Darkroom ' Ceramics ' Drawing & Painting

5w classroom space for use by the adult textile program

We welcome students with different ranges of knowledge, from beginners to advanced knowledge to take a class. Our goal is to provide a friendly, enriching and rewarding experience for each student to express their creativity and learn new skills in while making friends.

  • Equipped with 15" tapestry frame looms, 10", 16" and 25" rigid heddle looms and standard inkle looms for belt weaving up to 4.5" wide.
  • Our textile studio provides ball winders, swifts, warping boards, a weaving library including image reference material and ample space for warping and weaving

Questions? Call 512-974-4040

Class List and Registration Page 

Meet The Instructors

Photo of Cidnye Stott

Cidnye Stott

Born in central Texas, Cidnye has been fascinated by yarn from a young age.  She started by teaching herself to crochet at the age of 8, and through the years has added knitting, weaving, and hand spinning into her repertoire of fiber crafts. She currently teaches beginning weaving classes at the Dougherty Arts Center, where she loves to introduce the various ways to play with color and texture on a rigid heddle loom.


Looms and weaving materials in use at the DAC Textile program