2020 Meetings: Page 2 of 3
2020 Meetings: Planning Commission
Meeting documents are also available for:
August 25, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission August 25, 2020 Agenda.pdf(708KB)
Agenda Addendum - Item B-16 added to Addendum(554KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-8-25 minutes.pdf(315KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-8-25 minutes.pdf(315KB)
Backup - B-01 (NPA-2020-0017.02 - 902 Morrow St; District 7).pdf(4.6MB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2020-0047 - 902 Morrow St; District 7).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - B-03 (NPA-2019-0003.01 - David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church; District 1).pdf(6.5MB)
Backup - B-04 (C14-05-0112(RCA2) - AMLI South Shore; District 9).pdf(2.5MB)
Backup - B-05 (C14-2020-0062 - Webberville; District 1).pdf(1.3MB)
Backup - B-06 (Applicant Presentation).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - B-06 (C14-2020-0067 - 3504 S. 1st Street Rezoning; District 3).pdf(3.3MB)
Backup - B-06 (Neighborhood Memo and Exhibits).PDF(10.3MB)
Backup - B-07 (C14-2020-0076 - Alpha .89; District 5).pdf(3.2MB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2020-0072 - IH 35 & US 183 Retail Center; District 4).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - B-09 (SP-2019-0171C - Goodwill Store; District 10).pdf(2.9MB)
Backup - B-10 (SP-2015-0399C(XT2) - Freeport Tech South; District 2).pdf(4.6MB)
Backup - B-11 (SPC-2019-0424A - 4th Street East; District 3).pdf(2.0MB)
Backup - B-12 (SPC-2019-0590A - 76 Rainey CUP; District 9).pdf(1.6MB)
Backup - B-13 (C8J-2018-0105.1A - Easton Park Section 3A, Phase 1 Final Plat; District 2).pdf(4.8MB)
Backup - B-14 (C8-2019-0068.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 8-B of the Resubdivision of Lots 8 & 9; District 2).pdf(4.4MB)
Backup - B-15 (C20-2020-0005 - Platting Exceptions).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - B-15 -Elizabeth Carey Exhibit.pdf(1.8MB)
Backup - B-16 (C8-2019-0114.1A - Simon-Caskey Final Plat; District 8).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - B-3 (Citizen Comments).pdf(729KB)
Backup - B-9 (Recommendation Update - Goodwill Store - SP-2019-0171C).pdf(127KB)
Backup - PC Q and A Report.pdf(263KB)
August 11, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission August 11 2020 Agenda(736KB)
Backup - B-01 (NPA-2020-0014.01 - 7135 E Ben White Blvd; District 2)(6.8MB)
Backup - B-01 and B-02 Correspondence from Los Arboles HOA 08-07-2020.pdf(49KB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2020-0042 - 7135 E Ben White Blvd; District 2)(5.3MB)
Backup - B-03 (NPA-2019-0003.01 - David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church; District 1)(977KB)
Backup - B-03 Revised (NPA-2019-0003.01 - David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church; District 1)(401KB)
Backup - B-04 (NPA-2018-0021.02 - Skyline Oltorf Mixed Use; District 3)(1.0MB)
Backup - B-05 (NPA-2020-0019.01 - 1103 W 24th Street; District 9)(6.8MB)
Backup - B-05 Corrected Staff Report (NPA-2020-0019.01 - 1103 W 24th Street; District 9).pdf(3.9MB)
