Regular Meeting of the Austin City Council
December 1, 2022
Hybrid Speaker Registration and Rules
20221201, Regular City Council Meeting - Speaker Registration and Rules
Meeting Agenda
Agenda, 568 KB
Combined Agenda and Addendum, 708 KB
Changes to the Meeting Agenda
Agenda Addendum, 194 KB
Agenda Changes and Corrections, 136 KB
Council Questions and Answers
Agenda Questions and Answers, 1.4 MB
Approved Meeting Minutes
Minutes, 11.8 MB
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript, 1.2 MB
Agenda Items - December 1, 2022
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 |
Item 1 - December 1, 2022
Approve the minutes of the Austin City Council work session of November 1, 2022, regular meeting of November 3, 2022, and special called of November 9, 2022.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-001, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 74 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 2 - December 1, 2022
Authorize reimbursement of costs to Waller Creek Owner, LLC, for the purchase and installation of the service pipe connection required to interconnect the Waller building to the Austin Energy downtown district cooling system in an amount not to exceed $2,424,138. District(s) Affected: District 9. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 142 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 3 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance amending Exhibit A to Ordinance No 20220817-005 (City of Austin Fee and Fine Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022-23) to increase certain fees for the Convention Center garages near the Convention Center. Strategic Outcome(s): Economic Opportunity and Affordability.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-003, PDF, 1.0 MB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-003, Agenda Backup: Draft Attachment 1, PDF, 726 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-003, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 103 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-003, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 107 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-003, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 169 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 4 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance vacating an alley right-of-way of approximately 865 square feet to Ascension Seton, being the remaining portion of a 16-foot-wide alley right-of-way traversing north from West 34th Street, adjoining the parcel located at 1301 West 38th Street, Austin, Texas. District(s) Affected: District 10. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-004, PDF, 943 KB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-004, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 18 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-004, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 369 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-004, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 162 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-004, Agenda Backup: Survey, PDF, 672 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 5 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance vacating a right-of-way of approximately 3,442 square feet to Ascension Seton, being the remainder of a sixty-foot -wide right-of-way commonly known as Bailey Lane; formerly known as Pratt Avenue traversing north from West 34th Street. District(s) Affected: District 10. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-005, PDF, 4.2 MB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-005, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 19 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-005, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 374 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-005, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 162 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-005, Agenda Backup: Survey, PDF, 1.0 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 6 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Austin, Texas Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2022 (Whisper Valley Public Improvement District Improvement Area #2) and authorizing all related documents and fees. Related to Item #32. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-006, PDF, 86.5 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 19.6 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 60 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 324 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A V2, PDF, 919 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B V2, PDF, 876 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 11.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C V2, PDF, 10.4 MB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D, PDF, 921 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D V2, PDF, 404 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-006, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 163 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 7 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2022A, in a principal amount not to exceed $5,900,000. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for all.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-007, PDF, 337 KB, posted 12/5/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-007, Agenda Backup: Draft Preliminary Official Statement, PDF, 1.6 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-007, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 17 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-007, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 144 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 8 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2022A, in the amount of $13,000,000. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-008, PDF, 335 KB, posted 12/5/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-008, Agenda Backup: Draft Preliminary Official Statement, PDF, 1.6 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-008, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 16 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-008, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 143 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 9 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution authorizing the defeasance of certain outstanding Water and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, including authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement and related documents. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-009, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-009, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 31 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-009, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 141 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 10 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20211220-002 related to Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 19 by amending the boundaries of the zone, amending the participation rate of the zone, and amending the preliminary financing plan and related matters. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All, Economic Opportunity and Affordability, Mobility, Culture and Lifelong Learning.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-010, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 1/6/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-010, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 26 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-010, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 227 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-010, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 96 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-010, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 11.6 MB, posted 12/7/2022
20221201-010, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 150 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 11 - December 1, 2022
Authorize award of a contract with PWR Storage Solutions, LLC d/b/a Power Storage Solutions to provide and install an uninterruptible power supply, stand-alone battery charger, and power conditioning transformer, in an amount not to exceed $120,000. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program.) For the goods required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-011, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 160 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 12 - December 1, 2022
Authorize award of four contracts for marketing specialty promotional products with American Minority Business Forms, Inc. d/b/a American Diversity, Golf Connections, LLC d/b/a Darling Promo, World of Promotions, and d/b/a PRINTMPRO LTD, each for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $6,215,000, divided among the contractors. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program.) For the goods and services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-012, Agenda Backup: Council Action Memo-Marketing Materials, PDF, 495 KB, posted 11/21/2022
20221201-012, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 162 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 13 - December 1, 2022
