Public Meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended the public meeting on September 10, 2024. If you missed the meeting, the slides are available.
Localized flooding occurs when the storm drain system of pipes and ditches is overwhelmed by heavy rainfall. Localized flooding occurs away from creeks.
The project includes:
- Installing new storm drain pipes
- Upgrading existing storm drain pipes
- Improvements to water and wastewater infrastructure
- Street repairs
- New sidewalks
Due to the size of the project, it has been divided into phases. The first map below shows the proposed storm drain system and sidewalks. The second shows proposed water and wastewater improvements. Different colors are used to indicate Phase 1 and Phase 2 on each map.
Map of Proposed Storm Drain System and Sidewalks

Map of Proposed Water and Wastewater Improvements
Status and Timeline
Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:
- Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
- Design – when the details are worked out and construction plans drawn up.
- Permitting and Bidding – when a contractor is hired and all permits are acquired.
- Construction – when the project is built.
Phase 1 of this project is nearing the end of the design phase. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025. However, neighbors may notice construction activity before then since Texas Gas Service will be relocating gas lines in advance of this project.
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