Backup - B-06 (Additional Correspondence)(1.1MB)
Backup - B-06 (C14-2020-0026 - 1103 W 24th Street; District 9)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-06 (Letter of Support).pdf(78KB)
Backup - B-07 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe St; District 9)(10.4MB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2020-0071 - 2108 Prather Lane Rezoning, District 5)(2.4MB)
Backup - B-09 (C14-2019-0108 - Parker House; District 9)(1.8MB)
Backup - B-10 (C14H-2020-0069 – Rogers-Washington-Holy Cross Historic District; District 1)(14.0MB)
Backup - B-10 (Late Backup - C14H-2020-0069 - Rogers Washington Holy Cross Historic District).pdf(5.8MB)
Backup - B-11 (SP-2019-0253C - Springdale Farms; District 3)(8.3MB)
Backup - B-11 (Staff Memo - Revised Recommendation).pdf(2.9MB)
Backup - B-12 (SP-2020-1025D - Boat Dock & Bulkhead; District 10)(9.5MB)
Backup - B-13 (C8-2020-0090.0A - Menchaca Road Apartments; District 5)(1.0MB)
Backup - B-13 (Final Plat)(721KB)
Backup - B-14 (C8-2016-0247.1A - Pioneer Crossing East Section 19 Final Plat; District 1)(5.0MB)
Backup - PC 2020-8-11 minutes.pdf(284KB)
Backup - PC 2020-8-11 minutes.pdf(284KB)
July 28, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission July 28 2020 Agenda(652KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-7-28 minutes.pdf(307KB)
Recommendation - 20200728-B-22: PC Recommendation -Street Impact Fee.pdf(275KB)
Backup - 000 - PC Q & A Report(44KB)
Backup - B-01 (C14-2020-0030 - 200 Montopolis Rezoning; District 3)(5.9MB)
Backup - B-01 Applicant Presentation(10.1MB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2020-0044 - Saxon Acres Residential Zoning; District 3)(5.5MB)
Backup - B-02 Applicant Presentation(8.4MB)
Backup - B-03 (C14-2020-0039 - Clovis and Kemp Rezone; District 3)(7.0MB)
Backup - B-03 Applicant Presentation(6.5MB)
Backup - B-04 (NPA-2016-0014.01.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2)(4.8MB)
Backup - B-04 and B-05 Applicant Presentation(12.4MB)
Backup - B-05 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2)(18.6MB)
Backup - B-06 (NPA-2020-0014.01 - 7135 E Ben White Blvd; District 2)(870KB)
Backup - B-07 (C14-2020-0042 - 7135 E Ben White Blvd; District 2)(849KB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2020-0062 - Webberville; District 1)(1.5MB)
Backup - B-09 (C14-2019-0108 - Parker House; District 9)(1.5MB)
Backup - B-09 (UAP Letter of Agreement)(262KB)
Backup - B-1 C14-2020-0030 Additional Comments(200KB)
Backup - B-10 (C14-2020-0067 - 3504 S. 1st Street Rezoning; District 3)(3.9MB)
Backup - B-11 (C14-2020-0056 - Wickersham Retail Center; District 3).pdf(2.7MB)
Backup - B-11 C14-2020-0056 Additional Comments(160KB)
Backup - B-11 Malcome Yeatts(1.1MB)
Backup - B-12 (C14-2020-0064 - 6007 IH 35 Residences; District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-12 (Windsor Park Neighborhood Plan Contact Team)(111KB)
Backup - B-13 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street, District 9)(11.1MB)
Backup - B-14 (C14-2020-0052 - 903 W 12th Street; District 9)(4.2MB)
Backup - B-14 Applicant Presentation(1.2MB)
