The MIOP Team
MIOP's team consists of DSHS Certified Community Health Workers (CHWs) with direct lived experience who provide psychosocial support to Black and African American women in Travis County. MIOP CHWs are paired with expecting mothers and provide one-on-one support through home visits, navigation of social services, and overall maternal and infant health education through a reproductive justice lens. Our team come from the very communities we serve which uniquely qualifies their deep understanding of strengths and struggles experienced in Austin's Black and African American communities. .

The Why
A significant racial disparity is evident when examining the data on infant morality locally. Of infant deaths in Austin for 2021, 16% were Black, when Black people make up only 7.8% of the Austin population according 2019 Census population estimates. In comparison, 35% of the infant deaths were White, Non-Hispanic however White, Non-Hispanic people account for a larger percentage (48.3%) of the Austin population. (Austin Public Health, 2022)
Nationwide, Black women are 3x more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White women (CDC, 2022).

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I qualify? Women who are planning a pregnancy, currently pregnant, or already have a child are eligible.
How do I apply? Through a simple intake form with your community health worker (CHW) by phone or in person.
Who will provide support from MIOP? MIOP has a number of different CHWs that can be assigned to you. All have participated in extensive, culturally specific training and have undergone background checks.
I don't have transportation. How will I meet with my CHW? Your CHW can come to your home or a nearby location to meet with you.
What if I feel like my CHW is not a good fit for me? We understand the importance of having a CHW you are comfortable with. You can interview more than one CHW to find the best fit for you. If you prefer to switch to a different CHW, you can do so at any time.
How long can I be in the program? Pregnant women can receive support for up to one year after the birth of their child. Women who are not pregnant may also be eligible for services.
What if I no longer want to be in this program? Your participation is voluntary. You can discontinue services at any time.