Rainey Street Permit Updates

Rainey Street Permit Updates – 02/17/25

Below, you will find the active and pending right of way permits for the area around Rainey Street as of February 17, 2025. You can note the permit number, contractor, location, permit open and close date, as well as a description of the work being done.

Contact Information for the permit holders and/or project contractors can be found by clicking on the permit number and accessing the hyperlink connecting to the Austin Build + Connect portal.

Permit Dates reflect the date range when work is allowed under the permit. Work can begin at any time within the permit window.

Work schedules and scope are subject to change and unforeseen delays due to weather, utility issues, etc. Unpermitted work in the right of way may also be present.

Please contact ROW Project Coordinator, Evelyn Powers at rightofway@austintexas.gov or call the ROW office at 512-974-7828 if you have any further questions.

map of Rainey Street closures

Active Permits

Below is a list of active right of way permits as of Monday, February 3, 2025.

Bierce Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

Cesar Chavez Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

Cummings Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

25-003321 EX


Austin Energy/ FRI 700 block Cummings St 01/29/25 05/30/25 Installing electrical duct bank Parking spaces on Cummings St and east Bound travel lane coming off of Rainey St

Davis Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

24-066599 EX


Mastec 600 Block Davis St 1/17/25 1/31/25 Installing electrical duct bank Behind existing long term closure and closing the alley entrance between Red River St and Rainey St

Driskill Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure
24-106019 RW Grande/R&S 600 Block Driskill St 10/03/24 03/02/25 fiber splicing and overlash near existing utility pole Road narrows – but two way traffic is maintained

East Avenue

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

24-124584 EX


AE/FRI East Ave 10/21/24 3/31/25 Installing electrical duct bank along East Avenue Full closure of East Avenue from River Street to Lambie Street
24-012763 DS Sungrow/SLC East Ave 2/13/24 4/15/24 Construct new sidewalk and driveway approach Behind existing closure
25-001811 EX ATT East Ave Alley 2/7/25 3/12/25 Replacing two poles Partial alley closure

Rainey Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure
22-034116 RW Flintco 90-97 Rainey St 4/4/22 3/7/25 Long-term closure for duration of project Sidewalk / parking on north side of Davis Street, Rainey Street metered parking & sidewalk (west curb) just north of Davis Street intersection
22-167152 RW JE Dunn 80 Rainey St 1/10/23 06/28/25 Long-term sidewalk and bike lane closure for duration of 48 story tower project Rainey Street sidewalk (west side) and parking closed on both sides to maintain two-way vehicular traffic

23-022904 RW


Ironwood/Trine 91 Rainey St 6/28/23 3/31/25 Repair to building at southwest corner. None (covered pedestrian walkway provided)
24-012446 DS Sungrow 60-90 Rainey St 2/13/24 4/15/25 Construct new sidewalk of 100 LF and curb & gutter of 100 F Behind existing closure
24-140823 EX Austin Energy/Facilities Rehab 60-90 block Rainey St 01/29/25 05/30/25 installation of  energy duct bank Duct bank along Rainey St. Northbound lane of Rainey St closed just north of Cummings St

Red River Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure
22-006772 RW DPR Construction 98 Red River St 5/28/22 5/11/25 Long-term travel lane and sidewalk closure for duration of project Travel lane and sidewalk closure on south side of Cesar Chavez Street and west side of Red River Street; east sidewalk on Red River Street closed to maintain two-way vehicular traffic

River Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

Pending Permits

The list below includes new permits that are under review, or subject to potential extension.

Bierce Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

Cesar Chavez Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

24-162343 RW


GAATN/Brycomm Red River St & E Cesar Chavez St     Manhole access TBD

Cummings Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure
23-079476 RW GFT / B. Robinson 700 block Cummings St 3/24/24 1/11/25 Installing aerial fiber Travel lane and sidewalk closure on north curb

Davis Street

Permit #






Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

24-066599 EX


Mastec 600 Block Davis St 1/17/25 1/31/25 Installing electrical duct bank Behind existing long term closure and closing the alley entrance between Red River St and Rainey St

Driskill Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure
24-061517 EX[JS1] TGS 700 Block Driskill St     Replacing gas main Sidewalk closure

24-106019 RW


Grande/SS 600 block Driskill St     Installing aerial fiber Road narrows

East Avenue

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

Rainey Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

25-003194 EX


Mastec 80 Rainey St     Installing electrical conduit, risers and pull boxes  

Red River Street

Permit #


Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure

24-167362 DS


JE Dunn 80 Red River St     Repairing driveway apron TBD

24-167335 EX

JE Dunn 80 Red River St     Pavement restoration TBD

24-162351 RW

GAATN/Brycomm Red River St & E Cesar Chavez St     Manhole access TBD

25-012768 RW


Ranger 84 block Red River St     Glass repair Pedestrian covered walkway

River Street

Permit # Contractor Location Permit Open Date Permit Close Date Description Closure
25-016362 EX Austin Energy/Facilities Rehab 500-600 block River St     Installing electrical duct bank TBD


Additional information on private development with ROW work in the area can be found in the Development Tracker and Property Profile tools linked below.