Regular Meeting of the Austin City Council
May 23, 2013
Meeting Agenda
Agenda, 183kb
Changes to the Meeting Agenda
Agenda Changes and Corrections Part 1 of 2, 35kb
Agenda Changes and Corrections Part 2 of 2, 38kb
Council Questions and Answers
Agenda Questions and Answers Part 1 of 2, 518kb
Agenda Questions and Answers Part 2 of 2, 1.1mb
Approved Meeting Minutes
Minutes, 124kb
Closed Caption Transcript
Transcript, 618kb
Agenda Items - May 23, 2013
Scroll down to view each item on the meeting agenda or click on a number to go directly to that item.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
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111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 |
Item 1 - May 23, 2013
Approve the minutes of the Austin City Council work session of May 7, 2013 and regular meeting of May 9, 2013.
There are no documents published for this agenda item.
Item 2 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 15-9 regarding utility service, billing and adjustments, and administrative reviews and hearings.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-002, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 179kb
20130523-002, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 74kb
Item 3 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Capital Budget of Austin Energy (Ordinance No. 20120910-002) to increase appropriations by $7,000,000 for the Holly Street Power Plant Decommissioning Project and amending the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Operating Budget of Austin Energy (Ordinance No. 20120910-001) to increase the transfers out by $7,000,000 for the Holly Street Power Plant decommissioning account and decrease the Austin Energy Operating Fund ending balance by $7,000,000. Related to Item #14.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-003, PDF, 30kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-003, Agenda Backup: CIP Expense Detail - Austin Energy, PDF, 49kb
20130523-003, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note - Austin Energy Operating, PDF, 54kb
20130523-003, Agenda Backup: Ordinance - Austin Energy, PDF, 63kb
20130523-003, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 80kb
Item 4 - May 23, 2013
Authorize recurring exempted procurements (Advertising) under Local Government Code Chapter 252 for expenditures to conduct routine City of Austin business with multiple agencies and vendors in separate amounts not to exceed totals listed below and a total expenditure amount not to exceed $155,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-004, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 72kb
Item 5 - May 23, 2013
Approve Service Extension Request No. 3151 for water service to a 37 acre tract at 9300 W SH 71, located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone and partially in the City's 2-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction and corporate limits. Related to Item #6.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-005, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 1.0mb
20130523-005, Agenda Backup: Map (062013 CCN), PDF, 329kb
20130523-005, Agenda Backup: Map (062013 Location_LandmarkConservancy), PDF, 424kb
20130523-005, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 6 - May 23, 2013
Approve Service Extension Request No. 3152 for wastewater service to a 37 acre tract at 9300 W SH 71, located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone and partially in the City's 2-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction and corporate limits. Related to Item #5.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-006, Agenda Backup: Map (062013 CCN), PDF, 329kb
20130523-006, Agenda Backup: Map (Landmark Conservancy), PDF, 2.1mb
20130523-006, Agenda Backup: Map (Location Landmark Conservancy), PDF, 424kb
20130523-006, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 7 - May 23, 2013
Authorize the negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 1 to an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Austin and the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) for the City's services related to the enhanced 9-1-1 emergency telephone system and maintenance of the 9-1-1 database on a county-wide basis to increase the 12-month renewal option reimbursement of $330,414 by the amount of $105,104, for a total renewal option reimbursement amount not to exceed $435,518 and for a total contract reimbursement due from CAPCOG to the City in an amount not to exceed $765,932.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-007, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 8 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with CDM SMITH INC. AUSTIN, TX (staff recommendation) or one of the other qualified responders to RFQ Solicitation No. CLMP124, to provide engineering services for the North Austin Reservoir and Pump Station Improvements in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 15.00% MBE and 21.00% WBE subconsultant participation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-008, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 34kb
20130523-008, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 44kb
20130523-008, Agenda Backup: Matrix, PDF, 77kb
20130523-008, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
Item 9 - May 23, 2013
Authorize execution of a construction contract with LAUGHLIN-THYSSEN, INC, for the Pemberton Heights Water Rehab Phase 3 Project in the amount of $6,965,608, plus a $348,281 contingency fee, for a total contract amount not to exceed $7,313,889.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 15.61% MBE and 2.15% WBE participation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-009, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 15kb
20130523-009, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 45kb
20130523-009, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 184kb
20130523-009, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 68kb
Item 10 - May 23, 2013
Authorize execution of a construction contract with AUSTIN FILTER SYSTEMS, INC. for Williamson Creek Tributary 2 Stream Bank Rehabilitation in the amount of $1,768,127, plus a $176,813 contingency fee, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,944,940.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 27.13% MBE and 7.03% WBE subcontractor participation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-010, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 59kb
20130523-010, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 42kb
20130523-010, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 133kb
20130523-010, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 68kb
Item 11 - May 23, 2013
Authorize execution of a construction contract with LAUGHLIN-THYSSEN, INC, for the Shoal Creek - Ridgelea Storm Drain Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $3,845,409.20, plus a $192,270.46 contingency fee, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,037,679.66( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 14.69% MBE and 2.86% WBE subcontractor participation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-011, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 67kb
20130523-011, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 33kb
20130523-011, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 110kb
20130523-011, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 70kb
Item 12 - May 23, 2013
Authorize additional funding for the Parks and Recreation Department Aquatic Complex Improvements Design-Build Agreement, for the Bartholomew Pool Complex, with Design-Builder CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS, LTD., L.L.P., in the amount of $990,000 for additional contingency to fund change orders to address unforeseen subsurface conditions and community design concerns for a total contract authorization amount not to exceed $8,990,000.( Notes: The Design-Build contract and approved amendments were awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program).)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-012, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 42kb
20130523-012, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 60kb
20130523-012, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 59kb
20130523-012, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 71kb
Item 13 - May 23, 2013
Authorize use of the Design-Build method for design and construction services, in accordance with Government Code Chapter 2267 Subchapter G, for the development of an office building and parking structure at Riverside & Montopolis Tokyo electric site purchased by the City of Austin and Austin Energy.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-013, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 14 - May 23, 2013
Authorize execution of a supplemental amendment #7 to the professional services agreement with WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC., Austin, TX, for completion of phase 3 construction services and phase 4 remediation services for the Holly Street Power Plant Decommissioning Project in an amount not to exceed $3,800,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $10,807,626.30. Related to Item #3.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-014, Agenda Backup: Authorization History.docx, PDF, 72kb
20130523-014, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 55kb
20130523-014, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 50kb
20130523-014, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 15 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with W. K. DICKSON & CO., INC., for engineering services for water line condition assessment on Nueces Street in an amount not to exceed $66,500.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-015, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 61kb
20130523-015, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 30kb
20130523-015, Agenda Backup: Memo, PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-015, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 16 - May 23, 2013
Authorize execution of a construction contract with MUNIZ CONCRETE AND CONTRACTING, INC. for the North Acres Trail Improvements in the amount of $683,339.94 plus a $68,333.99 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $751,673.93.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program) and City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goal with 35.83% prime and 8.58% DBE subcontractor participation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-016, Agenda Backup: DBE Summary, PDF, 37kb
20130523-016, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 56kb
20130523-016, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 92kb
20130523-016, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
20130523-016, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 31kb
20130523-016, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 39kb
Item 17 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the professional services agreement with COTERA + REED ARCHITECTS (MBE/MH), Austin, TX, to provide architectural services for the 2009-2011 Architectural Services Rotation List, for the years 2011 through 2013 or until financial authorization is expended, in the amount of $230,000 in additional authorization, for a total contract amount not to exceed amount of $5,830,000.( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) with 15.80% MBE and 15.80% WBE subconsultant participation to date.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-017, Agenda Backup: Authorization History, PDF, 28kb
20130523-017, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 39kb
20130523-017, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 71kb