Backup - B-15 (C14-05-0112(RCA2) - AMLI South Shore; District 9).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - B-15 C14-05-0112(RCA2) Comments(150KB)
Backup - B-16 (SPC-2020-0076A - Vacancy Brewery; District 3).doc(2.3MB)
Backup - B-17 (SP-2019-0591C - 924 E. 7th St. Development; District 1)(3.5MB)
Backup - B-17 Citizen Comment(611KB)
Backup - B-18 (C8-2019-0062.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 3, Less West 53 feet thereof, Block 2, Magnolia Addition; District 3)(5.3MB)
Backup - B-19 (C8-2019-0127.0A - Cherico Subdivision; District 3)(2.7MB)
Backup - B-20 (C8-2019-0114.1A - Simon-Caskey Final Plat; District 8)(4.7MB)
Backup - B-21 (Demolition Permit Requirements)(7.8MB)
Backup - B-22 (Street Impact Fee Program)(3.3MB)
Backup - B-3 C14-2020-0039 Additional Comments(200KB)
Backup - B-4 and B-5 (Correspondence from Los Arboles and SCNPCT)(7.8MB)
Backup - B-4 C14-2020-0044 Additional Comments(701KB)
Backup - B-8 Applicant Presentation(1.9MB)
Backup - Item B-04 and B-05 (Letter to PC from Jason Lucio)(70KB)
Backup - Item B-17 - Applicant Presentation(1.2MB)
July 14, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission July 14 2020 Agenda(421KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-7-14 minutes.pdf(303KB)
Backup - B-01 - B-04 (Citizen Comment)(104KB)
Backup - B-01 (C14-2020-0029 - Montopolis Acres Rezoning; District 3)(2.3MB)
Backup - B-02 (Applicant Postponement Request)(118KB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2020-0030 - 200 Montopolis Rezoning; District 3)(5.0MB)
Backup - B-03 (Applicant Postponement Request)(118KB)
Backup - B-03 (C14-2020-0039 - Clovis and Kemp Rezone; District 3)(8.3MB)
Backup - B-04 (Applicant Postponement Request)(118KB)
Backup - B-04 (C14-2020-0044 - Saxon Acres Residential Zoning; District 3)(8.9MB)
Backup - B-05 (Additional Backup)(613KB)
Backup - B-05 (C14-2020-0031.SH - E MLK Rezoning, District 1)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-06 (NPA-2019-0017.01 - 7113 Burnet, District 7)(5.6MB)
Backup - B-07 (C14-72-032(RCT) - 7113 Burnet Rd, District 7)(1.3MB)
Backup - B-08 (Allandale Neighborhood Association)(108KB)
Backup - B-08 (Applicant Presentation)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2020-0016 - 7113 Burnet Rd; District 7)(5.3MB)
Backup - B-08 (Crestview Neighborhood Association)(64KB)
Backup - B-08 (Gaudini Late Backup)(732KB)
Backup - B-08 (Joe Reynolds)(43KB)
Backup - B-08 (Reciprocal Access Easement Agreement)(651KB)
Backup - B-08 (Revised - Memo to PC Access Agreement C14-2020-0016 - 7113 Burnet Rd)(1.4MB)
Backup - B-08 (Shaw Exhibits)(1.1MB)
Backup - B-09 (NPA-2016-0012.01.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2)(4.7MB)
Backup - B-09 and B-10 (Los Arboles statement on 4500 Nuckols Crossing 7-10-2020)(56KB)
Backup - B-10 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2)(4.0MB)
Backup - B-10 (Late Backup)(755KB)
Backup - B-11 (NPA-2018-0005.02 - Mary Vice Estates PUD Lot 27 Amendment #1; District 3)(683KB)
Backup - B-12 (C814-97-0002.01 - Mary Vice Estates PUD Lot 27 Amendment #1; District 3)(683KB)
Backup - B-13 (NPA-2019-0013.01 - Copeland South; District 9)(1.0MB)
Backup - B-14 (C14-2020-0056 - Wickersham Retail Center; District 3)(1.7MB)
