2015 Meetings: Page 2 of 2
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2015 Meetings: Downtown Commission
Meeting documents are also available for:
April 15, 2015 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Downtown Commission
Cancellation Notice(15KB)
Backup - Item 3 - Draft minutes of March 18, 2015 meeting(45KB)
Backup - Item 4 - Central Health Brackenridge Campus (CHBC) presentation(4.2MB)
Backup - Item 5 - Briefing Memo(85KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Briefing Memo Attachment A(1.5MB)
Backup - Item 5 - Briefing Memo Attachment B(400KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Briefing Memo Attachment C(447KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Draft Recommendation(85KB)
Backup - Item 6 - Congress Ave. Urban Design Initiative project schedule(150KB)
March 18, 2015
Regular Meeting of the Downtown Commission
Approved Minutes(35KB)
Recommendation - 20150318-004: re Adult-Oriented Businesses(176KB)
Recommendation - 20150318-005: Regarding after-hours concrete pours in downtown(54KB)
Backup - Item 3 - Draft Minutes of February 18, 2015 Meeting(41KB)
Backup - Item 4 - Adult-Oriented Business Draft Changes(50KB)
Backup - Item 4 - Council Resolution(55KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Barry Lewis Communication(376KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Downtown Commission Working Group Recommendation(31KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Letter from Associated General Contractors(335KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Portland, OR Construction Sound Ordinance(302KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Rainey Neighbors Association (RNA) Letter(514KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Sound Ordinance Comparisons(85KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Sounnd Ordinance Comprisions 2-26-15(60KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Stakeholder Meeting 4 Notes(50KB)
Backup - Item 5 - TACA Communication(192KB)
February 18, 2015
Regular Meeting of the Downtown Commission
Approved Minutes(34KB)
Backup - Item 3 - Draft Minutes of January 21, 2015 Meeting(43KB)
Backup - Item 4 - Travis County CFCH(5.3MB)
Backup - Item 5 - Notes from Stakeholder Meeting #3(80KB)
Backup - Item 5-1(183KB)
Backup - Item 5-2(613KB)
Backup - Item 5-3(96KB)
Backup - Item 5-4(123KB)
Backup - Item 6c(52KB)
January 21, 2015
Regular Meeting of the Downtown Commission
Approved Minutes(33KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20150121-005: Amendment to City Code Chapter 9-2 (Noise Amplified Sound) and 9-4 (Prohibited Activities) (211KB)
Backup - Item 3 - Draft Minutes of November 19, 2014 Meeting(48KB)
Backup - Item 3 - Draft Minutes of October 15, 2014 Meeting(44KB)
Backup - Item 5 - Draft Ordinance(104KB)
Backup - Item 6 - Executed Ordinance 20141120-056(87KB)
Backup - Item 6 - Texas Aggregates and Concrete Association presentation(2.8MB)
2015 Meetings: Page 2 of 2
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Page updated: 1/10/2025