To serve as the coordinating focal point for preparedness, response, recovery, and education in any emergency or disaster that disrupts the community.
- HSEM Staff
Executive Staff
Jim Redick | Director
Bill Wilson | Assistant Director
Vacant | Assistant Director
Sara Henry | Interim Chief Administrative Officer
Yahel Baranovicht | Business Process Specialist
Emergency Plans & Operations
Leroy Granado | Emergency Management Manager
Louis Gonzales | Chief Emergency Plans Officer
Jason Rosson | Senior Emergency Plans Officer
Vacant | Senior Emergency Plans Officer
Jo Mackin | Emergency Plans Officer
Public Information and Marketing + Community Engagement and Outreach
David Wiechmann | Acting Public Information & Marketing Program Manager
David Alcorta | Community Engagement Specialist - Language Access
Billy Callis | Public Information Officer, Sr.
Christine Casebeer | Community Engagement Specialist
Matt Coleman | Marketing Rep B, Graphic Design
Valeria Osorio | Community Engagement Specialist
Vacant | Finance Manager
Garrison Leinberger | Program Manager
Latrisha Nava | Program Manager
Stephanie Peden | Business Process Specialist
Vacant | Municipal Program Professional
Cynthia Smith | Accounting Associate
Tanner Hunt | Chief Emergency Plans Officer - Logistics
Ronald Gregoire | Logistics Program Manager
Angie Bryant | Logistics Inventory Planner
Mass Care
Donny Cummings | Chief Emergency Mass Care Officer
Natalie Lyell | Resilience Network Manager
Vacant | Program Manager
Jarred Radebaugh | Community Services Program Coordinator
Aarsi Desai | Community Services Program Coordinator
Business & Technology
Nate Casebeer | Business Process Consultant Sr.
Jay Thibodeaux | Program Manager
- National Emergency Management Accreditation

In 2017, the national Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) has reconfirmed the City of Austin’s emergency management program is among the elite emergency management leaders, following a full accreditation granted by the EMAP Commission.
The Commission announced the accreditation after conducting a peer-reviewed assessment of the City of Austin’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (Austin HSEM), which documented Austin HSEM’s compliance with 64 industry-recognized standards.
In 2012, the City of Austin was the first city in Texas to earn the voluntary five-year EMAP accreditation.
- Facilities and Operations
Austin/Travis County Emergency Operations Center
The Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management maintain the Austin/Travis County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in partnership with Travis County.
During area-wide emergencies, the EOC serves as the command center for the City of Austin and Travis County response and recovery operations.
A variety of communications tools and backup systems are installed in the EOC to aid in the receipt and release of vital information.
The EOC brings together City departments and regional partners to coordinate the flow of information and strategy development. Organizations and government agencies send representatives during an EOC activation, depending on the type and severity of emergency.
Incident Command System
HSEM staff are trained in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Incident Management System. The Incident Command System (ICS), is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazards incident management approach. It allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures and communications operating within a common organizational structure, enables a coordinated response among various jurisdictions and functional agencies, both public and private, and establishes common processes for planning and managing resources.
Read more about the Incident Command System on FEMA’s website.
- Community Grants
FEMA Nonprofit Security Grant Program provides funding support for facility hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack.