Ridgeline Neighborhood Park has reached Site Plan approval and is now in the bidding process. A construction contract is anticipated in the Spring of 2025, with construction activities expected to start in Summer of 2025. The project will provide visible and safe access to the park and install amenities that align with community needs and environmental constraints. City Council District 6


Site Plan approval is now complete and bid advertisement for construction opened on January 13th, 2025. Upon approval of a construction contract by City Council, construction activities are expected to begin in the Summer of 2025. The proposed manufactured playground and fitness equipment has been removed from the Phase 1 scope of work to meet permit requirements and available funds.

Approved concept plan for Ridgeline Park shows a pedestrian sidewalk, benches and seating, nature play, fitness equipment, trails, and wetland enhancement


The 10.45 acres of parkland is located at 2701 South Lakeline Blvd., Austin, Texas 78613, and was acquired by the City of Austin in 1987, as part of the parkland dedication associated with the development of Lakeline Mall. Ridgeline Neighborhood Park is a City of Austin property, located in Williamson County bordering Cedar Park. The concept plan was approved in the summer of 2022.

Project Description

The property is currently undeveloped and lacks a sidewalk along South Lakeline Blvd street frontage. The parkland consists of forested areas, a wetland ecosystem, and two small streams that run through the park. Anticipated improvements to the park will preserve the natural environment and include a loop trail, public street sidewalk, picnic areas, playgrounds and/or workout zones, and park signage. The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) held (2) community engagement meetings to identify preferred amenities that align with the surrounding neighborhood.

Map with location of South Lakeline Neighborhood Park

Anticipated Schedule

Please note that as in any construction project, schedules are projected as accurately as possible. All dates are subject to change due to the nature of construction and the weather.

  • Fall 2021 to February 2022: Community engagement and initial concept design (complete)
  • Summer 2022 to Fall 2024: Design Development (complete)
  • Winter 2025: Permitting, bid solicitation, award, and contract execution (in progress)
  • Summer 2025: Construction start

Community Engagement

PARD reached out to Austin community members and stakeholder groups within a 0.5 to 1-mile radius of the park. Initial mail flyers were distributed to adjacent Austin neighbors, and additional outreach was made through social media. The project webpage will be updated at milestones with progress information and photos.

Community Meeting #1 (Virtual) 
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Presentation (PDF, 8 MB)
Meeting Chat (PDF, 100 KB)
Meeting Polling Results (PDF, 680 KB)

Community Survey #1: Report available here

Community Meeting #2 (Virtual) 
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Community Survey # 2: Report available here

Wetland area at South Lakeline Neighborhood Park

Funding and Resources

The project is funded by the City of Austin Parkland Dedication fees collected from nearby development in Austin.

Contact Information

For questions or more information, please contact James Wheeler, Landscape Architect, Parks, and Recreation Department by email or phone at (512) 974-9413.