Item 18 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of a job order contract with the following Austin, Texas contractors: GO GREEN SQUADS, LLC (WBE/FW); McCULLOUGH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC.; CLIMATE MECHANICAL, INC.; AIRTECH ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC.; GOOD NEIGHBOR MANAGEMENT, INC. dba CITY CONSERVATION; and AMERICAN CONSERVATION & AIR, INC., to perform construction services for the Austin Energy Home Efficiency Assistance Program Tier 2 Basic Weatherization Plus HVAC Project, in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 for a one-year term and distributed to the six selected contractors based on work authorization and availability.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation. )
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-018, Agenda Backup: M/WBE Summary, PDF, 35kb
20130523-018, Agenda Backup: Matrix, PDF, 18kb
20130523-018, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
20130523-018, Agenda Late Backup, PDF, 128kb
Item 19 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution authorizing the CIRCUIT EVENTS LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE to act on the City's behalf to apply to the Texas Comptroller for Texas Event Trust Fund for the Summer X Games 2014, 2015, and 2016, at the Circuit of the Americas facility in Austin and authorizing the City Manager to submit to council fee waivers and in-kind assistance in an amount not to exceed $150,000 if Austin is selected for these games.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-019, PDF, 81kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-019, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 28kb
20130523-019, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
Item 20 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution repealing Council action taken on agenda item #8 on February 28, 2013 which authorized the negotiation and execution of a Family Business Loan Program Section 108 loan to Shady Springs Enterprises, Inc. to refinance a building at 1103 East 6th Street; and authorizing the negotiation and execution of a Family Business Loan Program Section 108 loan to Rosa E. Santis, to refinance a building at 1103 East 6th Street property in an amount not to exceed $199,284.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-020, PDF, 28kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-020, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 7kb
20130523-020, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 70kb
Item 21 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the existing interlocal cooperation agreement between the City and Travis County to provide additional emergency medical services in an area of Travis County outside the City's corporate limits for a period beginning June 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 in exchange for payment of $259,775 by Travis County. Related to Item #22.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-021, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
Item 22 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 General Fund Emergency Medical Services Department Operating Budget (Ordinance No. 20120910-001) to increase revenue in the amount of $169,333 and increase expenses in the amount of $169,333 to add six new EMS Medic I full-time equivalent positions. Related to Item #21.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-022, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 17kb
20130523-022, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 39kb
20130523-022, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
Item 23 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance establishing classifications and positions in the classified service of the Emergency Medical Services Department; eliminating and creating certain positions in the classified service of the Emergency Medical Services Department; and repealing ordinance no. 20130328-015 relating to Emergency Medical Services Department classifications and positions.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-023, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 31kb
20130523-023, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 90kb
Item 24 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of a 12-month interlocal agreement with UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN through its GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND KINESIOLOGY, to provide firefighter applicants with a 14-week remedial strength training program and peer fitness training program for the Austin Fire Department with no renewal options in an amount not to exceed $39,000.( Notes: This Cooperative Purchase is exempt from the MBE/WBE Ordinance. This exemption is in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-024, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
Item 25 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance authorizing acceptance of $14,645 in grant funds from the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES, and amending the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Health and Human Services Department Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20120910-001) to appropriate $14,645 for programs authorized under the Texas Health and Safety Code: Office of Public Health Practice Program, HIV Surveillance Control Program, Sexually Transmitted Disease Control (STD Control), Refugee Health Screening Program, Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention and Control Federal Program, TB Prevention and Control State Program, Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program, Immunization Program and Influenza Incidence Surveillance project.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-025, PDF, 35kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-025, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 17kb
20130523-025, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 35kb
20130523-025, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 26 - May 23, 2013
Approve negotiation and execution of an amendment to the 12-month contract with FRONT STEPS, INC. to provide homeless services at the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless, in an amount not to exceed $19,397.29, for a total 12-month contract amount not to exceed $2,266,813.29 for the period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-026, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 66kb
Item 27 - May 23, 2013
Approve a settlement in Rachel McCuistion et al v. City of Austin, Cause No. C-1-CV-11-004217; In the Travis County Court at Law No. 1.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-027, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 71kb
Item 28 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of a legal services contract with Sahs & Associates, P.C., for services related to the Lower Colorado River Authority's (LCRA) application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to amend LCRA's Water Management Plan in an amount not to exceed $400,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-028, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
Item 29 - May 23, 2013
Approve second and third reading of an ordinance relating to the creation of a board of trustees to govern Austin Energy and an advisory panel to advise the board and the Council on matters concerning Austin Energy.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-029, Agenda Backup: Backup (Informational), PDF, 125kb
20130523-029, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 60kb
20130523-029, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
Item 30 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution consenting to the issuance by Austin Affordable, PFC, Inc., an affiliate of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin, of $25,000,000 in Multifamily Private Activity Bonds to finance a proposed 250-unit multi-family rental development to be located at 7000 East Ben White Boulevard.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-030, PDF, 59kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-030, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 23kb
20130523-030, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
20130523-030, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 43kb
20130523-030, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 348kb
Item 31 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution consenting to the issuance, by Austin Affordable, PFC, Inc., an affiliate of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin, of $17,000,000 in Multi-family Private Activity Bonds to finance, in part, a proposed 183-unit multi-family rental development for seniors to be located at 7016 East Ben White Boulevard.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-031, PDF, 59kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-031, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 23kb
20130523-031, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 81kb
20130523-031, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 43kb
20130523-031, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 348kb
Item 32 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution consenting to the City's support of Ben White Development, LP's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for an allocation of non-competitive four percent low income housing tax credits to help finance a proposed 250-unit multi-family rental development to be located at 7000 East Ben White Boulevard.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-032, PDF, 33kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-032, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 21kb
20130523-032, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 80kb
20130523-032, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 43kb
20130523-032, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 348kb
Item 33 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution consenting to the City's support of the Villages of Ben White, LP's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for an allocation of non-competitive four percent low income housing tax credits to help finance a proposed 183-unit multi-family rental development for seniors to be located at 7016 East Ben White Boulevard.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-033, PDF, 33kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-033, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 21kb
20130523-033, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 80kb
20130523-033, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 45kb
20130523-033, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 348kb
Item 34 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution authorizing the redevelopment of the City owned 1.4 acre parcel of land along Cesar Chavez known as the Austin Energy Electric South Substation as the new Central Public Library.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-034, PDF, 46kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-034, Agenda Backup: Backup (Resolution No. 20080214-054), PDF, 352kb
20130523-034, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 91kb
20130523-034, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 66kb
Item 35 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance granting variances to City Code Section 25-9-158 (public hearing deadline) and Section 25-9-159 (Council action deadline) relating to a petition submitted for consent to the creation of the Cascades Municipal Utility District No. 1 (approximately 135 acres of land located in southern Travis County immediately south of the current City limits in Austin's extraterritorial jurisdiction, along the east side of IH 35 South, and along Onion Creek).
