2023 Meetings: Page 2 of 2
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2023 Meetings: Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee
Meeting documents are also available for:
May 17, 2023 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee - This regular meeting has been cancelled due to lack of quorum.
Cancellation Notice - This regular meeting has been cancelled due to lack of quorum.(86KB)
May 1, 2023
Special Called Meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee - This meeting follows a hybrid format. Please see agenda for details.
Agenda - 2023-5-1-Agenda(156KB)
Approved Minutes - COJC-5-1-2023-Approved-Minutes(145KB)
Backup - Item1_COJC_4.19.23_DraftMinutes-Corrected(146KB)
Backup - Item2_Site-SpecificSaveOurSprings(SOS)Amendment__Tree3003ReasonableUseMemo(2.0MB)
Backup - Item2_Site-SpecificSaveOurSprings(SOS)Amendment_C2_Pond_RainGarden_U01_PlacementSummaryTechnicalMemo(2.2MB)
Backup - Item2_Site-SpecificSaveOurSprings(SOS)Amendment_Memo(1.5MB)
Backup - Item2_Site-SpecificSaveOurSprings(SOS)Amendment_Trees_CorridorProgramPresentation_COJC(1.8MB)
Backup - Item2_Site-SpecificSaveOurSprings(SOS)Amendment_WPD_AIS_SOS_2023(660KB)
Backup - Item2_Site-SpecificSaveOurSprings(SOS)Amendment_WPDStaffPresentation(2.1MB)
April 19, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee - This meeting follows a hybrid format. Please see agenda for details.
Agenda - 2023-4-19-Agenda(159KB)
Approved Minutes - COJC-4-19-23-ApprovedMinutes(205KB)
Backup - Item1-COJC-DRAFT-Minutes-03-15-2023(221KB)
Backup - Item3-01.03.23 FINAL Presentation_Safe Fencing(3.5MB)
Backup - Item3-DRAFT Fence Ordinance 25-2-899-- 4.18.23 (Late Backup)(113KB)
Backup - Item3-DRAFT-Fence-Ordinance-25-2-899-Updated-Clean-Version(112KB)
Backup - Item3-January2023SafeFencingFinalEngagementPacket(1)(406KB)
Backup - Item3-May2022SafeFencingEngagementSummaryPacket (FINAL)(1)(1)(1.3MB)
Backup - Item3-Safe_Fencing_AIS_22-23Q2(173KB)
Backup - Item3-SafeFencingRegulationsQuestionCommentResponseSummaryBuildingAndFireBoardOfAppeals(1)(182KB)
Backup - Item4-C20-2022-022LiveMusicVenue&CreativeSpaceDefinitions(140KB)
Backup - Item4-C20-2022-022-LiveMusicVenue&CreativeSpaceDefinitionsStaffReport and Draft Language-UPDATED(248KB)
Backup - Item5-C20-2022-004A-Compatibility-Corridors-Correction-staff-report(360KB)
Backup - Item5-C20-2022-004A-Compatibility-on-Corridors-Correction-COJC-Presentation(2.8MB)
Backup - Item5-Compatibility-Corridors-Corrections(1.0MB)
Backup - Item5-UPDATED-C20-2022-004ACompatibilityonCorridorsCorrectionCOJCPresentationCorrected(2.8MB)
Backup - Item6-Update-for-COJC-on-Potential-Upcoming-and-Current-Code-Amendments-4-13-2023(169KB)
March 15, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee
Approved Minutes - COJC-ApprovedMinutes-03-15-2023(190KB)
Backup - 2023_meeting_dates(71KB)
Backup - COJC-DRAFT-Mins-10-19-2022(150KB)
Backup - Item 1_COJC-DRAFT-Mins-12212022(152KB)
Backup - Item 3_C20-2022-021 Resolution No. 20220616-055(1.2MB)
Backup - Item 3_C20-2022-021 Wildland Urban Interface staff report(117KB)
Backup - Item 3_C20-2022-021 WUIC Ordinance draft v2(112KB)
Backup - Item 4_CO Joint Committee Meeting 03-15-23_Backup for Item NO Capitol Dominance Overlay Analysis_C20-2022-008(925KB)
February 15, 2023 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee - This regular meeting of the COJC has been cancelled.
Cancellation Notice - 2-15-2023 COJC-CancellationNotice(88KB)
January 18, 2023 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee - This regular meeting of the COJC has been cancelled.
Cancellation Notice - 1-18-2023 COJC-CancellationNotice(88KB)
2023 Meetings: Page 2 of 2
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Page updated: 1/10/2025