Backup - B-15 (SPC-2019-0590A - 76 Rainey CUP; District 9)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-16 (Applicant Presentation)(2.3MB)
Backup - B-16 (SP-2019-0589C - Colorfield; District 9)(3.2MB)
Backup - B-17 (Applicant Presentation)(3.1MB)
Backup - B-17 (Applicant Presentation)(3.1MB)
Backup - B-17 (SP-2019-0253C - Springdale Farms; District 3)(5.7MB)
Backup - B-18 (1118 W. 7th St - Applicant Presentation)(3.4MB)
Backup - B-18 (SP-2019-0559C - W 7th St Passive; District 9)(11.7MB)
Backup - B-19 (SPC-2012-0104D(R4) - Zilker Maintenance Barn; District 8)(3.1MB)
Backup - B-20 (C8-2018-0211.0A - Cherico Resubdivision; District 3)(2.1MB)
Backup - B-21 (Street Impact Fee Program)(2.4MB)
June 23, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission June 23 2020 Agenda(771KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-6-23 minutes.pdf(352KB)
Backup - B-01 (NPA-2019-0022.01 - 200 Academy; District 9)(997KB)
Backup - B-02 (NPA-2019-0003.01 - David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church; District 1)(1.5MB)
Backup - B-03 (NPA-2019-0015.01 - 5010 & 5102 Heflin Lane; District 1)(4.0MB)
Backup - B-03 and B-04 (Mr. Reicks Correspondence)(104KB)
Backup - B-04 (C14-2020-0022 - 5010 and 5012 Heflin Lane; District 1)(2.0MB)
Backup - B-05 (NPA-2020-0015.01 - MLK & 183 Residential; District 1)(6.9MB)
Backup - B-06 (C14-2020-022 - MLK & 183 Residential; District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-07 - B-08 (Compromise Agreement)(288KB)
Backup - B-07 (NPA-2019-0016.01 - Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3)(4.1MB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2019-0098 - Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3)(4.1MB)
Backup - B-09 - B-11 (Burnet Rezoning Correspondence)(3.5MB)
Backup - B-09 (NPA-2020-0017.01 - 7113 Burnet Rd, District 7)(6.1MB)
Backup - B-10 (C14-2020-0016 - 7113 Burnet Rd, District 7)(2.2MB)
Backup - B-11 (C14-72-032RCT - 7113 Burnet Rd, District 7)(2.9MB)
Backup - B-12 (C14-2020-0031.SH - E MLK Rezoning, District 1)(2.3MB)
Backup - B-13 (C14-2020-0048 - 1509 Enfield Rd, District 9)(12.7MB)
Backup - B-13 (Citizen Comment - Mr. Newton)(249KB)
Backup - B-13 (Enfield Rezoning Correspondence)(1.5MB)
Backup - B-13 (Mr. Travis Correspondence)(150KB)
Backup - B-13 (Ms. Buendel Exhibit OWANA Neighborhood Plan)(1.2MB)
Backup - B-13 (Ms. Buendel Exhibit OWANA NP Ordinance 000629-105)(1.8MB)
Backup - B-13 (Ms. Roya Correspondence)(2.1MB)
Backup - B-14 (C14-2020-0043 - 1809 W. Anderson Ln, District 7)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-14 (Ms. Martin Correspondence)(1.4MB)
Backup - B-15 - B-19 (Dr. McGhee Correspondence)(53KB)
Backup - B-15 - B-19 (Ms. Bero Correspondence)(68KB)
Backup - B-15 - B-19 (Ms. Bero Correspondence)(68KB)
Backup - B-15 (C14-2019-0107.SH - Jackie Robinson Rezoning; District 1)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-15 (C14-2020-0030 - 200 Montopolis Rezoning, District 3)(2.9MB)
Backup - B-15 (C14-2020-0030 Correspondence Received)(421KB)
Backup - B-16 (C14-2020-0029 - Montopolis Acres Rezoning, District 3)(2.1MB)