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-035, PDF, 224kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-035, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 17kb
20130523-035, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 440kb
20130523-035, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 70kb
Item 36 - May 23, 2013
Reconsider the denial of partial tax abatements for certain historic properties that were denied the tax abatement for the tax year that starts January 1, 2013, and if granted, amend Resolution No. 20130425-027 to add these properties.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-036, PDF, 55kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-036, Agenda Backup: Backup (2013HistoricTaxExemption - AdditionalAffidavitsandInspectionInformation), PDF, 5.8mb
20130523-036, Agenda Backup: Backup (HLC ApprovedRecommendation52013), PDF, 107kb
20130523-036, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 8kb
20130523-036, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 340kb
20130523-036, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 65kb
Item 37 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for construction (relocation) of Austin Water Utility pipelines within the TXDOT Roadway Improvement of FM 973 at Colorado River in the amount of $2,664,522.50 plus a $266,452.25 contingency fee, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,930,974.75
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-037, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 13kb
20130523-037, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 97kb
20130523-037, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 66kb
Item 38 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for construction (relocation) of Austin Water Utility water and wastewater lines within the TXDOT Roadway Improvement of State Highway 71 from Southwest Parkway to US 290, in the amount of $4,383,500 plus a $876,700 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,260,200.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-038, Agenda Backup: Backup (map), PDF, 85kb
20130523-038, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 13kb
20130523-038, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 66kb
Item 39 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation and execution of a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Boardwalk Trail at Lady Bird Lake under Interstate Highway 35 on the south shore; and approve a corresponding resolution expressing the City's intent to maintain the hike and bike trail and all features constructed in association with it, in accordance with the terms of the proposed agreement.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-039, PDF, 30kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-039, Agenda Backup: Backup (map), PDF, 142kb
20130523-039, Agenda Backup: Draft resolution, PDF, 16kb
20130523-039, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
20130523-039, Agenda Backup: Revised Backup (Agreement), PDF, 92kb
Item 40 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award, negotiation and execution of a 24-month requirements service contract with TITUS SYSTEMS, LP or with the other qualified respondents to RFP BKH0153REBID to provide structured communications cabling services in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 with three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 per option for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $15,000,000.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 14.10% MBE and 15.00% WBE subcontractor participation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-040, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note (Titus), PDF, 14kb
20130523-040, Agenda Backup: Matrix (Titus), PDF, 10kb
20130523-040, Agenda Backup: MWBE SUMMARY, PDF, 41kb
20130523-040, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 75kb
Item 41 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a 60-month requirements service contract with CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, GRUENE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANIES, EFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC., WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC., and PROGRESSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES dba SWS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES for soil remediation, equipment, and surface decontamination services for Austin Energy in an amount not to exceed $7,500,000 combined.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-041, Agenda Backup: Matrix (Soil Remediation), PDF, 44kb
20130523-041, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
Item 42 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of four, 36-month requirements supply contracts with BADGER METER INC., MUELLER SYSTEMS LLC, TEXAS IRRIGATION SUPPLY, and TECHLINE PIPE, to provide lead free water meters and gate valves for the Austin Water Utility Department, in an estimated amount not to exceed $3,750,000, each and combined with three 12-month extension options in estimated amounts not to exceed $1,250,000 per extension option, each and combined, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $7,500,000, each and combined.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-042, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 89kb
Item 43 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a 36-month requirements service contract with BARRY CLARK & ASSOCIATES, INC. to provide air cargo and regional market evaluation and development services, and CAMPBELL-HILL AVIATION GROUP, LLC to provide domestic and international air service market evaluation and development services in an estimated amount not to exceed $950,000 each and combined, with three 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $350,000 per option each and combined, for the Aviation Department in an estimated amount not to exceed $2,000,000 each and combined.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-043, Agenda Backup: Matrix, PDF, 10kb
20130523-043, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 78kb
Item 44 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of Amendment No. 2 to increase the contract amount with PIPELINE VIDEO INSPECTION & CLEANING, LLC, for cleaning, televising and point repair of sanitary sewer collection systems pipes for the Austin Water Utility in an estimated amount not to exceed $98,730, for a revised total amount estimated contract amount of $888,570.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-044, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
Item 45 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of a 36-month requirements supply contract with ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS, INC., to provide asphalt emulsions for the Public Works Department, in an estimated amount not to exceed $8,250,000, with three 12-month extension options in estimated amounts not to exceed $2,750,000 for each extension option, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $16,500,000.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-045, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 83kb
Item 46 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of a 24-month service contract with GC3 SPECIALTY CHEMICALS, INC., for the purchase of chemical treatment services for water systems at various Austin Water Utility locations in an estimated amount not to exceed $30,960, with one 24-month extension option in an estimated amount not to exceed $30,960, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $61,920.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-046, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 82kb
Item 47 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of Amendment No.6 to a contract with AON RISK SERVICES SOUTHWEST, INC. dba AON, for administration services for ROCIP V for the Human Resources Department to extend the contract for one 12-month period in an amount not to exceed $0, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $15,300,000. This Amendment will extend the contract to December 31, 2015.( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-047, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 87kb
Item 48 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of Amendment No. 3 to a contract with SAFETY SOLUTIONS, INC., for construction safety management services for the Human Resources Department to extend the contract for one 12 month period and to increase the contract by an amount not to exceed $65,000, for a revised total estimated contract amount not to exceed $393,770.( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-048, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 72kb
Item 49 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of a 36-month requirements service contract with GEAR CLEANING SOLUTIONS, LLC, or one of the other qualified bidders for RFP CEA0117 to provide turnout gear maintenance services for the Austin Fire Department (AFD) in an estimated amount not to exceed $746,673, with three 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $274,185 for the first extension option, $287,894 for the second extension option, and $302,289 for the third extension option for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $1,611,041.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-049, Agenda Backup: Matrix (Gear Cleaning), PDF, 12kb
