Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Board of Directors
October 1, 2015
Meeting Agenda
Agenda - AHFC, 127kb
Approved Meeting Minutes
Minutes, 186kb
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript - AHFC, 99kb
Agenda Items - October 1, 2015
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
Item AHFC001 - October 1, 2015
Authorize award, negotiation and execution of five 24-month contracts for a combined amount not to exceed $1,200,000 with INTERFAITH ACTION OF CENTRAL TEXAS, MEALS ON WHEELS AND MORE, INC., EASTER SEALS CENTRAL TEXAS, INC., AUSTIN HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., AUSTIN AREA URBAN LEAGUE, INC., and REBUILDING AUSTIN TOGETHER for repair of homes eligible through the Holly Good Neighbor program.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC001, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 59kb
Item AHFC002 - October 1, 2015
Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance of Austin Housing Finance Corporation Multi-family Housing Revenue Bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $8 million; approving related documents, in substantially the form attached to the resolution, to provide financing for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Timbers Apartments, 1034 Clayton Lane, to be owned and operated by Timbers Clayton 104 Apartments, LP, a Texas limited partnership; and authorizing specific named representatives of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation to execute the documents relating to issuance of the bonds and closing the transaction.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20151001-AHFC002, PDF, 9.8mb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Backup (Resolution), PDF, 38kb
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 399kb
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 195kb
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 1.2mb
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D, PDF, 142kb
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Exhibit E, PDF, 613kb
20151001-AHFC002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 88kb
Item AHFC003 - October 1, 2015
Approve a resolution authorizing the issuance of Austin Housing Finance Corporation Multi-family Housing Revenue Bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25 million; approving related documents, in substantially the form attached to the resolution, to provide financing for the acquisition and construction of the Aldrich 51 Apartments, 2604 Aldrich Street, to be owned and operated by Austin DMA Housing II, LLC, a Texas limited liability company; and authorizing specific named representatives of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation to execute the documents relating to issuance of the bonds and closing the transaction.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20151001-AHFC003, PDF, 16.9mb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Backup (Resolution), PDF, 29kb
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 511kb
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Exhibit B, PDF, 972kb
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Exhibit C, PDF, 194kb
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Exhibit D, PDF, 54kb
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Exhibit E, PDF, 426kb
20151001-AHFC003, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 80kb
Item AHFC004 - October 1, 2015
Approve a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Austin Housing Finance Corporation Grant Operating Budget to appropriate $1,351,401 from the Housing Trust Fund for housing programs.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20151001-AHFC004, PDF, 17kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC004, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 7kb
20151001-AHFC004, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 37kb
20151001-AHFC004, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 47kb
Item AHFC005 - October 1, 2015
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Service Agreement with the City of Austin by increasing funding for the Housing Trust Fund in the amount of $1,351,401, for a total contract amount not to exceed $18,476,973.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC005, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 70kb
Item AHFC006 - October 1, 2015
Authorize an increase to a loan of up to $2,000,000 for a total loan amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to Austin DMA Housing II, LLC, for Aldrich 51 Apartments, located at 2604 Aldrich Street in the Robert Mueller Municipal Airport redevelopment site.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC006, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 87kb
Item AHFC007 - October 1, 2015
Authorize an increase of $1,322,449 to the existing loan with CHESTNUT NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION CORPORATION, for the purpose of developing affordable ownership housing at 1212, 1301, and 1309 Chicon Street, for a total loan amount not to exceed $3,962,717.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20151001-AHFC007, Agenda Backup: Letter (Chicon Support), PDF, 232kb
20151001-AHFC007, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Board Action, PDF, 79kb
Page updated: 3/4/2024, 5:42pm
Office of the City Clerk