Authorize award and execution of a construction contract with Matous Construction, Ltd., for the Wild Horse Ranch Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project in the amount of $69,530,500 plus a $6,953,050 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $76,483,550. [Note: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 9.15% MBE and 1.65% WBE participation.] Related to Item #14. District(s) Affected: District 1. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-013, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 478 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-013, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary, PDF, 745 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-013, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 143 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 14 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the professional services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for engineering services for the Northeast (Wild Horse Ranch) Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project in the amount of $6,850,077 for a total contract amount not to exceed $12,048,017. [Note: This amendment will be awarded in compliance with City Code 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). Current participation to date is 10.68% MBE and 23.06% WBE]. Related to Item #13. District(s) Affected: District 1. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-014, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 505 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-014, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary, PDF, 438 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-014, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 142 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 15 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of five contracts to provide public engagement consulting services with Adisa Public Relations d/b/a Adisa Communications, Austin Community Design And Development Center d/b/a Community Powered Workshop, Concept Development & Planning, LLC, Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. d/b/a Raftelis, and Sensis, Inc. d/b/a Sensis Agency, Quijote Corporation, each for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $11,820,000, divided among the contractors. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) and subcontractor goals were applied to the solicitation. The subcontracting goals were met or exceeded, and the resulting contracts will include at least 4.31% MBE/WBE combined participation]. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-015, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 153 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-015, Agenda Backup: Evaluation Notes, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-015, Agenda Backup: Matrix, PDF, 506 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-015, Agenda Backup: Memo, PDF, 205 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-015, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 164 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 16 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the professional services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc., for additional construction phase engineering services for the North Austin Reservoir and Pump Station Improvements project in the amount of $797,079, for a total contract amount not to exceed $8,171,176. [Note: This amendment will be awarded in compliance with City Code 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program.) Current participation to date is 15.27% MBE and 26.60% WBE]. District(s) Affected: District 7. Strategic Outcome(s): Safety, Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-016, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 506 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-016, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary, PDF, 429 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-016, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 145 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 17 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the professional services agreement with K. Friese & Associates, Inc. for design and bid phase engineering services for the South Area and Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements project in the amount of $550,395, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,197,395. [Note: This amendment will be awarded in compliance with City Code 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). Current participation to date is 16.72% MBE and 67.80% WBE]. District(s) Affected: District 10. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-017, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 509 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-017, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary, PDF, 508 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-017, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 142 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 18 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable for the acquisition in fee simple of approximately 8,462 square feet of land (0.194-acre), being all of Lot 1, Block A, Community of Fairview, Section Two, a subdivision of record in Volume 29, Page 6 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, located at 0 Heartwood Drive, Austin, Texas, from Jose Salazar and Frances Ortiz-Salazar, for a total amount not to exceed $209,150, including closing costs. District(s) Affected: District 3. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-018, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.9 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-018, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 154 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 19 - December 1, 2022
Authorize award and execution of a construction contract with JKB Construction Company, LLC, for the Barton Hills Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal project in the amount of $4,824,374 plus a $482,438 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,306,812. [Note: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 8.19% MBE and 1.24% WBE participation]. District(s) Affected: District 5. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-019, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 468 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-019, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary, PDF, 743 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-019, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 143 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 20 - December 1, 2022
Authorize additional contingency for the construction contract with Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC for the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Filter Rehabilitation project in the amount of $252,180, for a total amount not to exceed $28,049,980. [Note: This contract was awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Business Enterprise Procurement Program). Current participation to date is 24.54% MBE and 1.82% WBE]. District(s) Affected: District 1. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-020, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 521 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-020, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 221 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-020, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 142 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 21 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable for the acquisition in fee simple of a tract of land totaling approximately 7.62 acres of land, more or less, out of the John G. McGehee Survey No. 6, Abstract No. 17, Travis County, Texas, and being the same tract of land described in Deed dated October 4, 1984 from J. B. Roberts to L.R. Briggs, et ux, and recorded in Volume 8856, Page 887, of the Travis County Deed Records, together with an easement for ingress and egress to such property recorded in Volume 12059, Page 2572, Real Property Records of Travis County, Texas from Schoch-Worley Family Partnership, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership for a total amount not to exceed $1,250,000, including closing costs. This project is located within the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment, Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-021, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.5 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-021, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 145 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 22 - December 1, 2022
Authorize additional contingency funding for the construction contract with Cedar Hills Construction, LLC for the Southwest Allandale Neighborhood Water and Wastewater System Renewal in the amount of $636,055 for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,846,061. [Note: This contract was awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Business Enterprise Procurement Program). Current participation to date is 3.38% MBE and 0.73% WBE.] District(s) Affected: District 10. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-022, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 515 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-022, Agenda Backup: Clarification Memo, PDF, 281 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-022, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 309 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-022, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 141 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 23 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with Travis County to accept a grant from the County and establish responsibilities related to sharing the costs of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategic Outcome(s): Safety, Health and Environment, Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-023, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 144 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 24 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution authorizing the City’s continued membership in the Capital Area Council of Governments, and payment of the related membership fee, in an amount not to exceed $96,417.70. Strategic Outcome(s): Economic Opportunity and Affordability.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-024, PDF, 305 KB, posted 12/7/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-024, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 16 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-024, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 141 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 25 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance amending Exhibit “A” to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 City of Austin Fee and Fine Ordinance (Ordinance No. 20220817-005) to add the zoning verification letter fee. Strategic Outcome(s): Economic Opportunity and Affordability.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-025, PDF, 394 KB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-025, Agenda Backup: Approved Fee Schedule with Fee, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-025, Agenda Backup: Approved Fee Schedule without Fee, PDF, 1.2 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-025, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 143 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-025, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 421 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-025, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 139 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 26 - December 1, 2022
