APD 100-Day Plan: A Message from the Chief

I am honored to serve as your Police Chief. I have rolled out my 100-day action plan aimed at improving

  1. Our agency’s recruitment, retention, and morale, 
  2. Community trust and prevention initiatives, and 
  3. APD's capacity for excellence and innovation.

Click here to read my entire plan.

I am deeply grateful to the community members who previously shared their voices and experiences to help shape APD's 5-year Strategic Plan. This 100-day process will further guide us in achieving our strategic objectives.

Over the last 100 days, I listened, learned, looked for, and am now working to launch initiatives to improve our agency and public safety in this great City.

I truly appreciate all of the feedback that was received. Over the next few months, we will be assessing and analyzing the feedback provided, as it is crucial to our success. 

- Lisa Davis, Austin Police Chief