The Repeat Offender Program (ROP) was created in 2013 as a rental registration program for properties with multiple code violations. The intent of City Council in passing this ordinance and its amendment was to ensure Austin renters are living in properties that meet minimum health and safety standards, as defined by the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC).
This page provides information and resources to help you understand the program requirements and ensure the safety of your property. Information is also available for renters and residents.
What you will find on this page:
Owners and Property Managers
- Criteria and Requirements
The City of Austin requires multi-family and single-family rental properties (not occupied by the owner) that have met the following conditions during a 24-month period to register for the Repeat Offender Program:
Received two or more separate notices of violation for conditions that are dangerous (likely to cause physical harm or injury to someone) or impair habitability (impair the quality of life for a tenant, such as problems with hot water, electrical service, heating, electrical hazard or infestation) for the same property and failed to correct the violations within the time frame required.
Received five or more separate notices of violation for conditions that are dangerous or impair habitability (as defined above) which are issued on separate days for the same property regardless of whether the violation was corrected or not.
Was issued two or more citations for the same property.The owner of a property must register within 14 days of notification. The property owner will remain on the repeat offender list for a minimum of two years. This information is available to the public on the Map of Repeat Offender Registrations.
Properties will be inspected annually to ensure compliance.
Exceptions only apply to owner-occupied rentals and units regulated by another section of the code (e.g. hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts).
- Appeal
If the owner would like to appeal the registration, they must submit a statement that supports the appeal. This must be in writing within 10 days from the date the notice was mailed and emailed to or sent to:
City of Austin - DSD Code Compliance
Attn: ROP
P.O. Box 1088
Austin, TX 78767 - Registration, Renewal, and Fees
How to Register or Renew
Registration must be submitted within 14 days of notification. Please complete the following steps to register your property with the City of Austin’s Repeat Offender’s Program.
Complete Registration Form
Print and complete the Repeat Offender Rental Registration Form (PDF).
If the owner is a corporation or association, the name and address of the registered agent on file with the Texas Secretary of State will be required. The owner will also need to provide the number of individual rental units and buildings at the property and a telephone number that will be answered 24 hours a day by a local contact (i.e. emergency phone number).
Be sure to check the box next to the Acknowledgment Statement and sign the registration form.
Fees and Payment Methods
$660 - Registration and Renewal Fee
Payment Methods
- Cash (in person only)
- Check or Money Order payable to the "City of Austin" (by mail or in person)
- Credit Card (by phone or in person)
If you are making a payment in person, contact us before coming in.
Submit Registration and Payment
There are two options to submit your registration and payment, by mail or in-person.
Mail your completed registration form and cashiers check or money order via USPS Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested to:
City of Austin - DSD Code Compliance
Attn: Finance - ROP
P.O. Box 1088
Austin, TX 78767You can also call 512-974-9142 to pay via credit card.
Cash, check, money order, and credit card payments are accepted in person. Contact us before coming in to submit your registration form and payment in person at the Permitting and Development Center (PDC).
City of Austin Permitting and Development Center
6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive
Austin, TX 78752Registrations mailed to this address will be returned.
You will receive a confirmation and registration certificate in the mail upon submission of all required documents and fees.
View the "Signage Requirements" section for information on displaying your registration certificate and required signage.
- Signage Requirements
Registration Certificate
The registration certificate must be displayed in a public area at the property.
Common Area Signage
Signage must be displayed in English and Spanish that includes the property's emergency phone number (described in Texas Property Code Section 92.020) and information regarding how to report code violations to the City. If there is any change to the emergency phone number a corrected sign must be posted within 3 days.
Multi-family Properties
For multi-family properties, one sign must be displayed for every 50 units (e.g. by mailboxes, information board, laundry room, club house). If the property has more than 50 units, signs may not be posted in the same area.
Signage must also satisfy the following criteria:
- Must be a minimum of 12 inches x 24 inches
- Must be made of weather-proof material
- Must have a white background with letters and numbers in a contrasting color
This sign meets the requirements of the ordinance and is in a format easily provided to a sign company:
- Multi-family Template (PDF)
Single-family Properties
Signage must also satisfy the following criteria:
- Must be a minimum of 8.5 inches x 11 inches
- Must have a white background with letters and numbers in a contrasting color
This sign meets the requirements of the ordinance and is in a format easily provided to a sign company:
- Single-family Template (PDF)
Signage posted in a common area (mail room) at a multi-family property.