Authorize a fee in lieu of on-site affordable housing for a proposed commercial development subject to the Plaza Saltillo Transit Oriented Development Regulating Plan and located at or near 1400 E. 4th Street, Austin, Texas 78702. District(s) Affected: District 3. Strategic Outcome(s): Economic Opportunity and Affordability.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-026, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 140 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-026, Agenda Late Backup: Clarification Memo - Staff, PDF, 148 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 27 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution adopting the City’s Federal Legislative Agenda for the 118th Congress. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-027, PDF, 10.2 MB, posted 1/3/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-027, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 321 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 16 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 339 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A V2, PDF, 344 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 137 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Ellis, PDF, 81 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Fuentes, PDF, 97 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-027, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Kelly, PDF, 36 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 28 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the legal services agreement with Winstead PC for representation related to the City of Austin v. LoneStar Airport Holdings, LLC and Texas Capital Bank in the condemnation proceeding in Probate Court No. 1 and the LoneStar Airport Holdings, LLC v. the City of Austin, Texas federal lawsuit in the Western District of Texas, Austin Division, in the amount of $1,500,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,097,000. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-028, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 140 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 29 - December 1, 2022
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the legal services agreement with McCall Parkhurst & Horton LLP for outside counsel services for the negotiation and drafting of the master development agreement for the property located at 1215 Red River Street and 606 East 12th Street, known as the HealthSouth property, in the amount of $29,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $95,000. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-029, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 140 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 30 - December 1, 2022
Approve a settlement in Maria Anita Benitez de Ugarte and Roberto Ugarte Perez v. City of Austin, Cause No. D-1-GN-21-004247, in the 250th Judicial District of Travis County, Texas. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-030, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 138 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 31 - December 1, 2022
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 4 by establishing wage theft standards and authorizing the chief procurement officer to take action against contractors who violate the terms of city contracts. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-031, PDF, 3.6 MB, posted 1/11/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-031, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 648 KB, posted 12/12/2022
20221201-031, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 164 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-031, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 171 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-031, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 140 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 32 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to negotiate and execute an amended and restated Whisper Valley Master Parkland Agreement. Related to item #6. District(s) Affected: District 1. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment, Culture and Lifelong Learning.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-032, PDF, 45.9 MB, posted 12/12/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-032, Agenda Backup: Agreement, PDF, 157 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-032, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 19 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-032, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2, PDF, 19 KB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-032, Agenda Backup: Exhibit 1, PDF, 26.0 MB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-032, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 199 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-032, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 140 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 33 - December 1, 2022
Ratify execution of a Cost Recovery Agreement with Austin Community College District for a water quality control improvement located at 901 ½ Renli Street associated with a Consolidated Administrative Site Plan SP-2016-0580D (Ridge Top Water Quality Pond) in the amount of $1,920,228. District(s) Affected: District 4. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment; Safety.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Appendix T, PDF, 3.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Application for Payment, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Backup Summary, PDF, 108 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Construction Cost, PDF, 186 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Cost Recovery Participation Explanation, PDF, 17 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Memorandum, PDF, 139 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 141 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-033, Agenda Backup: Steps to Cost Recovery, PDF, 168 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 34 - December 1, 2022
Ratify execution of a Cost Recovery Agreement with Austin StadCo LLC for a water quality control improvement located at 10414 McKalla Place associated with a Consolidated Administrative Site Plan SP-2019-0113C.F2 (Austin FC) in the amount of $2,675,801. Strategic Outcome(s): Health and Environment, Safety.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Appendix T, PDF, 234 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Appendix T Report, PDF, 5.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Cost Recovery Participation Explained, PDF, 62 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Council Backup Summary, PDF, 100 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Memorandum, PDF, 138 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 141 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-034, Agenda Backup: Steps to Cost Recovery, PDF, 168 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 35 - December 1, 2022
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies, and to public facility corporations; removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-035, Agenda Backup: Nominations and Waivers, PDF, 94 KB, posted 11/28/2022
20221201-035, Agenda Backup: Nominations and Waivers V2, PDF, 68 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-035, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 106 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 36 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution relating to Council policies and directives to the City Manager for City-owned real estate, including requirements for construction projects, living wage, minority and women-owned business requirements and other Council priorities related to City-owned real estate and City-owned parking facilities; and recommendations for future use of same. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Ann Kitchen.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-036, Agenda Backup: Adler Motion 1, PDF, 163 KB, posted 11/21/2022
20221201-036, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 235 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-036, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2, PDF, 103 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-036, Agenda Backup: Memo, PDF, 324 KB, posted 11/21/2022
20221201-036, Agenda Backup: Presentation, PDF, 370 KB, posted 11/21/2022
20221201-036, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 127 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 37 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution relating to the need for interlocal collaboration to address potential impacts of Hays County’s Transportation Plan on the City of Austin’s Water Quality Protection Lands. Council Sponsors: Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Paige Ellis, Council Member Leslie Pool.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-037, PDF, 2.5 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-037, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 53 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-037, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 957 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-037, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 108 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 38 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to develop modifications to certain program requirements in economic development agreements for small businesses under Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Council Member Leslie Pool, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Steve Adler.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-038, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Staff Responses to Council