Backup - B-16 (C14-2020-0029 Correspondence Received)(381KB)
Backup - B-17 Corrected (C14-2020-0039 - Clovis and Kemp Rezone, District 3)(2.9MB)
Backup - B-17 (C14-2020-0039 - Clovis and Kemp Rezone, District 3)(2.9MB)
Backup - B-17 (C14-2020-0039 Correspondence Received)(2.5MB)
Backup - B-18 (C14-2020-0044 - Saxon Acres Residential Zoning, District 3)(2.8MB)
Backup - B-18 (C14-2020-0044 Correspondence Received)(381KB)
Backup - B-19 (Applicant Presentation)(2.9MB)
Backup - B-19 (C14-2020-0038 - 508 Kemp Street, District 3)(2.8MB)
Backup - B-19 (C14-2020-0038 Correspondence Received)(439KB)
Backup - B-19 Corrected (C14-2020-0038 - 508 Kemp Street, District 3)(3.4MB)
Backup - B-20 (C14-2020-0035 - 707 W 14th Apartments, District 9)(3.3MB)
Backup - B-20 (C14-2020-0035 Contacts Sheet for Case File)(70KB)
Backup - B-21 (C14-2020-0023 - Highway 71 & Mountain Shadows, District 8)(9.9MB)
Backup - B-21 (Exhibit D Correspondence)(129KB)
Backup - B-21 (Private Restrictive Covenant)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-22 (C14-85-288.56(RCA) - Highway 71 & Mountain Shadows, District 8)(2.2MB)
Backup - B-23 (C14-2019-0107.SH - Jackie Robinson Rezoning; District 1)(2.5MB)
Backup - B-23 (Jackie Robinson Rezoning Correction memo)(173KB)
Backup - B-24 (C14-2019-0108 - Parker House; District 9)(1.1MB)
Backup - B-24 (CANPAC)(44KB)
Backup - B-25 (C14-2020-0049 - Planet K South Pop Rezone, District 5)(3.3MB)
Backup - B-26 (SPC-2019-0429C - Vega Multifamily; District 8)(7.2MB)
Backup - B-27 (SPC-2019-0539A - 84 Rainey CUP; District 9)(3.1MB)
Backup - B-28 (SP-2019-0253C - Springdale Farms; District 3)(4.7MB)
Backup - B-29 (Applicant Presentation)(1.2MB)
Backup - B-29 (South Congress Merchants Association Support)(93KB)
Backup - B-29 (SPC-2019-0608A - Waterloo School Austin CUP; District 9)(3.5MB)
Backup - B-30 (C8-2016-0042.0A(VAC).SH - Resubdivision of Lot 3C -Amended Plat of Lots 3A, 3B & 3C Bunche Road; District 1)(3.0MB)
Backup - B-31 (C8-05-0045.0A(VAC).SH - Resubdivision of Lot 3 Bunche Road Subdivision Vacation; District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-32 (C8-2019-0185.0A - Armadillo Parks; District 2)(2.2MB)
Backup - C-01 (Code Amendment Civic Use -North Burnet - Gateway Regulating Plan)(686KB)
Backup - C-02 (LRCSP Educational Packet)(2.7MB)
Backup - C-02 Transmittal_Memo (Link_to_FY2019_21_LRCSP)(193KB)
Backup - E-01 (Street Impact Fee Briefing)(2.8MB)
June 9, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission June 9 2020 Agenda(551KB)
Backup - B-01 (Citizen Comment)(672KB)
Backup - B-01 (NPA-2019-0015.01 - 5010 & 5102 Heflin Lane; District 1)(5.2MB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2020-0022 - 5010 and 5102 Heflin Lane; District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2020-0022 Additional Comments)(95KB)
Backup - B-02 (Citizen Comments)(95KB)
Backup - B-03 (NPA-2020-0015.01 - MLK & 183 Residential; District 1)(6.9MB)
Backup - B-04 (C14-2020-0017- MLK & 183 Residential; District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-05 (C14-2020-0031.SH - E MLK Rezoning, District 1)(1.3MB)
Backup - B-05 (Travis Audubon Memo)(75KB)