20130523-049, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 78kb
Item 50 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of a 12-month requirements service contract with FOREVER GREEN, or another qualified bidder to IFB-BV No. OPJ0005, to provide landscaping and irrigation services for Austin Energy's new System Control Center facility, in an estimated amount not to exceed $21,678 with four 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $21,678 per extension option, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $108,390.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-050, Agenda Backup: Matrix (Forever Green), PDF, 56kb
20130523-050, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 80kb
Item 51 - May 23, 2013
Authorize negotiation, award, and execution of a 60-month services requirements contract with SAFETY SOLUTIONS INC., or one of the other qualified offerors to RFP JSD0134 for the Construction Safety Management services of the Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP VI) for the Human Resources Department, for a total estimated amount of $395,000.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-051, Agenda Backup: Matrix (Safety Solutions), PDF, 42kb
20130523-051, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 80kb
Item 52 - May 23, 2013
Authorize, negotiation, and execution of a contract with JOHNSON CONTROLS INC. for the purchase, delivery and installation of a motor upgrade for a York(r) chiller at Austin Energy's Domain District Cooling Plant in an amount not to exceed $161,235.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D (Minority-Owned Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). Although no goals were established for this contract, 3.20% WBE subcontractor participation has been met.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-052, Agenda Backup: Austin Energy Fiscal Note, PDF, 31kb
20130523-052, Agenda Backup: MWBE Summary (Johnson 052313), PDF, 33kb
20130523-052, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 53 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award, negotiation and execution of 12-month professional services contracts with DR. OVIDU CRACIUN and DR. MARGARET MACDONALD to provide veterinary surgical services for the Austin Animal Center in an estimated amount not to exceed $60,000 each and combined, with four 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $60,000 per extension option each and combined, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $300,000 each and combined.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-053, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 54 - May 23, 2013
Authorize, negotiation, and execution of Amendment No. 1 to a contract with EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT POWER & WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. to repair a voltage regulator at the Decker Creek Power Station in an amount not to exceed $94,500.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-054, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 55 - May 23, 2013
Authorize, negotiation, and execution of a 12-month requirements service contract with MILSOFT UTILITY SOLUTIONS to provide Milsoft software technical support and maintenance services for Austin Energy in an amount not to exceed $19,870, with four 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $20,600 for the first extension option, and $21,330 for the second, third and fourth extension options, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $104,460.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-055, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 68kb
Item 56 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of various supply and service agreements for a 48-month period with vendors through TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE (BUYBOARD) for the purchase, installation, maintenance and repair of playscapes for the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, in an estimated amount not to exceed $2,360,000.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-056, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Notes, PDF, 47kb
20130523-056, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 57 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a 48-month requirements supply contract with AVRIO RMS GROUP, LLC, for the purchase of public safety cameras and related hardware, software, services and maintenance in support of Austin Police Department's HALO (High Activity Location Observation) Public Safety Camera project, for a total contract value not to exceed $750,000.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-057, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 58 - May 23, 2013
Authorize award and execution of a 36-month requirements service contract with AAA FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO INC. for hydrostatic cylinder testing for the Austin Fire Department (AFD) in an estimated amount not to exceed $61,644, with three 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $20,548 per extension option, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $123,288.( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.)
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-058, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 84kb
Item 59 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 13-2 (Ground Transportation Passenger Services) to revise the definitions, amend the regulations, and add requirements related to the operation of Charter Services.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-059, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 36kb
20130523-059, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 79kb
Item 60 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 13-2 relating to ground transportation passenger services.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-060, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
20130523-060, Agenda Backup: Revised Draft Ordinance, PDF, 42kb
20130523-060, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 199kb
20130523-060, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 285kb
Item 61 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 12-4-64(D) to establish a maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour on Burleson Road from U.S. 183 to FM 973.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-061, PDF, 243kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-061, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 37kb
20130523-061, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 17kb
20130523-061, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A (Burleson Road Speed Study), PDF, 670kb
20130523-061, Agenda Backup: Map (Speed Limit Zone Burleson Roadl RCA), PDF, 113kb
20130523-061, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 71kb
Item 62 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 12-4-64(D) to modify the speed limits on certain segments of Ross Road, to add a 20 mile-per-hour school zone for students attending Del Valle elementary and middle schools, and declaring an emergency.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-062, PDF, 275kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-062, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 38kb
20130523-062, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 22kb
20130523-062, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A (Ross Road Speed Study), PDF, 695kb
20130523-062, Agenda Backup: Map (Speed Limit Zone Ross Road Del Valle Schools RCA), PDF, 131kb
20130523-062, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 76kb
Item 63 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 12-4-64(D) to modify speed limits on certain segments of St. Elmo Road, to add 20 mile-per-hour school zones on St. Elmo Road and Woodward Street for students attending Harmony School of Excellence, and to provide for emergency passage.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-063, PDF, 366kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-063, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 38kb
20130523-063, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 24kb
20130523-063, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A (Harmony School Zone Study), PDF, 806kb
20130523-063, Agenda Backup: Map (Speed Limit Zone Harmony School RCA), PDF, 156kb
20130523-063, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 76kb
Item 64 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 12-4-64(D) to modify the speed limits on certain segments of Airport Boulevard, to add a 20 mile-per-hour school zone on a segment of Airport Boulevard for students attending Ridgetop Elementary School, and to provide for emergency passage.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-064, PDF, 377kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-064, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 38kb
20130523-064, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 24kb
20130523-064, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A (Airport Boulevard Speed Study), PDF, 338kb