20221201-038, Response: Extension Request Memo, PDF, 97 KB, posted 12/29/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-038, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 29 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-038, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 127 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 39 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution approving the recommendations made by the Special Events Task Force and directing the City Manager to implement the recommendations and identify ways to discuss high-capacity venues. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-039, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 12/12/2022
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20221201-039, PDF, 224 KB, posted 6/21/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-039, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 104 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-039, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 127 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-039, Agenda Backup: Task Force Final Report, PDF, 1.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 40 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution regarding updates to the 2030 Austin Energy Resource, Generation, and Climate Protection Plan. Council Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Leslie Pool, Council Member José 'Chito' Vela, Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Kathie Tovo.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-040, PDF, 2.3 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-040, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 80 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-040, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2, PDF, 34 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-040, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 181 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-040, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 109 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 41 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to establish certain procedural policies to enhance the collaboration between the City and the Austin Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) and directing the City Manager to enter into negotiations with AEDC to amend the Interlocal Agreement between the City and the AEDC related to the potential redevelopment of the following City-owned properties: 505 Barton Springs Road (One Texas Center), 124 W. 8th Street, 3002 Guadalupe, and 411 Chicon. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-041, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 12/20/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-041, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet CM Tovo, PDF, 6 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-041, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 38 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-041, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 130 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 42 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to develop and recommend a centralized parking management policy for City facilities and authorizing the use of an outside consultant. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Ann Kitchen.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-042, PDF, 803 KB, posted 12/28/2022
Staff Responses to Council
20221201-042, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 259 KB, posted 1/29/2024
20221201-042, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 303 KB, posted 6/7/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-042, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 72 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-042, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 107 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-042, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - Mayor Adler, PDF, 11 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-042, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V2 -Mayor Adler, PDF, 12 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 43 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution concerning policies for leasing of City-controlled facilities. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Ann Kitchen.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-043, PDF, 1.2 MB, posted 12/20/2022
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20221201-043, PDF, 235 KB, posted 6/7/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-043, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet V1 CM Pool, PDF, 202 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet V2 CM Pool, PDF, 216 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 50 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 126 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Tovo, PDF, 265 KB, posted 12/20/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - Mayor Adler, PDF, 68 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-043, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V2 - Mayor Adler, PDF, 72 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 44 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to bring to Council for consideration and approval a consistent, transparent process that includes an early opportunity for Council to set priorities, determine partners, and receive community input for the proposed development and redevelopment of City-owned land. Council Sponsors: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-044, PDF, 2.4 MB, posted 12/28/2022
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20221201-044, PDF, 197 KB, posted 4/21/2023
20221201-044, Response - Goal #7, PDF, 248 KB, posted 5/1/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-044, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet CM Tovo, PDF, 104 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-044, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 59 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-044, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 127 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-044, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - Mayor Adler, PDF, 78 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-044, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V2 - Mayor Adler, PDF, 79 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 45 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to explore programs relating to solar battery storage, microgrids, and load-shaping technology. Council Sponsors: Council Member Leslie Pool, Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Paige Ellis, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-045, PDF, 1.8 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Staff Responses to Council
20221201-045, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 296 KB, posted 10/18/2023
20221201-045, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 296 KB, posted 6/22/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-045, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 96 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-045, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution V2, PDF, 96 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-045, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 127 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 46 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution establishing targets for enrollment of eligible households in Austin Energy’s Customer Assistance Program and directing the City Manager to facilitate program expansion. Council Sponsors: Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Leslie Pool, Council Member Ann Kitchen, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member José 'Chito' Vela.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-046, PDF, 768 KB, posted 12/12/2022
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20221201-046, PDF, 228 KB, posted 7/31/2023
20221201-046, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 128 B, posted 2/13/2025
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-046, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 78 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-046, Agenda Backup: Presentation, PDF, 524 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-046, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 109 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 47 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to update the Public School Energy Assistance Fund to direct funds to public schools assisting with students experiencing homelessness. Council Sponsors: Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, Council Member José 'Chito' Vela, Council Member Ann Kitchen.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-047, PDF, 699 KB, posted 12/15/2022
Staff Responses to Council
20221201-047, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 213 KB, posted 6/5/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-047, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 29 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-047, Agenda Backup: Draft resolution V2 Redline, PDF, 82 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-047, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 109 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 48 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution relating to scaling site plan review requirements appropriately for missing middle housing developments of three to sixteen residential units; and initiating amendments to City Code Title 25. Council Sponsors: Council Member Paige Ellis, Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Leslie Pool, Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, Council Member José 'Chito' Vela.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-048, PDF, 1.7 MB, posted 12/12/2022
Staff Responses to Council
20221201-048, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 240 KB, posted 1/25/2024
20221201-048, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 329 KB, posted 8/2/2024
