Meet our new employee: Molly Ellsworth

A photo of Molly Ellsworth smiling in front of local plants. Behind her are trees and buildings, one with a green roof.

Join us in welcoming our newest team member: Molly Ellsworth! Molly is stepping into the role of Environmental Program Coordinator, where she will be working to support climate resilience efforts and advancing the goals of Austin's Climate Equity Plan. We asked Molly a few questions to learn more about her passions, her journey to this work, and what she's looking forward to in her new role.

Q: Where are you from, and what do you like best about your hometown?

A: I grew up in Portland, Oregon, and later moved to Madison, Wisconsin. In Portland, my favorite tradition was our family trips to Cannon Beach. I’d spend hours creating driftwood sculptures and exploring the tidepools! My family has always loved being in nature, so we were constantly heading out on a hiking or camping trip. In Madison, I appreciated the distinct seasons (except maybe the snow in May) and the strong sense of community. People there are incredibly friendly and always seemed to be out and about — cross-country skiing, impromptu concerts in the park, shopping at the farmer’s market, or checking out a new brewery.


Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and what interested you in joining the Office of Sustainability.

A: I knew from an early age that I was passionate about environmental justice. Part of my family is from the Muskogee Creek Nation, and dinnertime chats often found their way to sustainability topics. In high school, I had the opportunity to study abroad in China, where I felt the effects of poor air quality firsthand. I was fortunate enough to be able to follow these passions, and much of my career has centered on climate resilience. 

In 2016, I moved to Texas to work in the air emissions cap and trade program with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. In this role, I learned how programs like this can lower emissions, but can also disproportionately affect frontline communities. The experience inspired me to learn more about environmental justice policy. I became a consultant working with tribes and cities to support climate adaptation planning and fell in love with the process of co-producing solutions with communities. In my last role, I worked with community groups in Houston to develop climate action plans and implement resilience projects. Our biggest win was securing EPA funding for an air monitoring network in neighborhoods near industrial facilities. While the work in Houston was incredibly rewarding, I’m excited to turn my lens towards my now home: Austin. I'm looking forward to deepening my involvement in Austin’s environmental community and contributing to ongoing resilience and equity initiatives.


Q: What are you most excited to accomplish during your time with the Office of Sustainability?

A: I’m most excited to try to make our resilience planning efforts fully representative of Austin’s diversity. We know that climate change impacts everyone, but the impacts aren't felt equally across our communities. I'm looking forward to partnering with Austinites to ensure strategies are tailored to local needs. I’m also excited to dive into our study of refrigerant usage. Since starting with the office, I've been learning a lot about how refrigerants can contribute to climate change and the opportunities we have to mitigate their impact.


Q: What are some of your favorite things to do or places to go in Austin?

A: I live near Shoal Creek, so you’ll often find me walking the trail or tossing a frisbee in Pease Park. I’m also an avid beach volleyball player and can frequently be found in a pickup game at Aussie’s, Moontower, or one of our local parks. While I’ve only been here for eight years, I never feel like more of an Austinite than when I’m cheering on our sports teams — I try to attend as many UT and Austin FC games as I can!


Q: What is your favorite sustainable thing to do in your personal life?

A: When I first moved to Austin, I got involved with Shoal Creek Conservancy. I've really enjoyed participating in volunteer events like tree plantings and creek cleanups. It’s a great way to meet passionate people, get outside, and give back to the community. I'm continually shocked to see how many electric scooters we pull out of the creek! 


Q: What is your favorite food and why?

A: My absolute favorite food is mapo tofu — the spicier, the better! I spent my junior year of high school in China and fell in love with the numbing sensation found in Sichuan cuisine. The best mapo tofu I’ve found in Austin is at House of Three Gorges. I really appreciate their slogan: “Keep Austin Spicy.” 