20130523-064, Agenda Backup: Map (Airport Boulevard Speed Zone), PDF, 486kb
20130523-064, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 76kb
Item 65 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution authorizing issuance by Senna Hills Municipal Utility District of Unlimited Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, in a principal amount not to exceed $6,210,000; and approving a substantial draft of the District's Bond Resolution and Preliminary Official Statement. This refunding does not authorize the extension of the maturity of the bonds being refunded.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-065, PDF, 4.3mb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-065, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 15kb
20130523-065, Agenda Backup: Exhibit_1, PDF, 258kb
20130523-065, Agenda Backup: Exhibit_2, PDF, 211kb
20130523-065, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 76kb
Item 66 - May 23, 2013
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council subcommittees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-066, Agenda Late Backup, PDF, 7kb
Item 67 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance waiving certain fees and requirements under City Code Chapter 14-8, certain other fees and requirements, and authorizing payment of certain costs for the City co-sponsored Greater East Austin Youth Association's 2013 Juneteenth Parade and Celebration which is to be held on June 15, 2013, at Rosewood Park. (Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Co-sponsor 2: Mayor Lee Leffingwell)
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-067, PDF, 66kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-067, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 34kb
20130523-067, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 46kb
20130523-067, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 74kb
Item 68 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance waiving certain fees and requirements for the Visions of Austin State Hospital Insights Art Show and Auction sponsored by the Austin State Hospital which is to be held Thursday, October 10, 2013 at Fiesta Gardens. (Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, Co-sponsor 1: Mayor Lee Leffingwell, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Chris Riley)
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-068, PDF, 24kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-068, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 18kb
20130523-068, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 40kb
20130523-068, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 72kb
Item 69 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to collect data on multi-family units participating in Austin Energy's Multi-Family Energy Efficiency Program. (Sponsor: Council Member Tovo, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Spelman, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Mike Martinez)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-069, PDF, 85kb
Staff Responses to Council
20130523-069, Response - Staff Report 1, PDF, 147kb
20130523-069, Response - Staff Report 2, PDF, 184kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-069, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 146kb
20130523-069, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 72kb
20130523-069, Agenda Late Backup, PDF, 92kb
Item 70 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 2-1-144, limiting the Environmental Board's review of planned unit developments to environmental elements. (Sponsor: Council Member Chris Riley, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Mike Martinez)
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-070, PDF, 40kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-070, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 37kb
20130523-070, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 24kb
20130523-070, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 56kb
Item 71 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution creating a City Council Committee on Austin Energy and approve appointments to the committee. (Sponsor: Council Member Chris Riley, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Mike Martinez, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Laura Morrison)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-071, PDF, 49kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-071, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 53kb
20130523-071, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 69kb
Item 72 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance reimbursing certain fees to Latinitas for the Fotos de Mi Alma annual fundraiser event which was held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center. (Sponsor: Council Member Mike Martinez, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Laura Morrison, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Kathie Tovo)
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-072, PDF, 22kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-072, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 18kb
20130523-072, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 40kb
20130523-072, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 71kb
Item 73 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager and the City Clerk to develop a timeline and resource staffing plan that result in substantial progress in the City Clerk's 10-Step Program Records Management for each city department. (Sponsor: Council Member Laura Morrison, Co-sponsor 1: Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-073, PDF, 407kb
Staff Responses to Council
20130523-073, Response (July 1, 2013 Report), PDF, 87kb
20130523-073, Response (May 1, 2014 Report), PDF, 28kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-073, Agenda Backup: Draft Exhbit A, PDF, 55kb
20130523-073, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 69kb
20130523-073, Agenda Backup: Revised Draft Resolution, PDF, 49kb
Item 74 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution declaring the second Saturday in August for Barton Springs Fest, providing a half day free swimming and celebration at Barton Springs by all interested persons and renew the City's commitment to work with the citizens of Austin to protect Barton Springs and the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer. (Sponsor: Council Member Laura Morrison, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Kathie Tovo, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Chris Riley)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-074, PDF, 74kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-074, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 10kb
20130523-074, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 37kb
20130523-074, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 70kb
Item 75 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to explore the feasibility of an interlocal agreement with administrators of Camp Mabry Garrison Command that would facilitate the use of Camp Mabry's grounds for public events previously held on City property; and to determine whether or not the City can financially participate in moving some of the displaced events originally slated for Auditorium Shores. (Sponsor: Council Member Mike Martinez, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Laura Morrison)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-075, PDF, 39kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-075, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 8kb
20130523-075, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 69kb
20130523-075, Agenda Late Backup, PDF, 43kb
Item 76 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to provide free parking in city parks on June 1, 2013 for volunteers working on city trails in observance of the annual National Trails Day event. (Sponsor: Council Member Mike Martinez, Co-sponsor 1: Mayor Lee Leffingwell)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-076, PDF, 22kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-076, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 7kb
20130523-076, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 36kb
20130523-076, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 71kb
Item 77 - May 23, 2013
Approve an ordinance waiving certain fees for the Austin Partners in Education volunteer recruitment banners which are to be installed in August 2013. (Sponsor: Council Member Mike Martinez, Co-sponsor 1: Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Kathie Tovo)
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-077, PDF, 22kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-077, Agenda Backup: DRAFT Ordinance, PDF, 18kb
20130523-077, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Note, PDF, 39kb
20130523-077, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 71kb
Item 78 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to establish a landscaping stakeholder group, work with the landscaping stakeholder group to review the use of aggregate materials in landscaping, develop a report with recommendations, and provide the report to the City Council after Environmental Board review. (Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, Co-sponsor 1: Council Member Mike Martinez, Co-sponsor 2: Council Member Chris Riley)