20221201-048, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 116 KB, posted 8/8/2023
20221201-048, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 243 KB, posted 1/21/2025
20221201-048, Response - Staff Update, PDF, 105 KB, posted 4/27/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-048, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 126 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-048, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 109 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-048, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Vela, PDF, 56 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-048, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V2 - CM Vela, PDF, 56 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-048, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V3 - CM Vela, PDF, 57 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 49 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to participate in efforts to support and adopt a technical solution that will improve data sharing and care coordination for individuals experiencing homelessness in Austin. Council Sponsors: Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Kathie Tovo, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member José 'Chito' Vela.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-049, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 12/7/2022
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20221201-049, PDF, 204 KB, posted 1/26/2024
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-049, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 30 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-049, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 50 - December 1, 2022
Set a public hearing related to an application by FC Juniper Housing, LP, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development to be financed through the private activity bond program and to be known as Juniper Creek, located at or near 11630 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78753, within the City. (Suggested date: Thursday, December 8, 2022, Austin City Hall, 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701). District(s) Affected: District 7. Strategic Outcome(s): Economic Opportunity and Affordability.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-050, Agenda Backup: Backup, PDF, 85 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-050, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 158 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 51 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interest needed for the Slaughter Lane Corridor Project for the public use of reducing delay, improving the effectiveness of transit, and creating continuous American with Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalks, bicycle facilities, and either separate paths or a shared-use path which will enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists along the entire length of the project, the acquisition of a Sidewalk, Trail and Recreational Easement comprising approximately 0.0173 of an acre of land (approximately 755 square feet), being out of and a portion of the Theodore Bissell League, Survey Number 18, Abstract Number 3 in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, being a portion of the remainder of Lot 1, The Lane at Riddle Road, a subdivision recorded on January 8, 1980 in Book 79, Page 61 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $39,077 and subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is Skipper Beverage Company, LLC. The property is located at 3419 W Slaughter Ln., Austin, Texas 78748. The general route of the project is along Slaughter Lane between RM-1826 and Vertex Blvd. District(s) Affected: District 5. Strategic Outcome(s): Mobility, Safety.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20221201-051, PDF, 3.6 MB, posted 12/12/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-051, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 24 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-051, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-051, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.6 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-051, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 140 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 52 - December 1, 2022
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-052, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 156 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 53 - December 1, 2022
Conduct a public hearing to receive public comment and consider an ordinance establishing revised electric rates and charges for Austin Energy customers. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-053, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup AE Message Board Post CM Pool, PDF, 85 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-053, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 149 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-053, Agenda Late Backup: Presentation - Options for Consideration, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 12/2/2022
Item 54 - December 1, 2022
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No 20211220-002 related to Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 19 by amending the boundaries of the zone, amending the participation rate of the zone, and amending the preliminary financing plan and related matters. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All, Economic Opportunity and Affordability, Mobility, Culture and Lifelong Learning.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-054, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 12/28/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-054, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 26 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-054, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 227 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-054, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 96 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-054, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 20.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-054, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 150 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 55 - December 1, 2022
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 to allow residential uses on commercially zoned property under certain conditions. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-055, PDF, 4.8 MB, posted 1/6/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-055, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 643 KB, posted 12/12/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Master List of Issues and Actions V2 Mayor Adler, PDF, 161 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet 1 V2 Mayor Adler, PDF, 84 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 157 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Backup: Residential in Commercial Draft (11232022), PDF, 248 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Backup: Residential in Commercial Draft (PC Recommendation 11232022), PDF, 276 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 2.9 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance - Planning Commission Recommendation, PDF, 241 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance Redline, PDF, 5.0 MB, posted 12/20/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 174 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Issues and Actions List - Mayor Adler, PDF, 161 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Ellis, PDF, 64 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - Mayor Adler, PDF, 89 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-055, Agenda Late Backup: Petitions - Staff, PDF, 2.1 MB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 56 - December 1, 2022
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 to create a new overlay that modifies compatibility and parking requirements along certain roadways. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-056, PDF, 8.8 MB, posted 1/6/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Amendment to CM Vela Amendment 1 - MPT Alter, PDF, 84 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 656 KB, posted 12/12/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Master List of Issues and Actions V2 Mayor Adler, PDF, 161 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet 1 V2 CM Vela, PDF, 4 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet 3 CM Vela, PDF, 107 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet 4 CM Vela, PDF, 6 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet CM Kitchen, PDF, 115 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: CM Vela - Example Map Airport and Koening, PDF, 308 KB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: CM Vela - Example Map Crestview TOD, PDF, 369 KB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Compatibility on Corridors (11232022 Draft), PDF, 249 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Compatibility on Corridors (PC Recommendation 11232022), PDF, 251 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A Light Rail Roadways (DRAFT), PDF, 629 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B Medium Corridor Roadways (DRAFT), PDF, 632 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B V2, PDF, 593 KB, posted 11/28/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B V3, PDF, 652 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C Larger Corridor Roadways (DRAFT), PDF, 640 KB, posted 11/23/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 139 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 4.7 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Analysis - Mayor Adler, PDF, 55 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance - Planning Commission Recommendation, PDF, 167 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance Redline, PDF, 5.1 MB, posted 12/20/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance V2, PDF, 166 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Issues and Actions List - Mayor Adler, PDF, 161 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - Mayor Adler, PDF, 91 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 1 - CM Ellis, PDF, 69 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 1 - CM Vela, PDF, 7 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 2 - CM Ellis, PDF, 93 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 2 - CM Kitchen, PDF, 82 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 2 - CM Vela, PDF, 69 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 3 V2 - CM Vela, PDF, 13 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V2 - CM Kitchen, PDF, 44 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet V2 - Mayor Adler, PDF, 1.8 MB, posted 12/20/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Petitions - Staff, PDF, 2.1 MB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Petitions and Public Comments - Staff, PDF, 7.9 MB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-056, Agenda Late Backup: Q&A Response - Staff, PDF, 195 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 57 - December 1, 2022
