Special Called Meeting of the Austin City Council
May 13, 2015
Meeting Agenda
Agenda - Special Called Meeting, 157kb
Approved Meeting Minutes
Minutes - Special Called Meeting, 238kb
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript - Special Called Meeting, 320kb
Agenda Items - May 13, 2015
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
Item 1 - May 13, 2015
Briefings and discussion related to the City's five-year financial forecast.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20150513-001, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 60kb
20150513-001, Agenda Late Backup: Presentation - Budget Road Map, PDF, 195kb
20150513-001, Agenda Late Backup: Presentation - Financial Forecast and Budget Process FY 2016-2020, PDF, 818kb
Item 2 - May 13, 2015
Staff briefing on General Homestead Exemption.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20150513-002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 60kb
Page updated: 2/26/2024, 5:52pm
Office of the City Clerk