The Development Services Department aims to bring our communities to a safe standard for Austin residents and visitors. If you receive an Administrative Citation for a City of Austin Code Violation you will be automatically scheduled for an Administrative Hearing per City of Austin Ordinance No. 20170413-002. and City Code Chapter 2-13.
I Would Like to Know About
Payments | Attending a Hearing | Rescheduling | Appeal
I Want to Pay a Citation or Order
You may pay a citation or order by mail or by phone.
- Pay by Mail
- Make check payable to: Development Services Department. You must include the Citation number on your check.
- Mail to: Development Services Department - Finance, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767
- Pay By Phone
- Call the Development Services Department Cashier’s Office at 512-974-7045
- Pay by phone is available Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
I Do Not Want a Hearing
You may choose to pay the fine for the cited violation instead of attending an administrative hearing. You must pay the fine within ten (10) business days from the Violation Date on the citation. You must clear the violation on your property. If you do not clear the violation, you may be cited again.
Fine Amount – How Much Do I Pay?
Look at your Citation to see which City Code you were cited for and what the Occurrence Number is.
- City Code & Occurrence Fee Schedule
If you were cited for one of the following City Codes:
10-5-21, Unsanitary Conditions
25-12-211, IPMC Violation
The fine amount is:
$250.00 — Occurrence Number 1
$500.00 — Occurrence Number 2
$750.00 — Occurrence Number 3+
If you were cited for one of the following City Codes:
25-2-899, Fence Height
25-2-893 (B)(7), RV & Boat Screening
25-11-32, Work Without Permit — Commercial
25-12-241, Work Without Permit — Residential
25-2-794, General Requirements for Short-Term Rentals
The fine amount is:
$500.00 — Occurrence Number 1
$750.00 — Occurrence Number 2
$1,000.00 — Occurrence Number 3+
Paying the fine amount listed above will satisfy the citation. This means the citation will not be set for a hearing with a hearing officer.
The penalty for a liable outcome is determined by the hearing officer and may be different than noted above. Owners found liable for a cited violation will also be assessed an administrative hearing fee.
You must still bring the property into compliance by addressing the cited violation at the property. You are responsible for contacting the Code Compliance Inspector listed on the citation to set up a final inspection.
Do you still have questions? Call the Development Services Department Cashier’s Office at 512-974-9142 or email
I Want a Hearing
Administrative hearings are quasi-judicial proceedings overseen by an administrative hearing officer. The hearing officer will hear the evidence and issue a written order within seven (7) business days of the hearing. You have three (3) options for attending your hearing, including by phone or virtually.
- Attend In Person
Administrative hearings take place at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752. Please click here for directions. Free parking is available next to the building.
Hearings take place, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
You may park in the parking garage; however, the parking garage is not free. Staff will not be able to validate your parking.
- Attend By Phone
You must contact us at least seven (7) business days before your scheduled hearing to let us know you want to attend by phone. We need to provide you with the access code for your hearing. Call 512-974-9167 to get your access code or Email:
Read the Remote Administrative Hearing Guide in English (PDF) or the Remote Administrative Hearing Guide in Spanish (PDF). - Attend Virtually
The City of Austin uses Microsoft TEAMS for all video hearings.
You must contact us at least seven (7) business days before your scheduled hearing to let us know you want to attend by Video. We need to provide you with the access code for your hearing. Call 512-974-9167 to get your access code or Email:
Read the Remote Administrative Hearing Guide in English (PDF) or the Remote Administrative Hearing Guide in Spanish (PDF).
Facts, Photos, and Evidence
You will have an opportunity to hear and see the City’s facts, photos, and evidence at the Administrative Hearing.
- Get a Copy of the City's Evidence
Call 512-974-9167 or email
You will also have an opportunity to explain your situation and show your facts, photos, and evidence.
- Submit My Evidence
It is important to understand that the purpose of an administrative hearing is to determine if your property was in violation of a city code on the date the citation was issued.
If you have evidence, including documents, permits, photos, and/or receipts, that clearly show your property was not in violation of the city code you were cited for, you may send your evidence to the hearing coordinator. Any evidence you submit will be included in the administrative hearing case packet that will be presented to the hearing officer on the day of the hearing.
Email your evidence to with the subject line "My Evidence".
Inspector Attendance
Per City of Austin Ordinance No. 20170413-002, you must contact us at least seven (7) business days before your scheduled hearing to let us know that you want the assigned Code Compliance Inspector to attend your hearing. Please call: 512-974-9167 or email:
What to Expect At a Hearing
Please read the information sheet in English (PDF) or Spanish (PDF) to help you prepare for your scheduled administrative hearing and know what to expect when you arrive.
I Need to Reschedule
You must contact us in writing at, at least five (5) business days before your scheduled hearing if you are unable to attend your hearing and you want to reschedule. Rescheduling requests are only approved when a legitimate “for cause” situation is supported by documentation.