Discuss legal issues related to City of Austin 2022 labor negotiations (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-057, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 122 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 58 - December 1, 2022
Discuss legal issues related to short-term rental regulations. (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-058, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 122 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 59 - December 1, 2022
Discuss the performance of, and consider compensation and benefits for, the City Manager (Personnel matters - Section 551.074 of the Government Code).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-059, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 123 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 60 - December 1, 2022
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance adopting the Palm District Plan as an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, Case # CPA-2022-001. Strategic Outcome(s): Government that Works for All.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-060, Agenda Backup: Palm District Plan Final Draft Part 1, PDF, 8.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-060, Agenda Backup: Palm District Plan Final Draft Part 2, PDF, 4.0 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-060, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 166 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-060, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 144 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-060, Agenda Backup: Staff Update Memo Palm District Plan, PDF, 138 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 61 - December 1, 2022
C14H-2022-0073 - 1122 Colorado Street - Westgate Tower - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1122 Colorado Street (Lady Bird Lake Watershed). Applicant’s request: To rezone from central business district (CBD) combining district zoning to central business district-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (CBD-H-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation: To grant central business district-historic landmark (CBD-H) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: Forwarded to Council without a recommendation due to lack of an affirmative vote. Owner: Westgate Condominium Association. Applicant: Brian Evans. City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Housing & Planning Department, 512-974-2727. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Public Comment, PDF, 73 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 1, PDF, 10.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 2, PDF, 2.0 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 3, PDF, 8.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 4, PDF, 8.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 5, PDF, 9.9 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-061, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 6, PDF, 4.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 62 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0070 - Springdale Commercial (Tract 2) Amended - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1005 Springdale Road (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed December 20, 2022. Owner/Applicant: 809 Vargas LC. Agent: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-062, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-062, Agenda Backup: Staff Postponement Memo, PDF, 76 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 63 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0015 - Springdale Commercial Tract 1 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1113 Airport Boulevard (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning and Rural Residence-Neighborhood Plan (RR-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed December 20, 2022. Owner/Applicant: 809 Vargas LC. Agent: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-063, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-063, Agenda Backup: Staff Postponement Memo, PDF, 76 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 64 - December 1, 2022
NPA-2022-0022.01- 406 and 428 East Alpine Road - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20050929-Z001, the Greater South River City Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on properties locally known as 406 and 428 East Alpine Road (Blunn Creek Watershed) from Office to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation: Pending. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed on January 10, 2023. Owner/Applicant: Austin Memorial Home of Austin, a Texas non-profit corporation. Agent: David Hartman, DeBois, Bryant & Campbell. City Staff: Jerry Rusthoven, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-3207. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-064, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 114 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-064, Agenda Backup: Staff Postponement Memo, PDF, 178 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 65 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0101 - 406 and 428 East Alpine Road Rezoning - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 406 and 428 East Alpine Road (Blunn Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from general office-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GO-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general office-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GO-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general office-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GO-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed on January 10, 2023. Owner/Applicant: Austin Memorial Home of Austin, Texas (Donald P. Dorsey). Agent: DuBois, Bryant & Campbell, L.L.P. (David Hartman). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-065, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-065, Agenda Backup: Staff Postponement Memo, PDF, 178 KB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 66 - December 1, 2022
NPA-2022-0029.02.SH - St. Johns Site - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20120426-100 the St. John/Coronado Hills (St. John) Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 7211, 7309, 7313 ½ North IH 35 Northbound Service Road, 819 ½ Blackson Avenue and 910 ½ East St. Johns Avenue (Buttermilk Branch Watershed) from Civic and Neighborhood Mixed Use to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant the applicant’s request for Mixed Use land use. Owner: City of Austin (Michael Gates, Office of Real Estate). Applicant: City of Austin, Economic Development Office (Christine Freundl). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Housing and Planning Department, (512) 974-2695. District(s) Affected: District 4.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-066, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 412 KB, posted 11/28/2022
20221201-066, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-066, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 4.0 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 67 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0118 - St. Johns Site - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 7211, 7309, and 7313 ½ North IH 35 Northbound Service Road, 819 ½ Blackson Avenue and 910 ½ East St. Johns Avenue (Buttermilk Creek Watershed). Applicant's Request: To rezone from public-neighborhood plan (P-NP) combining district zoning, limited office-mixed use-neighborhood plan (LO-MU-NP) combining district zoning and general commercial services-mixed use-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building- neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V -NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: City of Austin Finance Department Real Estate Services (Michael Gates). Agent: City of Austin Economic Development Office (Christine Freundl). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 4.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-067, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 1.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-067, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-067, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.7 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-067, Agenda Backup: Zoning Traffic Analysis, PDF, 904 KB, posted 11/30/2022
Item 68 - December 1, 2022
NPA-2022-0010.03 - Holly Mixed Use - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 011213-43 the Holly Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 2309 East 2nd Street; 2320 East Cesar Chavez Street; 2315 East 2nd Street; 2403 East 2nd Street; 2405 East 2nd Street; 2409 East 2nd Street; 2411 East 2nd Street (Lady Bird Lake Watershed) from Single Family and Civic to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation: To support applicant’s request for Mixed Use land use. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed on January 24, 2023. Owners/Applicants: 2309 2nd Street/2320 East Cesar Chavez Street: 2324 ECC-Arc LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; 2315 East 2nd Street.: 2400 ECC-Arc LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; 2403 East 2nd Street: Steven Yarak, Larry Yarak, Brenda Blair; 2405 East 2nd Street: Danielle Murray; 2409 East 2nd Street: Eleanore Bacon; 2411 East 2nd Street: Ricardo David Rojo. Agent: Armbrust and Brown, PLLC (Ferris Clements), (512) 435-2337. City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Housing and Planning Department, (512) 974-2695. District(s) Affected: District 3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-068, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-068, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 2.6 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 69 - December 1, 2022
