2012 Meetings: Page 4 of 10
2012 Meetings: Planning Commission
Meeting documents are also available for:
August 14, 2012 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission - The regular meeting for Planning Commission on August 14th has been canceled.
Cancellation Notice - August 14th meeting canceled. (14KB)
July 24, 2012
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(33KB)
Backup - 2104 W. Ben White zoning change(451KB)
Backup - 2518 Woolridge Drive Street Vacation(197KB)
Backup - 900 S. 1st Street NPA(1.3MB)
Backup - 900 S.1st Street (Part 1)(2.3MB)
Backup - 900 S.1st Street Part 2(2.3MB)
Backup - Austin Vintage Guitars NPA(1.2MB)
Backup - Austin Vintage Guitars rezoning(806KB)
Backup - Ben White Commercial(41KB)
Backup - Capitol Studio; Resubdivision(200KB)
Backup - East 12th and Walnut Subdivision(146KB)
Backup - Facilities Improvements Bartholomew Municipal Pool(451KB)
Backup - Facilities Improvements Bartholomew Pool (site plan map)(584KB)
Backup - Josue Subdivision, A Resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 5, Fiskville School Addition(137KB)
Backup - Landscape Resources NPA(2.6MB)
Backup - North Loop Area Wide Plan Amendment NPA and rezoning(702KB)
Backup - Resubdivision of a portion of Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Pleasant Grove Addition(195KB)
Backup - Resubdivision of Lots 38 A and 39 A of the Resubdivision of Lots 37, 38, 39 and a portion of Lot 40,(99KB)
Backup - Shire's Court(19KB)
Backup - The Marchesa Hall & Theater(700KB)
Backup - Thornton Trails(187KB)
Backup - West 34th Street Redevelopment NPA(1.6MB)
Backup - West 34th Street Redevelopment Tract B(1.6MB)
Backup - West 34th Street Redevelopment Tract C(2.1MB)
Backup - West 34th Street Redevelopment Tract D(1.7MB)
Backup - West 34th Street Tract A(2.9MB)
July 18, 2012
Committee on Neighborhood Planning Meeting
Approved Minutes(21KB)
Backup - Affordability Impact Statement(45KB)
Backup - Draft meeting minutes for May 16, 2012 (144KB)
Backup - West 34th Street Redevelopment(7.3MB)
July 17, 2012 (Cancelled)
Committee on Codes and Ordinances Meeting
Cancellation Notice(30KB)
July 10, 2012
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda Addendum(12KB)
Agenda Addendum - Addendum #2(11KB)
Approved Minutes(12KB)
Approved Minutes(12KB)
Approved Minutes(29KB)
Backup - 900 S.1st Street NPA(143KB)
Backup - 900 S.1st Street Part 1 and Part 2(12KB)
Backup - Boardwalk Trail at Lady Bird Lake(1.2MB)
Backup - Boardwalk Trail at Lady Bird Lake(2.4MB)
Backup - Chicon Corridor Phase 2 NPA(876KB)
Backup - Chicon Corridor Phase 2 rezoning(698KB)
Backup - Domain Section 1(74KB)
Backup - George Shia NPA(2.6MB)
Backup - Jaylee Ltd rezoning(66KB)
Backup - Jaylee Ltd. (130KB)
Backup - Lady Bird Lake Village; Replat(304KB)
Backup - Landscape Resources NPA(1.5MB)
Backup - Resubdivision of Domain Section 1(97KB)
Backup - Texas State Troopers NPA(2.3MB)
Backup - Texas State Troopers, George Shia(12KB)
Backup - The Vortex(1.6MB)
Backup - The Vortex (site plan map) (69KB)
Backup - UNO Land Use (2nd backup)(82KB)
Backup - UNO Land Uses(15KB)
Backup - UNO Land Uses (revised ordinance)(45KB)
Backup - Urban Infill Park Initiative Implementation Plan Briefing(775KB)
Backup - Zilker Hill's Resub of Lots 4 & 5(49KB)
July 9, 2012 (Cancelled)
Committee on the Comprehensive Plan Meeting
Cancellation Notice(63KB)
June 26, 2012
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(27KB)
Backup - Evergreen Heights Subdivision(29KB)
Backup - Fiscal Year 2013 Capital Improvements Program Plan(6.2MB)
Backup - FY 2013 CIP (handout)(266KB)
Backup - George Shia NPA(2.4MB)
Backup - Hackberry(515KB)
Backup - Lantana Lot 1, Block B(44KB)
Backup - NPA-2012-0018.01, C14-2012-0053, NPA-2012-0018.02 Texas State Troopers and George Shia (handouts)(474KB)
Backup - Shire's Court(19KB)
Backup - Tarrytown Oaks(65KB)
Backup - Texas State Troopers NPA(2.0MB)
Backup - Texas State Troopers, George Shia Zoning 1 & 2(11KB)
Backup - Thomas C. Green Subdivision(259KB)
Backup - Travis Central Appraisal District (244KB)
Backup - UNO Affordability and Land Use (handout)(21KB)
Backup - West 34th St. Redevelopment, Tract A rezoning(2.7MB)
Backup - West 34th St. Redevelopment, Tract B rezoning(1.6MB)
Backup - West 34th St. Redevelopment, Tract C rezoning(2.0MB)
Backup - West 34th St. Redevelopment, Tract D rezoning(1.8MB)
Backup - West 34th Street Redevelopment NPA(1.6MB)
June 20, 2012 (Cancelled)
Committee on Neighborhood Planning Meeting
Cancellation Notice(106KB)
Backup - Affordability Impact Statement (45KB)
2012 Meetings: Page 4 of 10
Page updated: 1/10/2025