Budget Adoption Reading of the Austin City Council
August 16, 2023
Hybrid Speaker Registration and Rules
20230816, Austin City Council Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Meeting - Hybrid Speaker Registration and Rules
Meeting Agenda
Agenda, 487 KB
Approved Meeting Minutes
Minutes, 2.1 MB
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript, 559 KB
Agenda Items - August 16, 2023
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 |
Item 1 - August 16, 2023
Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance adopting and levying a property (ad valorem) tax rate for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-001, PDF, 17.4 MB, posted 8/25/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-001, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhibit A (Austin Property Tax Exemptions), PDF, 38 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-001, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhibit B-1, PDF, 278 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-001, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhibit B-2, PDF, 483 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-001, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 81 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-001, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 129 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 2 - August 16, 2023
Conduct a public hearing to receive and consider public comment on the proposed rate and fee changes for Austin Resource Recovery as part of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 proposed budget.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-002, Agenda Backup: Proposed Changes, PDF, 104 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 3 - August 16, 2023
Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance adopting the update of the City of Austin Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Land Use Assumptions including the Impact Fee Service Area amendments, Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fees.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-003, PDF, 8.5 MB, posted 9/1/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-003, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 22 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-003, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 7.8 MB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-003, Agenda Backup: Memo to Mayor and Council, PDF, 20.2 MB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-003, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 131 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 4 - August 16, 2023
Conduct a public hearing and consider proposed rate and fee changes for Austin Energy as part of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 proposed budget.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-004, Agenda Backup: Austin Energy Tariff FY 2024 - Clean, PDF, 786 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-004, Agenda Backup: Austin Energy Tariff FY 2024 - Redline, PDF, 755 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-004, Agenda Backup: Proposed Austin Energy Fee Schedule, PDF, 2.2 MB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-004, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 5 - August 16, 2023
Conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed rate and fee changes for Austin Water as part of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 proposed budget.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-005, Agenda Backup: Proposed Rates, PDF, 259 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-005, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 173 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 6 - August 16, 2023
Conduct a public hearing to receive public comment and consider a proposed drainage charge rate change for Watershed Protection Department as part of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 proposed budget.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-006, Agenda Backup: Proposed Drainage Charge Rate Change, PDF, 99 KB, posted 8/16/2023
20230816-006, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 7 - August 16, 2023
Approve an ordinance authorizing fees, fines, and other charges to be set or charged by the City for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on September 30, 2024.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-007, PDF, 53.4 MB, posted 9/22/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-007, Agenda Backup: Attachment A, PDF, 156 KB, posted 8/16/2023
20230816-007, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhibit A (Fee Schedule), PDF, 7.0 MB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-007, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhibit B (Electric Tarrif), PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-007, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhibit C (City Co-sponsored Events), PDF, 109 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-007, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 80 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-007, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 129 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 8 - August 16, 2023
Approve an ordinance adopting the City of Austin Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on September 30, 2024.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-008, PDF, 207.3 MB, posted 11/17/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-008, Agenda Backup: Attachment A, PDF, 579 KB, posted 8/16/2023
20230816-008, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 15 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-008, Agenda Backup: Qadri Amendment 4 V2, PDF, 24 KB, posted 8/16/2023
20230816-008, Agenda Backup: R Alter Amendment 8, PDF, 13 KB, posted 8/16/2023
20230816-008, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 145 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-008, Agenda Backup: Velasquez Amendment 4 V2, PDF, 63 KB, posted 8/16/2023
Item 9 - August 16, 2023
Approve an ordinance establishing classifications and positions in the classified service of the Austin Fire Department; creating certain positions; and repealing Ordinance No. 20220817-006 relating to Fire Department classifications and positions.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-009, PDF, 926 KB, posted 8/28/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-009, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 23 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-009, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 129 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-009, Agenda Backup: Revised Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 27 KB, posted 8/16/2023
Item 10 - August 16, 2023
Approve an ordinance establishing classifications and positions in the classified service of the Austin Police Department; and repealing Ordinance No. 20220817-007 relating to Police Department classifications and positions.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-010, PDF, 768 KB, posted 8/28/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-010, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 23 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-010, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 11 - August 16, 2023