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-078, PDF, 52kb
Staff Responses to Council
Staff Response 20130523-078, PDF, 52kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-078, Agenda Backup: Draft resolution, PDF, 22kb
20130523-078, Agenda Backup: Item from Council, PDF, 57kb
Item 79 - May 23, 2013
Set a public hearing to consider an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2, to: 1) add new code provisions to establish a streamlined Downtown Density Bonus Program; 2) modify the Central Urban Redevelopment (CURE) combining district Code provisions, so that CURE is no longer a means of obtaining additional height and/or density (Floor-to-Area Ratio) in the Downtown Austin Plan area; and 3) repeal code section 25-2-586 (Affordable Housing Incentives in a Central Business District (CBD) or Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) zoning district). (Suggested date and time: June 27, 2013, at 4p.m., Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, 301 West Second Street, Austin, TX 78701).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-079, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 80 - May 23, 2013
Set a public hearing to consider code amendments to Titles 25 and 8 of the City Code that allows businesses, under certain conditions, to utilize underutilized parking lots on city parkland to satisfy minimum parking requirements in exchange for funding to provide significant amenities or enhancements to serve the park. (Suggested date and time, June 6, 2013, 4:00 p.m. at Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-080, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 68kb
Item 81 - May 23, 2013
Set a public hearing to consider the permanent use of approximately 7,508 square feet of land and temporary working space use of approximately 5,108 square feet of land for construction, use, maintenance, repair, and replacement of a wastewater line for the Austin Water Utility Wastewater Line Relay and Spot Repair Services, 2506 Hartford Road to 2614 Jefferson Street Project, through dedicated parkland known as Hartford Park in accordance with Sec. 26.001 et seq. of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code. (Suggested date and time, June 20, 2013, 4:00 p.m. at Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-081, Agenda Backup: Field Notes (TUA), PDF, 166kb
20130523-081, Agenda Backup: Field Notes (WWUA), PDF, 233kb
20130523-081, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 554kb
20130523-081, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 67kb
Item 82 - May 23, 2013
Set a public hearing to consider an ordinance amending the City Code Title 13 and Title 25 relating to Heli-Facilities. (Suggested date and time: June 20, 2013, 4:00 p.m. at Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-082, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 83 - May 23, 2013
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Fort Branch Watershed Management Area Reach 6 & 7 Channel Rehabilitation - Truelight Area and Eleanor Drive Area Project for 4,944 square feet of land for a permanent drainage easement out of and a part of Lot 23, Block 1, Lincoln Gardens Section One, a subdivision in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Book 5, Page 4 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas in the amount of $5,162. The owner of the needed property interests is MAGDALENA LEDESMA. The property is located at 1214 Fort Branch Boulevard, in Austin, Travis County, Texas 78721. The general route covered by this project includes improvements for nearly 5,000 linear feet along Fort Branch Creek corridor from approximately the creek crossing at Fort Branch Boulevard to the Eleanor Street cul-de-sac. The creek parallels Fort Branch Boulevard, Lott Avenue and Eleanor Street through this area.
Executed Resolution
Resolution No. 20130523-083, PDF, 216kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-083, Agenda Backup: Draft Resolution, PDF, 22kb
20130523-083, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 1.7mb
20130523-083, Agenda Backup: Fiscal Analysis, PDF, 62kb
20130523-083, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 534kb
20130523-083, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 69kb
Item 84 - May 23, 2013
Sister City Address from Deputy Lord Mayor of Adelaide Australia.
There are no documents published for this agenda item.
Item 85 - May 23, 2013
Briefing on the Auditorium Shores Improvements Project.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-085, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 100kb
20130523-085, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 924kb
Item 86 - May 23, 2013
Briefing on the Innovation Office.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-086, Agenda Late Backup , PDF, 2.6mb
Item 87 - May 23, 2013
Discuss legal issues related to the transition to electing the council from single-member districts (Private consultation with legal counsel-Section 551.071).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-087, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 70kb
Item 88 - May 23, 2013
Discuss legal issues related to Open Government matters (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071).
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-088, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 70kb
Item 89 - May 23, 2013
C14-2011-0141 - Peaceful Hill Condominiums - Approve third reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 8107 Peaceful Hill Lane and 501 Hubach Lane (South Boggy Creek Watershed) from development reserve (DR) district zoning to townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning, with conditions. First reading approved with conditions on April 26, 2012. Vote: 5-2, Mayor Lee Leffingwell and Council Member Tovo voted nay. Second Reading approved with conditions on June 14, 2012. Vote: 5-2 Council Members Morrison and Tovo voted nay. Owner/Applicant: Kristopher Alsworth, Delton Hubach, Jim Bula and Catherine Christopherson. Agent: The Weichert Law Firm (Glenn K. Weichert). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 974-7719. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-089, Agenda Backup: Ordinance (C14 2011 0141), PDF, 273kb
20130523-089, Agenda Backup: Petition (29.21 percent petition Item 89), PDF, 378kb
20130523-089, Agenda Backup: Postponement Request (Applicant postponment request Item 89), PDF, 22kb
20130523-089, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-089, Agenda Backup: Restrictive Covenant (C14 2011 0141), PDF, 206kb
20130523-089, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (c14 2011 0141), PDF, 5.8mb
Item 90 - May 23, 2013
C14-2012-0083 - Cirrus Rezoning - Approve second/third reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 800 W. 6th Street & 602 - 702 West Avenue (Shoal Creek Watershed) from downtown mixed use-conditional overlay-central urban redevelopment district (DMU-CO-CURE) combining district zoning for Tract 1 and limited office and general office (LO & GO) district zoning for Tract 2 to downtown mixed use-central urban redevelopment district (DMU-CURE) combining district zoning for Tract 1 and downtown mixed use-conditional overlay (DMU-CO) combining district zoning for Tract 2. First reading approved on April 25th, 2013. Vote 5-1. Council Member Tovo voted nay. Applicant: Cirrus Logic, Inc. (Thurman Case). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard Suttle). City Staff: Clark Patterson, 974-7691.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-090, Agenda Backup: - Ordinance (C14 2012 0083), PDF, 472kb
20130523-090, Agenda Backup: - RCA, PDF, 64kb
20130523-090, Agenda Backup: - Staff Report (C14 2012 0083), PDF, 4.4mb
Item 91 - May 23, 2013
C14-2013-0036 - Paloma Ridge - Approve second/third readings of an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 13620-13700 North FM 620 Road (Lake Creek Watershed) from multi-family residence-medium density (MF-3) district zoning and general office-mixed use-conditional overlay (GO-MU-CO) combining district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay (GR-MU-CO) combining district zoning. First Reading approved on May 9, 2013. Vote: 7-0. Owner/Applicant: Koontz McCombs, Troves Gilbert. Agent: Bury & Partners Inc. (Melissa Neslund). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 974-3057.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-091, PDF, 105kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-091, Agenda Backup: Ordinance (C14 2013 0036), PDF, 183kb
20130523-091, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-091, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C14 2013 0036), PDF, 1.2mb
Item 92 - May 23, 2013
NPA-2012-0021.01 - 1100 Manlove Street (1100 Manlove St. NPA) - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20061116-055 of the East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Neighborhood Plan, to change the future land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 1100 Manlove Street (Harpers Branch) from Single Family to Neighborhood Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation: To deny Neighborhood Mixed Use land use. Planning Commission Recommendation: Withdrawn by applicant on April 23, 2013. Owner: John Schuler c/o Schuler Family Trust of 1998. Applicant and Agent: Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, 974-2695.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-092, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 62kb
