Special Called Meeting of the Austin City Council
December 3, 2017
Meeting Agenda
Agenda - Special Called Meeting, 467kb
Approved Meeting Minutes
Minutes - Special Called Meeting, 132kb
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript - Special Called Meeting, 201kb
Agenda Items - December 3, 2017
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
Item SPEC001 - December 3, 2017
Briefing and discussion on City Manager search process, interview process and next steps.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20171203-SPEC001, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 204kb, posted 11/29/2017
Item SPEC002 - December 3, 2017
Discuss personnel issues related to the search for and appointment of a new city manager (Personnel matters - Section 551.074 of the Government Code).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20171203-SPEC002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 212kb, posted 11/29/2017
Page updated: 2/14/2024, 5:30pm
Office of the City Clerk