Nominate a Net-Zero Hero!

City Council has set a target of net-zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – and to meet this goal, everyone has to do their part. There are lots of people already helping make Austin greener – doing simple things that add up and protect the quality of life we have all come to love. Take for example our Net-Zero Heroes from 2016

2016 net-zero heroes
Read their stories...

The faces you see above are people who are just like you, Austinites who love our city. Their commitment to using alternative transportation, conserving energy, and reducing waste is shrinking their carbon footprint, as well as the footprint for the community as a whole. They inspire us because they are heroes we can relate to: our friends and neighbors.

We’d like to share even more of these stories in 2017, but we need your help. Who inspires you to live a little greener? Let us know at

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