20130523-092, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (NPA 2012 0021 01), PDF, 40kb
Item 93 - May 23, 2013
NPA-2012-0015.01 - 3511 Manor Road (Street and Bridge Central District Office) - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20021107-Z-11 of the East MLK Combined Neighborhood Plan, to change the future land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 3511 Manor Road (Tannehill Branch Watershed) from Mixed Use to Civic land use. Staff Recommendation: To grant Civic land use. Planning Commission Recommendation: Withdrawn by applicant on April 23, 2013. Owner: City of Austin. Applicant and Agent: Public Works Department (Peter Davis). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, 974-2695.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-093, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 62kb
20130523-093, Agenda Backup: Staff Memo (NPA 2012 0015 01), PDF, 33kb
Item 94 - May 23, 2013
C14-2012-0140 - Street and Bridge District Office- Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 3511 Manor Road (Tannehill Branch Watershed) from community commercial-neighborhood plan (GR-NP) combining district zoning and community commercial-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (GR-V-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed on May 28, 2013. Owner/Agent: City of Austin (Peter Davis). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 974-2122. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-094, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-094, Agenda Backup: Staff Memo (C14 2012 0140), PDF, 18kb
Item 95 - May 23, 2013
C14-2012-0109 - Sunflower - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 1201 Robert E Lee Road (Lady Bird Lake Watershed) from family residence (SF-3) district zoning to townhouse and condominium residence (SF-6) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To deny townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Joe Joseph, Jr.; Hazel Joseph. Agent: Vinson Radke Investments (Steven Radke). City Staff: Lee Heckman, 974-7604. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-095, Agenda Backup: Memorandum (C14 2012 0109 Applicant Request for Postponement), PDF, 25kb
20130523-095, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-095, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C14 2012 0109), PDF, 11.2mb
Item 96 - May 23, 2013
C14-2012-0100 - Woodland Commercial Park - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 1640 South IH-35 (Harper's Branch Watershed) from community commercial-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-CO-NP) combining district zoning, with conditions. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed on May 28, 2013. Owner: Woodland I-35, LP (Billy Reagan II). Applicant: Brown McCarroll LLP (Nikelle Meade). City Staff: Lee Heckman, 974-7604.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-096, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 62kb
20130523-096, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C14 2012 0100), PDF, 18kb
Item 97 - May 23, 2013
C814-2012-0160 - 211 South Lamar Boulevard Planned Unit Development - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 211 South Lamar Boulevard (Lady Bird Lake Watershed) from general commercial services (CS) district zoning and general commercial services-vertical mixed use building (CS-V) combining district zoning to planned unit development (PUD) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant planned unit development (PUD) district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed May 28, 2013. Owner: Post Paggi, LLC (Jason Post). Applicant: Winstead PC (Stephen O. Drenner). City Staff: Lee Heckman, 974-7604.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-097, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-097, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C814 2012 0160), PDF, 18kb
Item 98 - May 23, 2013
C14-2013-0020 - Oak Creek Village - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 2324 Wilson Street (Bouldin Creek Watershed) from multi-family residence medium density-neighborhood plan (MF-3-NP) combining district zoning to multi-family residence-highest density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant multi-family residence highest density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning with conditions. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed on May 28, 2013. Owner: 2007 Travis Heights, LP (Rene D. Campos). Applicant/Agent: Winstead PC (John Donisi). City Staff: Lee Heckman, 974-7604.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-098, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-098, Agenda Backup: Staff Memo (C14 2013 0020), PDF, 18kb
Item 99 - May 23, 2013
C14-2013-0023 - 6.11 Acre Tract - Westgate and Davis Lane - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 2901 Davis Lane (South Boggy Creek; Slaughter Creek-Barton Springs Zone) from rural residence (RR) district zoning to townhouse and condominium residence (SF-6) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Susan Parker Leigh. Agent: Bleyl & Associates (Vincent G. Huebinger). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 974-7719.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-099, Agenda Backup: Ordinance (C14 2013 0023), PDF, 402kb
20130523-099, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-099, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C14 2013 0023), PDF, 999kb
Item 100 - May 23, 2013
C14-2013-0028 - USPS - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 805 Neches Street (Town Lake Watershed) from commercial-liquor sales (CS-1) district zoning and multi-family residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning to downtown mixed use (DMU) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant downtown mixed use-conditional overlay (DMU-CO) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant downtown mixed use-conditional overlay (DMU-CO) combining district zoning. Applicant: United States Postal Service (Jane Bjork). Agent: Jim Bennett Consulting (Jim Bennett). City Staff: Clark Patterson, 974-7691.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-100, PDF, 128kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-100, Agenda Backup: Ordinance (C14 2013 0028), PDF, 291kb
20130523-100, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-100, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C14 2013 0028), PDF, 1.7mb
Item 101 - May 23, 2013
C14-2013-0046.SH - Skyway Studies - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 2805 and 2807 Skyway Circle and 2800 South Lamar Boulevard (Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone) from multi-family residence-medium density (MF-3) district zoning, community commercial-vertical mixed use building (GR-V) combining district zoning, and general commercial services-vertical mixed use building (CS-V) combining district zoning to community commercial-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay (GR-V-CO) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant community commercial-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay (GR-V-CO) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay (GR-V-CO) combining district zoning for Tract 1 and community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay (GR-MU-CO) combining district zoning for Tract 2. Owner: Goodwill Industries of Central Texas (Gerald L. Davis). Applicant/Agent: FC Austin Three Housing Corporation (Walter Moreau). City Staff: Lee Heckman, 974-7604.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-101, PDF, 159kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-101, Agenda Backup: Citizen Comment (C14 2013 0046sh item 101), PDF, 96kb
20130523-101, Agenda Backup: Memo (Zilker Neighborhood Association Memo), PDF, 154kb
20130523-101, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-101, Agenda Backup: Revised Ordinance (C14 -2013 -, PDF, 41kb
20130523-101, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (C14 2013 0046 sh), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-101, Agenda Late Backup, PDF, 167kb
Item 102 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance regarding Texas Gas Service's proposal to increase customer gas rates.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-102, PDF, 518kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-102, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 83kb
20130523-102, Agenda Backup: Exhibit A, PDF, 181kb
20130523-102, Agenda Backup: Memo (GSGrip 2013 Final).docx, PDF, 2.9mb
20130523-102, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 90kb
Item 103 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an appeal by Ian Inglis, President of the Austin City Lofts Neighborhood Association regarding the decision to issue an Outdoor Music Venue permit for Lucy's Retired Surfer Bar & Restaurant at 506 West Avenue.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-103, Agenda Backup: Backup (Appeal), PDF, 94kb