NPA-2019-0013.01 - Copeland South - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20020523-32 the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 909, 911, 915, 1001, 1003 South 2nd Street and 604, 606 Copeland Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed) from Single Family to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To support applicant’s request for Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: SB-Frank South, LLC. Agent: StoryBuilt (Mike Melson). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Housing and Planning Department, (512) 974-2695. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-069, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-069, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-069, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-069, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 461 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 70 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0082 - Copeland - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1002, 1004, and 1006 South First Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant's Request: To rezone from community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: SB-Frank South, LLC. Agent: StoryBuilt (Mike Melson). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-070, PDF, 1.6 MB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-070, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 128 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-070, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-070, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 249 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 71 - December 1, 2022
C14-2021-0185 - Copeland South - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 909, 911, 915, 1001 and 1003 South Second Street; 604 and 606 Copeland Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant's Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: SB-Frank South, LLC. Agent: StoryBuilt (Mike Melson). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-071, PDF, 3.7 MB, posted 12/8/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-071, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-071, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-071, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 3.1 MB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 72 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0081 - Frank South - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1108 and 1110 South First Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant's Request: To rezone from community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: SB-Frank South, LLC. Agent: StoryBuilt (Mike Melson). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-072, PDF, 2.0 MB, posted 12/12/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-072, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-072, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-072, Agenda Late Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 1.3 MB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 73 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0085 - 10600 Jonwood Way - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 10600 Jonwood Way (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant's Request: To rezone from single-family residence standard lot-neighborhood plan (SF-2-NP) combining district zoning to townhouse and condominium residence-neighborhood plan (SF-6-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-neighborhood plan (SF-6-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: 33D Dessau Rd Austin, LLC. Agent: H. D. Brown Consulting, LLC (Amanda Brown). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-073, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-073, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 3.6 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 74 - December 1, 2022
C814-2021-0099 - Brodie Oaks Redevelopment PUD - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by zoning and rezoning property locally known as 4021, 4025, 4107, 4109, 4115, and 4141 South Capital of Texas Highway Northbound; 3940, 4006, 4024 - 4040, 4200, 4220, 4236 South Lamar Boulevard Southbound (Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone). Applicant’s Request: To zone from unzoned and to rezone from community commercial (GR) district zoning, general commercial services (CS) district zoning, and commercial-liquor sales (CS-1) district zoning to planned unit development (PUD) district zoning. The ordinance may include exemption from or waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. Staff Recommendation: To grant planned unit development (PUD) district zoning, with conditions. Planning Commission Recommendation: Grant planned unit development (PUD) district zoning, with additional conditions. Applicant: Lionstone Investments, LCFRE Austin Brodie Oaks LLC (John Schaefer). Agent: Lionheart Places (Rebecca Leonard). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719. This action concerns land located in the Barton Springs Zone. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-074, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-074, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 1, PDF, 9.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-074, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 2, PDF, 10.0 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-074, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 3, PDF, 11.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 75 - December 1, 2022
C14R-81-033(RCA) - Brodie Oaks Restrictive Covenant Amendment - Conduct a public hearing and approve a restrictive covenant amendment on property locally known as 4021, 4025, 4107, 4109, 4115, and 4141 South Capital of Texas Highway Northbound; 3940, 4006, 4024 - 4040, 4200, 4220, 4236 South Lamar Boulevard Southbound (Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone). Applicant’s Request: To amend a public Restrictive Covenant. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To amend a public Restrictive Covenant. Owner/Applicant: Lionstone Investments, LCFRE Austin Brodie Oaks LLC (John Schaefer). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Jewels Cain). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719. This action concerns land located in the Barton Springs Zone. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-075, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-075, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 9.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 76 - December 1, 2022
C14H-2022-0139 - Felts-Moss House - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2311 Woodlawn Boulevard (Shoal Creek Watershed). Applicant’s request: To rezone from family residence (SF-3) base district zoning to family residence-historic landmark (SF-3-H) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation, Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation, and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant family residence-historic landmark (SF-3-H) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Ann M. Pieratt. Agent: J. Pieratt. City Staff: Kalan Contreras, 512-974-2727. District(s) Affected: District 10.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-076, PDF, 914 KB, posted 12/14/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-076, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 437 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-076, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-076, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 9.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 77 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0077 - 220 Ralph Ablanedo Rezoning - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 220 Ralph Ablanedo Drive (South Boggy Creek Watershed; Onion Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from general commercial services-conditional overlay (CS-CO) combining district zoning and limited industrial services-conditional overlay (LI-CO) combining district zoning to general commercial services-conditional overlay (CS-CO) combining district zoning, as amended, with conditions. First Reading approved on November 3, 2022. Vote: 9-0, Council Members Renteria and Tovo were off the dais. Owner/Applicant: KVG Investments, LLC (Kevin Goradia). Agent: H.D. Brown Consulting, LLC (Amanda Brown). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. District(s) Affected: District 2.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-077, PDF, 4.5 MB, posted 12/14/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Agreement Regarding Development, PDF, 302 KB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 4.2 MB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Letter Of Intent, PDF, 135 KB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Restrictive Covenant, PDF, 4.0 MB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Revised Agreement Regarding Development, PDF, 469 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 30.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Backup: Updated Valid Petition, PDF, 519 KB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-077, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - CM Fuentes, PDF, 9 KB, posted 12/1/2022
Item 78 - December 1, 2022