If you cannot attend in person you may also attend virtually.
Interpreters, Translators, and Accommodations
The City of Austin complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended. To request a sign language interpreter at the hearing, ensure mobility access to the meeting room, or request alternates to print format, i.e., Braille, large print, contact the ADA office at 512-974-3256.
If you require translation services or accommodations at the hearing, please make your requests at least seven (7) business days before your scheduled hearing. You can call: 512-974-9167 or email:
Hearing Decision - When Will I Get the Order?
The hearing officer may issue a decision/order at the end of the hearing, but the written decision/order will not be issued until seven (7) business days after the hearing. The decision/order will be emailed to you or sent by U.S. mail. There are two (2) outcomes from the administrative hearing.
- Liable
If you are found liable for the violation, the decision/order will include information on the penalty assessed and your right to appeal. Please note that if you do not attend your scheduled hearing, you will waive your right to appeal.
If you are found liable for the violation, the decision/order will include a required administrative fee set by city council.
The penalty for a liable outcome is determined by the hearing officer and may be different than the penalty paid in lieu of a hearing . Owners found liable for a cited violation will also be assessed an administrative hearing fee.
You must clear the violation on your property. If you do not clear the violation, you may be cited again.
- Not Liable
If you are found not liable for the violation, you will not be assessed a penalty or administrative fee.
You must clear the violation on your property. If you do not clear the violation, you may be cited again.
What If I Do Nothing?
If you do not pay the citation within ten (10) business days of the citation date you will automatically be scheduled for a hearing. The City will send you a letter with the date, time, and location of your hearing and post your property with the hearing date and time.
For properties located in Travis County, the Development Services Department sends all mail to the property owner’s address on file with the Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD).
If you have questions or concerns about an address on file with TCAD, you must contact TCAD directly:
As a courtesy, the Development Services Department may also post a Notice of Violation Letter and/or a Notice of Administrative Hearing Letter at the violation property address.
If you fail to appear for your scheduled hearing, a default judgment may be entered against you. This means you may be found liable for the cited violation and you may have to pay a penalty and an administrative fee.
- No Show or Late Arrivals
It is important to know that a “No-show” waives your right to an appeal.
Late arrivals that show up thirty (30) minutes or later after the hearing begins will be considered a “No show.”
All administrative hearings begin at 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. – see your Notice of Hearing letter for your hearing time.
- Collections
Administrative hearing cases under Chapter 2-13 are against the individual, not the property.
If an administrative hearing officer rules in favor of the city and finds an individual liable for the cited violation, the city can send a demand letter to the individual who was named in the citation.
If the individual fails to respond, the City Code/State law allows the City to sue the individual named in the citation to collect the penalty assessed by the hearing officer.
Administrative hearing orders are filed only with the City Clerk.
I Want to Appeal
If you were found liable by a Hearing Officer, and you attended your hearing, you may appeal the decision/order by:
- Filing a petition with the Clerk of the Municipal Court before the 31st day after the Hearing Officer's decision/order is filed with the City Clerk; and
- Paying a non-refundable filing fee.
If you did not attend your scheduled hearing, you are not entitled to an appeal hearing under Section 2-13-21 or the Municipal Code.
- File An Appeal
To file an appeal, you must fill out the Municipal Court Administrative Hearing Appeal Form (PDF).
The contact information for Municipal Court is:
Phone: 512-974-4800
Location: 6800 Burleson Road, Building 310 Ste 175, Austin, Texas 78744
Additional Information
For questions regarding a citation or the administrative hearing process, please call 512-974-9167, or email, or contact DSD Code Connect.
Public/Media Attendance & Testimony
Members of the public and media are welcome to attend all administrative hearings. If you want to observe an administrative hearing please contact the Administrative Hearing Coordinator. The coordinator will provide you with the dates/times of upcoming hearings. Members of the media must provide a 24-hour notice prior to arrival at an administrative hearing. You can call 512-974-9167 or email
As outlined in §2-13 of the city ordinance, an administrative hearing is a quasi-judicial process whereby the cited property owner is given an opportunity to respond to an administrative citation. Per the city ordinance, a hearing officer makes the hearing decision based on the evidence presented by the city and the cited owner. Administrative hearings are open to the public however, the public is not a permitted participant.
Direct testimony from interested parties, neighbors, and members of the public is not granted in the ordinance.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the hearing officers will accept a notarized statement related to a particular property. If you are an interested party, i.e. a neighbor, a tenant, etc., you may send a notarized statement to the Development Services Department, via US mail or email.
City of Austin
Development Services Department
CRED - Administrative Hearings
P.O. Box 1088
Austin, TX 78767
Legal Authority
City Code Chapter 2-13, Administrative Adjudication of Violations.