20130523-103, Agenda Backup: Backup (Sound Impact Plan), PDF, 232kb
20130523-103, Agenda Backup: Map, PDF, 288kb
20130523-103, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 78kb
20130523-103, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (APD Outdoor Music Venue Permit), PDF, 104kb
20130523-103, Agenda Backup: Staff Report (Outdoor Music Venue Permit), PDF, 20kb
Item 104 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending various sections of City Code Title 25 to clarify definitions and regulations related to bicycle and motor vehicle parking requirements, calculations and reductions; and establishing a bicycle parking fund.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-104, PDF, 356kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-104, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 36kb
20130523-104, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 190kb
20130523-104, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-104, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 82kb
20130523-104, Agenda Backup: Review Sheet, PDF, 64kb
20130523-104, Agenda Backup: Revised Draft Ordinance, PDF, 83kb
Item 105 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Chapters 25-2 and 25-12 relating to the regulation of short-term rental residential uses and other regulating lodging establishments; authorizing the limited refund or credit for certain fees paid; and waiving the review requirement of Section 25-1-502.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 82kb
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Backup (Educational Impact Statement), PDF, 39kb
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Backup (Resolution 20130228-040), PDF, 72kb
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 83kb
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 77kb
20130523-105, Agenda Backup: Review Sheet, PDF, 61kb
Item 106 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 to encourage the relocation of historically significant buildings in the Rainey Street subdistrict of the Waterfront Overlay Combining District to appropriate locations outside of the subdistrict in lieu of demolition.
Executed Ordinance
Ordinance No. 20130523-106, PDF, 152kb
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-106, Affidavit of Publication, PDF, 39kb
20130523-106, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 95kb
20130523-106, Agenda Backup: Backup (Educational Impact Statement), PDF, 162kb
20130523-106, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.1mb
20130523-106, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 39kb
20130523-106, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
20130523-106, Agenda Backup: Review Sheet, PDF, 69kb
Item 107 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E, relating to design standards and mixed use for development projects.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 42kb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Backup (Exhibit A), PDF, 3.6mb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Backup (Subchapter E Figures), PDF, 3.1mb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Clarification Memo, PDF, 30kb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 579kb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Map (Core Transit Corridors), PDF, 5.3mb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 64kb
20130523-107, Agenda Backup: Review Sheet, PDF, 91kb
Item 108 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Article 11 of City Code Chapter 25-12, the Residential Code, to require additional accessibility or visitability standards for residential single-family and duplex construction. Related to Item #109.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-108, Agenda Backup: Backup (AIS - Accessibility or Visitability), PDF, 57kb
20130523-108, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-108, Agenda Backup: Board or Commission Recommendation, PDF, 96kb
20130523-108, Agenda Backup: Board or Commission Recommendation (Building and Fire Code Board), PDF, 70kb
20130523-108, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 29kb
20130523-108, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 68kb
20130523-108, Agenda Late Backup Part 1 of 2, PDF, 9kb
20130523-108, Agenda Late Backup Part 2 of 2, PDF, 97kb
Item 109 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing Article 11 of City Code Chapter 25-12 to adopt the 2012 International Residential Code and local amendments. Related to Item #108.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-109, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 41kb
20130523-109, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-109, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 217kb
20130523-109, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 80kb
Item 110 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Article 1 of City Code Chapter 25-12, the Building Code, to address noise mitigation for high rise residential Group R structures. Related to Item #111.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-110, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 50kb
20130523-110, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-110, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 19kb
20130523-110, Agenda Backup: Postponement Memo (Noise Mitigation), PDF, 102kb
20130523-110, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 78kb
20130523-110, Agenda Backup: Staff Report, PDF, 1.6mb
Item 111 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing Article 1 of City Code Chapter 25-12 to adopt the 2012 International Building Code and local amendments. Related to Item #110.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-111, Agenda Backup: BackUp (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 41kb
20130523-111, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-111, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 609kb
20130523-111, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 73kb
Item 112 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Section 25-12-113 and 25-12-114 relating to requirements of the Electrical Code for registration, inspection, supervision, and suspension.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-112, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 34kb
20130523-112, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-112, Agenda Backup: Board or Commission Recommendation, PDF, 79kb
20130523-112, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 51kb
20130523-112, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 63kb
Item 113 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing Article 5 of City Code Chapter 25-12 to adopt the 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code and local amendments.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-113, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 38kb
20130523-113, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-113, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 261kb
20130523-113, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 75kb
Item 114 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing Article 6 of City Code Chapter 25-12 to adopt the 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code and local amendments.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-114, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 43kb
20130523-114, Agenda Backup: BackUp (Memo to Mayor and Council from AWU Regarding Res Relating to Residential Graywater), PDF, 149kb
20130523-114, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 605kb
20130523-114, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 79kb
Item 115 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing Article 9 of City Code Chapter 25-12 to adopt the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code and local amendments.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-115, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordabiity Impact Statement), PDF, 43kb
20130523-115, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-115, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 187kb
20130523-115, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 81kb
Item 116 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing Article 12 of City Code Chapter 25-12 to adopt the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code and local amendments.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-116, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 55kb
20130523-116, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-116, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 196kb
20130523-116, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 70kb
Item 117 - May 23, 2013
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance repealing and replacing City Code Chapter 25-12, Article 7 to adopt the 2012 International Fire Code and local amendments.
Work Papers and Other Backup Documentation
20130523-117, Agenda Backup: Backup (Affordability Impact Statement), PDF, 44kb
20130523-117, Agenda Backup: Backup (Notice), PDF, 1.4mb
20130523-117, Agenda Backup: Draft Ordinance, PDF, 782kb
20130523-117, Agenda Backup: Recommendation for Council Action, PDF, 79kb
Page updated: 4/8/2024, 6:07pm
Office of the City Clerk