Project Overview
The project includes the following:
- Stabilization of the creek to prevent loss of land and fences from erosion
- Creek beautification through the use of natural and native materials
- New landscaping and planting throughout the project area
- Relocation of a wastewater line
- Replacement of fences damaged by erosion
- Culvert upgrades to reduce flood risks
The Richmond Tributary is a small creek that flows into Williamson Creek, south of Ben White Boulevard. This project is located behind homes on Richmond Avenue and Gillis Street, between Redd Street and the railroad tracks.

Drainage Easements
To construct this project, the City will need to purchase drainage easements from property owners along the eroding creek. We will be accessing these easements to stabilize the creek bank and complete the project. Project Sponsors will be reaching out directly to impacted property owners.
A drainage easement gives the City limited rights to access and maintain infrastructure or to provide a place for water to flow. Drainage easements should only be used for growing grass and planting flowers. Property owners should not build fences, walls, sheds, or buildings within a drainage easement.
Project Status
Our capital improvement process includes the following phases:
- Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified, and costs are estimated.
- Design – when details are worked out and construction plans drawn up.
- Bidding and Permitting – when a contractor is hired, and all permits are acquired.
- Construction – when the project is built.
This project is currently in design with construction anticipated to begin in 2024.

Public Meeting
A public meeting will occur prior to construction starting. Meeting details to be posted at a later date. If you have questions or concerns beforehand, please reach out to the Project Sponsor.
Becca Villarreal, Public Information Specialist, 512-978-1953 or send an email to Becca Villarreal.