Approve an ordinance establishing classifications and positions in the classified service of the Emergency Medical Services Department, creating certain positions, and repealing Ordinance No. 20220817-008 relating to the Emergency Medical Services Department classifications and positions.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20230816-011, PDF, 1.2 MB, posted 8/28/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-011, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 85 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-011, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-011, Agenda Backup: Revised Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 35 KB, posted 8/16/2023
Item 12 - August 16, 2023
Ratify the property tax increase reflected in the Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-012, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 13 - August 16, 2023
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for Medicare Advantage with Health Care Service Corporation d/b/a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, for one year in an amount not to exceed $9,000,000. (Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-013, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 151 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 14 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to explore expansion and funding for the Paramedic Practitioners and the Collaborative Care Communication Center programs. Council Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-014, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 8/25/2023
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20230816-014, PDF, 124 B, posted 3/13/2025
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-014, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 37 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-014, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 125 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 15 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution related to exploring the feasibility of placing a mural on the Austin Water storage tank located in Armadillo Park. Council Sponsors: Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-015, PDF, 670 KB, posted 8/23/2023
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20230816-015, PDF, 229 KB, posted 4/16/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-015, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 24 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-015, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 109 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 16 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to explore a Downtown Austin Community Court Mobile Court pilot. Council Sponsors: Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela, Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-016, PDF, 1.7 MB, posted 8/23/2023
Staff Responses to Council
20230816-016, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 1.2 MB, posted 4/17/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-016, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 44 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-016, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 125 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 17 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution relating to funding for permanent supportive housing funded with the 2022 Affordable Housing Bonds. Council Sponsors: Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member José Velásquez, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-017, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 8/23/2023
Staff Responses to Council
20230816-017, Response - Final, PDF, 116 KB, posted 9/17/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-017, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 30 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-017, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 125 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 18 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to add a third personal holiday per year to the City employee benefits package. Council Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Leslie Pool, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-018, PDF, 714 KB, posted 8/23/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-018, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 72 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-018, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 123 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 19 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to initiate amendments to the City’s Personnel Policies and any related documents to eliminate the waiting period for new City employees to use accrued vacation leave. Council Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-019, PDF, 643 KB, posted 8/23/2023
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20230816-019, PDF, 182 KB, posted 10/27/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-019, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 23 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-019, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 124 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 20 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to initiate a study to identify the full population of need and options for providing additional resources for City employees already receiving the full non-taxable amount of dependent care stipends, as well as a pilot program for City employees to increase childcare stipends. Council Sponsors: Council Member José Velásquez, Council Member Ryan Alter, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-020, PDF, 802 KB, posted 8/23/2023
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20230816-020, PDF, 954 KB, posted 6/21/2024
20230816-020, Response - Final, PDF, 160 KB, posted 7/3/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-020, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 71 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-020, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 124 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 21 - August 16, 2023
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to prioritize funding that enhances extreme weather shelter operations and increases direct outreach and support for unsheltered individuals. Council Sponsors: Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20230816-021, PDF, 877 KB, posted 8/23/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-021, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 21 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-021, Agenda Backup: Proposed Amendment (CM Fuentes), PDF, 12 KB, posted 8/15/2023
20230816-021, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 125 KB, posted 8/11/2023
20230816-021, Agenda Backup: Revised Draft Resolution, PDF, 85 KB, posted 8/16/2023
Item 22 - August 16, 2023
Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at http://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2023/20230816-ahfc.htm)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-022, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 75 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Item 23 - August 16, 2023
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' meeting of the Mueller Local Government Corporation. Following adjournment of the MLGC Board meeting the City Council will re-convene (The MLGC agenda is temporarily located at http://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2023/20230816-mlgc.htm).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20230816-023, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 124 KB, posted 8/11/2023
Page updated: 3/13/2025, 8:17am
Office of the City Clerk