- Suspension and Revocation Process
A property may have its registration suspended or revoked. ROP properties with suspended or revoked registration will not be able to lease vacant or initially vacant units that were or become vacant until the property is brought into compliance and will see a loss of revenue. The intent of suspension and revocation is to incentivize property owners to expedite compliance to restore that lost income.
Qualifying Conditions
Properties registered on the Repeat Offender Program (ROP) may have their registration suspended or revoked. Properties with suspended or revoked ROP registrations will be required to keep vacant units empty until they come into compliance. Any one of the conditions below may trigger a review for suspension or revocation. At each review step, the suspension and revocation process can be discontinued. Each property is unique. Decisions may be based on history, the severity or frequency of the citation, or other factors as deemed relevant.
- Registrant fails to comply with permitting requirements.
- Registrant fails to timely comply with Notice of Violation (NOV).
- Failure to comply with all obligations specified in the ordinance.
- Property is declared substandard by Building and Standards Commission, Code Official, or a court.
- Property is declared dangerous by Building and Standards Commission, Code Official, or a court.
Internal Review Process
- If a qualifying condition exists, a field inspector, in consultation with a supervisor, may recommend suspending or revoking an ROP registration. The clock starts.
- The Division Manager and Assistant Director review the case and the inspector's recommendation. They forward their recommendation to the Code Official within 10 days.
- The Code Official reviews both the recommendations and the details of the case within 10 days, aiming for a fair and consistent outcome. Then, an official recommendation is made.
- If the Code Official determines that a property qualifies for suspension or revocation, then a Notice of Intent to suspend or revoke will be sent to the property owner. The Notice of Intent to suspend or revoke is sent by both regular and certified mail within 5 days of the Code Official’s determination.
Suspension or revocation is effective until the registrant complies with an order from the Building and Standards Commission, DSD Code Compliance, or a court. A ROP property with a suspended or revoked registration is restricted from renting units that were or become vacant. They may not lease or otherwise allow a vacant unit to become occupied by new tenants. A property’s ROP registration may be revoked if dangerous conditions are found and not corrected. It may also be revoked if an order to vacate is issued.
Should an ROP property registration be revoked rather than suspended, the owner will be required to reapply for registration and pay a new registration fee. The property will also begin the minimum registration period over.
Potential Courses of Action
An appeal must:
- Be submitted to the Code Official within 10 days of notification of suspension or revocation.
- Contain a brief statement of the facts that support the appeal.
The Building and Standards Commission can grant the appeal and reverse the suspension or revocation. However, it may also deny the appeal. If denied, a property owner may appeal to the District Court.
After a ROP property has achieved compliance with City Code, a Code Official may reinstate the registration.
- Change in Ownership
Registration is non-transferable. If the property is sold, the new owner will have 30 days to submit a new Repeat Offender registration form and pay a new registration fee, if applicable. If the rental property is made compliant within 90 days after the property is sold, the property will be taken off of the Repeat Offender list.
Renters and Residents
The Code Compliance Resources webpage provides renters and residents with the tools and information to submit and track complaints, understand how Code Compliance responds to cases, and know their rights when it comes to protection against retaliation. Visit the Code Compliance Resources webpage to learn more.
Information on Common Code Violations can be found in the Resources section on this page.
Contact us through DSD Code Connect at 512-974-2633 or by email.
Map & Data
Search for ROP registrants and explore code complaints by address across the city. For deeper insights, you can also access program audits and quarterly reports.
ROP Registration Dashboard
This dashboard shows a map of the ROP Registrations List displaying properties currently registered in the Repeat Offender Program. View the ROP Registration Dashboard Tutorial video to learn more about using the dashboard.
Citizen Connect
Citizen Connect is a tool that shows all code complaints in the City by address, case number, or region.
Program Audit
In 2020, an audit was conducted on the Repeat Offender Program, and a report was compiled.
- Audit Report (PDF)
- Informe de auditoría (PDF)
ROP Quarterly Reports
Contact us to request a copy an older report.
- 2025 - Quarter One (PDF)
- 2024 (PDF)
- 2023 (PDF)
- 2022 (PDF)
ROP Education Packet — Learn about information and resources available to help you understand the program requirements and ensure your property stays safe. Download the ROP Education Packet (PDF).
Common Code Violations — Visit the Common Code Violations webpage to learn about the most common violations.