C14-2020-0143 - 12121 North IH 35 Rezoning- Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 12121 North IH 35 Service Road Northbound (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning to multifamily residence-moderate high density (MF-4) district zoning. Staff and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence-moderate high density (MF-4) district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Dupius Investments, Ltd. (Daniel McCormack) Agent: Coats Rose (Racy Haddad). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-078, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 1.5 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-078, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-078, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.7 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 79 - December 1, 2022
C14-2021-0161 - West William Cannon Housing - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 3101 West William Cannon Drive (Williamson Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from limited office-conditional overlay (LO-CO) combining district zoning to multifamily residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To forward to Council without a recommendation due to lack of an affirmative vote. Owner / Applicant: Jubilee Christian Center (Jimmy R. Seal). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719. This action concerns land located in the Barton Springs Zone. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. District(s) Affected: District 5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-079, Agenda Backup: Neighborhood Postponement Request, PDF, 349 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-079, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-079, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 15.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-079, Agenda Backup: Withdrawal of Case, PDF, 237 KB, posted 11/30/2022
Item 80 - December 1, 2022
C14-2021-0189 - 4833 Spicewood Springs - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 4833 Spicewood Springs Road (Bull Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence (SF-3) district zoning to limited office (LO) district zoning, as amended. First Reading approved limited office-conditional overlay (LO-CO) combining district zoning, with additional conditions on November 3, 2022. Vote: 11-0. Owner/Applicant: Spicewood Canyon, LP (Juan Creixell). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s) Affected: District 10.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-080, PDF, 2.4 MB, posted 12/14/2022
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-080, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 1.4 MB, posted 11/29/2022
20221201-080, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-080, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 5.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 81 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0049 - 500 VFW Road - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 500 VFW Road (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant's Request: To rezone from general office-conditional overlay (GO-CO) combining district zoning to general office-mixed use (GO-MU) combining district zoning. First Reading approved on October 27, 2022. Vote: 11-0. Owner/Applicant: Capital City VFW Post #8787. Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-2122. District(s) Affected: District 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-081, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 619 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-081, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-081, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 3.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 82 - December 1, 2022
C14-2022-0044 - The Zimmerman - Approve third reading of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 11400 Zimmerman Lane (Bull Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from development reserve (DR) district zoning to multifamily residence-medium density (MF-3) district zoning. First Reading approved multifamily residence-low density-conditional overlay (MF-2-CO) combining district zoning, with additional conditions on November 3, 2022. Vote: 11-0. Second Reading approved multifamily residence-low density-conditional overlay (MF-2-CO) combining district zoning on November 15, 2022. Vote: 7-0. Owner/Applicant: Udaya and Uma Kumar. Agent: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s) Affected: District 10.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-082, PDF, 2.4 MB, posted 1/6/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-082, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 1.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-082, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-082, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 6.9 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 83 - December 1, 2022
NPA-2019-0022.02- 305 South Congress PUD - Approve third reading an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20050929-Z001 the Greater South River City Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 305 South Congress Ave. (Lady Bird Lake Watershed) from Industry to Mixed Use land use. First Reading approved on April 7, 2022. Vote: 10-0, Council Member Harper-Madison was off the dais. Second Reading approved on November 3, 2022. Vote: 7-1, Council Member Alter voted nay. Council Members Kelly and Kitchen abstained. Council Member Tovo was off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Richard T. Suttle, Jr., Trustee. Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.). City Staff: Jerry Rusthoven, Housing and Planning Department, 512-974-3207. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-083, PDF, 872 KB, posted 1/20/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-083, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 349 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-083, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 113 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-083, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 10.9 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 84 - December 1, 2022
C814-89-0003.02 - 305 S. Congress - Approve third reading of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 305 South Congress Avenue (Lady Bird Lake Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, to change conditions of zoning. This ordinance may include waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. First Reading approved with additional conditions on April 7, 2022. Vote: 10-0, Council Member Harper-Madison was off the dais. Second Reading approved with additional conditions on November 3, 2022. Vote: 7-1, Council Member Alter voted nay. Council Members Kelly and Kitchen abstained. Council Member Tovo was off the dais. Owner / Applicant: Richard T. Suttle, Jr., Trustee. Agent: Armbrust & Brown PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.). City Staff: Jerry Rusthoven, 512-974-3207. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20221201-084, PDF, 23.2 MB, posted 1/20/2023
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: 3rd Reading Draft Ordinance, PDF, 11.3 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet 1 V2 Mayor Adler, PDF, 68 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet 2 Mayor Adler, PDF, 79 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet CM Fuentes, PDF, 20 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Motion Sheet MPT Alter, PDF, 19 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Agenda Late Backup Proposed Amendment Harper Madison, PDF, 372 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 112 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Restrictive Covenant, PDF, 55 KB, posted 11/28/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Revised Restrictive Covenant, PDF, 55 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 2, PDF, 15.4 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Backup: Staff Report Part 1, PDF, 25.1 MB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet 1 V3 - Mayor Adler, PDF, 155 KB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Late Backup: Amendments - Staff, PDF, 629 KB, posted 12/20/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Late Backup: Exhibit R - Revised, PDF, 1.2 MB, posted 12/2/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet - Mayor Adler, PDF, 68 KB, posted 12/1/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet #2 - MPT Alter, PDF, 369 KB, posted 12/20/2022
20221201-084, Agenda Late Backup: Motion Sheet #3 - MPT Alter, PDF, 236 KB, posted 12/20/2022
Item 85 - December 1, 2022
C14-78-189(RCT) - 305 S. Congress RC - Conduct a public hearing and approve a restrictive covenant termination on a portion of the property locally known as 305 South Congress Avenue (Lady Bird Lake Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To terminate a public Restrictive Covenant. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant termination of a public Restrictive Covenant. Owner / Applicant: Richard T. Suttle, Jr., Trustee. Agent: Armbrust & Brown PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.). City Staff: Jerry Rusthoven, 512-974-3207. District(s) Affected: District 9.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-085, Agenda Backup: Draft RCT, PDF, 24 KB, posted 11/28/2022
20221201-085, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 111 KB, posted 11/18/2022
20221201-085, Agenda Backup: Revised Restrictive Covenant Termination, PDF, 27 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-085, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 4.8 MB, posted 11/18/2022
Item 86 - December 1, 2022
Approve a resolution recommending adoption of amendments to the articles of incorporation of the Austin Transit Partnership to add additional community-at-large members, and to make changes to increase nomination process transparency for board members; and recommending to the CapMetro Board that they also amend the Austin Transit Partnership documents as recommended by Council. Council Sponsors: Council Member Ann Kitchen, Mayor Steve Adler, Council Member Leslie Pool, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20221201-086, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 102 KB, posted 11/28/2022
20221201-086, Agenda Backup: Memo, PDF, 129 KB, posted 11/30/2022
20221201-086, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Action, PDF, 108 KB, posted 11/28/2022
Page updated: 2/13/2025, 3:24pm
Office of the City Clerk