The Residential Review Division offers self-certification for Certified Building Designers and Texas-licensed Architects. 

Qualifying projects include:

  • New single-family construction
  • Addition to a single-family use
  • Interior remodels of single-family homes. 

To apply, complete the applicable Certificate of Compliance (COC) form below and sign as the applicant along with the owner(s) on the application. The COC program does not alter submittal requirements.

Download Form - Single Family homes (new construction or addition) (PDF) 

  • If the project is in a standard lot, the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall not exceed .36 (36%) 
  • If the project is in a substandard lot, the Gross Floor Area (GFA) shall not exceed 2070 SF. 
  • Non-conforming uses, or non-complying structures are not allowed. 

Download Form - Single Family homes (interior remodel) (PDF) 

  • No building square footage increase or conversion of a non-habitable space into a habitable space.  
  • No change in use. 

Residential Plan Review Staff Expectations:

Residential plan review staff will make sure the project meets certain criteria listed below and perform the data entry required to enter the information from the application into AMANDA (the review, permitting & inspection database). The following items will be checked by residential plan review staff:

  • Floodplain proximity
    Projects within 150’ of the 100-year floodplain will be forwarded to floodplain review
  • Historic applicability
    Any structures 45 years old or older will be forwarded to historic review
  • Hazardous Pipeline Applicability
    Any project within close proximity to a hazardous pipeline will be forwarded for review
  • Legal Lot Status
    If the project is on a tract of land that is not a lot platted in a subdivision filed on record with the City of Austin, the applicant will be forwarded to Land Development Information Services to determine if it qualifies for a platting exception. See the legal description of the property.
  • Zoning District
    The proposed land use occurring on the site will be checked to make sure it is in a zoning district that allows for that use (i.e. single-family, duplex or two-family)
  • Technical Overview
    A completeness check will be performed for all plans including all structural plans, as well as confirmation of adequate dwelling separation.

See Residential Building Review for Intake Hours of Operation.