This project will improve the storm drain system in part of the Oak Knoll neighborhood. The project is located between Woodcrest Drive and Jollyville Road and between Broad Oaks Drive and Columbia Oaks Drive.

The type of flooding occurring in this area is known as local flooding. It generally occurs away from creeks. It occurs in areas where the drainage system of pipes and inlets is insufficient or undersized. The project area currently has a very limited drainage system, which is the main reason for flooding in the area.


January 2, 2025: Due to complex utility coordination efforts involving gas line relocation and fiber internet installation, construction for the Oak Knoll Flood Risk Reduction project has been delayed until spring 2025. The scope of the project remains the same, and it is now anticipated to reach substantial completion by late 2027.

Proposed Solution

The project consists of installing new storm drain pipes and inlets and improving existing pipes in the following areas:

  • Broad Oaks Dr.
  • Oak Knoll Dr.
  • Woodcrest Dr.
  • Columbia Oaks Dr. (project includes three side by side pipes)
  • Between backyards of houses on Three Oaks Trail and Columbia Oaks Dr.

It also includes improvements to a detention pond on Chelsea Moor near Broad Oaks Drive. We will increase the pond’s capacity by deepening it. We will connect the pond directly to the storm drain system

Map showing existing storm drain system and proposed new pipes.


Watershed Protection completed an in-house study of the Oak Knoll Drive area in 2014 and decided that a more comprehensive study of the area was needed. Subsequently, a consultant studied the entire area that drains to the culverts under U.S. Highway 183 near Duval Road. Within this area, the consultant evaluated three problem areas:

  1. Oak Knoll Drive
  2. Arabian Trail
  3. Bell Avenue

For each of the areas, the report identified three potential alternatives to reduce the risk of flooding. We are currently moving forward with the Oak Knoll project because the area is at a higher risk of flooding than the other two areas.


Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:

  • Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
  • Design – when the details are worked out and construction plans drawn up.
  • Bidding and Permitting – when a contractor is hired and all permits are acquired.
  • Construction – when the project is built.

The Austin City Council authorized the construction contract on Feb. 15, 2024.  The estimated cost is $9 million with funding coming from the 2018 bond election. 



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