Backup - B-06 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street; District 9)(12.2MB)
Backup - B-06 (Staff Postponement Memo)(97KB)
Backup - B-07 (C8-05-0045.0A(VAC).SH - Resubdivision of Lot 3 Bunche Road Subdivision Vacation; District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-08 (C8-2016-0042.0A(VAC).SH - Resubdivision of Lot 3C -Amended Plat of Lots 3A, 3B & 3C Bunche Road; District 1)(2.4MB)
Backup - B-09 (SPC-2012-0104D(R4) - Zilker Maintenance Barn; District 8)(3.4MB)
Backup - B-09 (SPC-2012-0104D(R4) - Zilker Maintenance Barn; District 8)(3.4MB)
Backup - B-10 (SPC-2019-0539A - 84 Rainey CUP; District 9)(3.1MB)
Backup - B-3 and B-4 (Citizen Comment)(71KB)
Backup - C-01 (Code Amendment Civic Use 0-North Burnet - Gateway Regulating Plan)(686KB)
Backup - D-01 - Staff Presentation NHCD- Housing Displacement Prevention Strategies Presentation to Planning Commission(3.4MB)
May 26, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission May 26 2020 Agenda(504KB)
Agenda Addendum - Addendum: Corrected PC Officers and Additional Items Under New Business(339KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-5-26 minutes.pdf(341KB)
Backup - B-01 (NPA-2019-0022.02 - 305 S. Congress; District 9)(1.7MB)
Backup - B-02 (C814-89-0003.02 - 305 S. Congress; District 9)(1.7MB)
Backup - B-03 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2)(1.4MB)
Backup - B-04 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2)(1.4MB)
Backup - B-05 (NPA-2019-0015.01 - 5010 & 5102 Heflin Lane; District 1)(1.4MB)
Backup - B-06 (NPA-2019-0016.01 - Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3)(8.7MB)
Backup - B-07 (C14-2019-0098 - Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3)(3.5MB)
Backup - B-08 (Applicant Postponement request to Planning Commission).pdf(133KB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street, District 9)(8.6MB)
Backup - B-09 (C14-2019-0108 - Parker House; District 9)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-09 (UAP Postponement Request)(955KB)
Backup - B-10 (C14-2020-0031.SH - E MLK Rezoning, District 1)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-11 (C14-2020-0010 - FM 969 Retail Center; District 1)(1.8MB)
Backup - B-12 (C14H-2020-0033 - Teer-Peterson House; District 9)(3.3MB)
Backup - B-13 (C8J-2018-0105 - Easton Park 3A Preliminary Plan; District 2)(4.5MB)
Backup - B-14 (C8-2019-0051.0A - Dean Terrace, Resubdivision of Lot 4 Block D)(15.7MB)
Backup - B-15 (C8-04-0043.09.3A.SH - Berkman Tower View Subdivision; District 9)(5.6MB)
Backup - B-16 (SPC-2019-0590A - 76 Rainey CUP; District 9)(2.4MB)
Backup - B-17 (SPC-2020-0073A - 75 Rainey CUP; District 9)(2.7MB)
Backup - B-18 (SPC-2020-0074A - 80 Rainey CUP; District 9)(3.1MB)
Backup - B-19 (SPC-2020-0072A - 82 Rainey CUP; District 9)(3.2MB)
Backup - B-20 (Applicant Presentation)(1.9MB)
Backup - B-20 (SP-2019-0529C.SH - Vi Collina Multifamily; District 3)(1.4MB)
Backup - C-01 (Memo provided by Ms. Lara).pdf(1.6MB)
Backup - C-01 (Submitted by Ms. Vlahakis)(98KB)
Backup - C-02 (UNO Signs).pdf(70KB)
Backup - C-3 (Anderson Backup)(255KB)
May 12, 2020
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda - Planning Commission May 12 2020 Agenda(515KB)
