These neighborhoods lack adequate drainage infrastructure because they were developed before current drainage regulations went into effect. Homes are built within the floodplain, the storm drain pipes are undersized and erosion threatens streets, utilities, and houses.
The study area is generally between Burnet Road and North Lamar Ave., starting at Morrow St. to the north and extending south of Koenig Lane. It includes parts of three small creeks that eventually join with Shoal Creek:
- Hancock Tributary
- Grover Tributary
- Goodnight Tributary (flows into the Grover Tributary)
Potential Solutions
The study has identified several options. These will need to be prioritized due to the high costs. Any potential project would need to be constructed in several phases.
- Storm drain improvements along Brentwood Ave. and several side streets
- Storm drain improvements along Grover Ave. and several side streets
- Underground stormwater detention along Arroyo Seco
- Channel improvements along Hancock and Grover Tributaries
We are also looking into possible locations for detention ponds.

Timeline and Status
Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:
- Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
- Design and Permitting– when the details are worked out, construction plans drawn up and all permits are secured.
- Bidding – when a contractor is hired
- Construction – when the project is built.
The extent of the drainage issues and the high cost of potential solutions have extended this process and been a barrier to proceeding with a construction project in the past. Multiple studies have been done to evaluate the flooding in this area, starting in 2008.
The current study kicked off in 2016 with data collection and a review of past studies. The project moved into Preliminary Engineering in 2023. Please note that we have not identified funding to move into design or construction phases.
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