reduce conflicts between dogs and other park users. The park pilots below are locations without a designated DOLAS but have been frequently used by owners as off-leash areas.
Project Description
Due to the high rates of non-compliance with the leash ordinance and conflicts with other park users at these locations, the Parks and Recreation Department identified areas to be temporary DOLAs.
The Pilot DOLAs aim to provide space for dog owners to take their pets to be off-leash that does not create additional conflict with other park users. The Department will explore information around the following objectives:
- Reduce the frequency of off-leash dogs in the park outside of the designated area;
- Provide a space for dog owners to take their pets off-leash without creating conflict with other park users;
- Encourage compliance with city ordinance;
- Explore community sentiment of the off-leash area in the park;
- Evaluate maintenance needs and ongoing expenses; and
- Assess environmental impact.
Since these pilot projects are temporary, dog owners should be aware that water will not be available, owners are still expected to clean any dog waste for the health of the community, and any off-leash dogs outside of the designated area violates city ordinance.
- Circle C Ranch Metropolitan Park Off-Leash Area Pilot
Location Selection
The Parks and Recreation Department considered possible locations in the park. However, the location selected was determined to be the least impactful on current park uses with minimal ecological impact.
Anticipated Schedule
- February 2025: Install temporary DOLA and open community survey (ongoing)
- End of May 2025: Remove temporary DOLA and close community survey
- Summer 2025: Publish monitoring and survey results
Community Engagement
Community members are invited to share their feedback and thoughts about the pilot DOLA:
Circle C Ranch Pilot DOLA Community Survey (February 4 to May 31, 2025)
You can also report any dogs off-leash to Austin 311.
Results of the pilot project will be shared publicly. Future decisions about a dog off-leash area will consider this input before taking additional steps.
- Longview Neighborhood Park Off-Leash Area Pilot
Please note: Dogs on- or off-leash are not allowed in preserve areas for the health of these areas.
Location Selection
The Parks and Recreation Department considered possible locations in the park. However, the location selected was determined to be the least impactful on current park uses with minimal ecological impact.
Anticipated Schedule
- February 2025: Install temporary DOLA and open community survey (ongoing)
- End of May 2025: Remove temporary DOLA and close community survey
- Summer 2025: Publish monitoring and survey results
Community Engagement
Community members around Longview Neighborhood Park are invited to share their feedback and thoughts about the pilot DOLA:
Longview Pilot DOLA Community Survey (February 4 to May 31, 2025)
You can also report any dogs off-leash to Austin 311.
Results of the pilot project will be shared publicly. Future decisions about a dog off-leash area will consider this input before taking additional steps.
- Little Zilker Neighborhood Park Off-Leash Area
- Little Zilker DOLA Pilot ended Friday, December 6. Visitors to all areas of the park are required to have dogs on a leash per city code.
The Pilot DOLA at Little Zilker Neighborhood Park was the first off-leash area to be considered in a neighborhood park. The Pilot Program ran from October 2023 to December 2024. The Parks and Recreation Department is currently reviewing the comments received to make a decision about moving forward.
Location Selection
The Parks and Recreation Department considered possible locations in the park. However, the location selected was determined to be the least impactful on current park uses with minimal ecological impact.
Review the location options here (PDF, 4.8MB).
Anticipated Schedule
- Fall 2023: Install temporary DOLA and open community survey
- December 2024: Remove temporary DOLA and close community survey
- Winter 2024: Publish monitoring and survey results
Community Engagement
You can report any dogs off-leash to Austin 311.
Department Guidance
- “Our Parks, Our Future” Parks and Recreation Department Long Range Plan 2020-2030 (LRP): Goal 6 of the LRP aims to “provide dedicated off-leash dog areas is appropriate locations to ensure both dog-owners and non-dog-owners can enjoy parks” (p. 94). Considerations include:
- 6.1: Ensure Equitable distribution of off-leash areas throughout the city.
- 6.1.2: Implement off-leash areas in all metro parks and some district parks, where feasible.
- Department Guidelines: The Department maintains planning guidelines for DOLAs. These are a set of standards the Department uses as best practices and considerations for permanent DOLAs.
- Pilot Locations requested by City Council during the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Approval Process.
Funding and Resources
The pilot projects are funded by the Parks and Recreation Department general fund.
Contact Information
For more information, please email