Approved Minutes - PC 2020-5-12 minutes.pdf(308KB)
Backup - B-01 - B-03 (Additional Backup)(5.8MB)
Backup - B-01 (SP-2014-0262C(XT2) PCA - Lantana Block P, Lot 3; District 8)(6.6MB)
Backup - B-02 (C14-2019-0003 - Lantana Block P, Lot 3; District 8)(9.4MB)
Backup - B-03 (C14-85-288.8(RCA5) - Lantana Block P, Lot 3; District 8)(9.4MB)
Backup - B-04 (Additional backup)(1.1MB)
Backup - B-04 (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street, District 9)(8.6MB)
Backup - B-04 Revised (C14-2020-0007 - 2001 Guadalupe Street, District 9)(8.1MB)
Backup - B-05 (NPA-2020-0031.01 - 8803 N Mopac; District 10)(6.1MB)
Backup - B-05 and B-06 (Applicant Presentation)(2.8MB)
Backup - B-06 (C14-2020-0013 - 8803 N Mopac; District 10)(2.3MB)
Backup - B-07 (NPA-2019-0016.01 - 914 Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3)(1.2MB)
Backup - B-08 (C14-2019-0098 - Shady Lane Mixed Use; District 3)(1.2MB)
Backup - B-09 (NPA-2017-0021.01 - 4530 E. Ben White Blvd; District 3)(7.0MB)
Backup - B-09 and B-10 (Malcome Yeats)(947KB)
Backup - B-10 (C14-2019-0167 - 4530 E. Ben White Blvd; District 3_(3.2MB)
Backup - B-11 (Addtional Correspondence)(223KB)
Backup - B-11 (Annette DiMeo Carlozzi Letter of Support)(33KB)
Backup - B-11 (Bridges on the Park Letter of Support - 218 S. Lamar)(242KB)
Backup - B-11 (C814-2018-0121 - 218 S. Lamar; District 5)(8.4MB)
Backup - B-11 (Revised Applicant Presentation)(5.5MB)
Backup - B-11 (ZNA 2020 Schlotzsky's PUD PC letter)(100KB)
Backup - B-11 Revised (C814-2018-0121 - 218 S. Lamar; District 5)(10.1MB)
Backup - B-12 (C14-2020-0032 (C14H-77-015) - Freedmen's; District 9)(1.8MB)
Backup - B-13 (827 W. 12th St Applicant Presentation)(1.7MB)
Backup - B-13 (C14-2020-0036 - 827 W 12th Street; District 9)(2.5MB)
Backup - B-14 (C14-2019-0107.SH - Diamond Forty-Two; District 1)(1.2MB)
Backup - B-15 (C14-2020-0019 - Church of Christ at East Side, District 1)(1.7MB)
Backup - B-15 (Support Letter)(1.6MB)
Backup - B-16 (C8-2019-0112 - Twilight Gardens Preliminary; District 8)(13.8MB)
Backup - B-16 Rebeca White Exhibits(7.7MB)
Backup - B-17 (C8-2019-0035.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 34, Walnut Hills, Sec. 4; District 1)(1.8MB)
Backup - B-18 (C8-2019-0140.0A - Guadalupe Kenni Subdivision; District 4)(528KB)
Backup - B-19 (C8-04-0043.09.3A.SH - Berkman Tower View Subdivision; District 9)(5.6MB)
Backup - B-20 (C8S-78-098(VAC) - Sellstrom-Spear Addition (plat vacation))(3.4MB)
Backup - B-20 (Enlarged Exhibit - Sellstrom Spear Addition (C8S-78-098))(2.1MB)
Backup - B-21 (Applicant Request for Postponement)(160KB)
Backup - B-21 (SPC-2019-0590A - 76 Rainey CUP; District 9)(2.4MB)
Backup - B-22 (SPC-2014-0442C(XT2) - Sunset Ridge Commission Extension; District 8)(10.6MB)
Backup - B-23 (F#10076-1901 – ROW Vacation) Part 1(1.4MB)
Backup - B-23 (F#10076-1901 – ROW Vacation) Part 2(11.6MB)
Backup - B-23 (F#10076-1901 – ROW Vacation) Part 3(8.8MB)
Backup - B-23 (F#10076-1901 – ROW Vacation) Part 4(2.0MB)
Backup - B-23 (Terry Mitchell)(1.2MB)
Backup - B-4 (2001 Guadalupe - Applicant Presentation)(5.0MB)
2020 Meetings: Page 2 of 3
Page updated: 1/10/2025